《Jane's hidden past ✔️》20


Jane pov...

I wake up ready for a busy day, I have breakfast and my doctor comes in for his daily rounds to check on me and to tell me what's happening today.

I am left for a little bit before I am taken to radiology to have the x-ray on my legs. They cut off the cast then take me to get the x-ray. I wait for the doctor to come in with the results. They show that the bone has healed how they want and the casts can come off now. They would normally put someone in a moonboot after the surgery but I can't walk with both feet in a moonboot so they will leave it off. I am to go to physiotherapy to start strengthening my feet and learning how to use them again. I am given a Zimmer frame(walker) to help me with moving and to have a bit of support. I get a few exercises and practice walking before I am sent back to my room. It will be nice that I can walk now, it will take a while to walk normally after all the damage and it will be painful but I'm thankful that I am still able to walk.

I head back to my room and get on the bed. I have my lunch before the doctor runs a few tests. Everything is good so the nurse can set up my chemo drip. I am getting a high strength dose three days in a row then I have nothing for three weeks as it is done in a cycle. Today is day three for the cycle and I have to sit in the bed for a few hours while the chemo is pumped into my body. I have have a second IV set up which is pumping fluids into my body as the treatment makes me very sick and I vomit everything inside of me. They have put me on fluids to stop me from getting dehydrated when I am so sick. I pass the time with more tv shows and playing on my phone. I am getting through lots of tv and movies with my time here.


The nurse comes back in to check the chemo and the dose is finished. He disconnects the equipment and leaves. There will be another nurse or a doctor to check on me again soon but now I will go to sleep as that helps me to stop feeling so sick.

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