《Jane's hidden past ✔️》19


Jane pov...

Once I am in the operating room I watch them get ready. I can see the equipment all ready to go and Dr. Pearson stands near my head while the anaesthesiologist is on the other. Dr. Pearson says "it's time Jane, I will be there when you wake up"

A mask is put on my face and I count down from ten, I start feeling tired before I don't feel anything and I feel like I am floating before I fall asleep.

I wake up slowly and try not to move. I feel like I've just woken up and want to go back to sleep, I blink my eyes and move them to adjust to waking up. It isn't long before Dr. Pearson comes over and says "good to see you awake Jane, the surgery went as planned and the tumour was removed. We need to do a few tests to make sure we didn't affect anything in your brain"

I am made to do similar tests as last time with questions and movements, Dr. Pearson is happy with everything she sees.

She says "you will go back to your room now, have something to eat and drink. Rest as you may still be tired, I will leave you tonight and we will give you another MRI test tomorrow to see if the tumour has been removed fully and then we will talk about the next step of treatment"

I say "okay, thank you"

I am taken to my room again and the sort out my machines. If I need anything I just have to press the call button, I have to keep lying down for the next day as much as I can. My bed needs to be flat most of the time but I am allowed to use the controls to make the bed bend so I am in a more upright position for when I eat but then the bed has to go back to being flat. I can't leave the bed, not that I could have anyway with casts on both my legs.

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