《Promise » n.yt》07 | view


Summer already came, and it was a getaway for all the highschool students. As for Yuta and Hyagura, they still spent their time together. "Ey Yagu, my sister's visiting us this summer. Do you want to meet her?" She looked at Yuta and nodded. "I mean, if she wouldn't mind." She laughed awkwardly and patted her hair down. It was getting frizzier and drier since it was summer, and her bangs already grew long, long enough to cover her whole face.

"No, no she wouldn't. I bet she'll love you." He reassured her, patting her back in the process. To Hyagura, it felt like her heart was going to explode any second, it was palpitating and she hated the feeling. "When?" She asked. "Tomorrow afternoon." He told her. Now Hyagura felt like dying, she didn't know why she was so nervous. Is it normal for her to feel nervous? Would his sister like her? She knew he reassured her already, but was it enough? Why was she even concerned if his sister liked her, it's not like they're together.

"Okay then." She sighed inwardly and continued to stare at the setting sun. She liked how the darkness contrasted with the streaks of red, yellow and orange appear in the sky. They were at a hill near their village, and it was a favourite spot for the both of them. The grass was green and flowers grew there, especially, no one really went here. So, they had the hill all to themselves.

Yuta enjoyed the view as well, except that, the person beside him was the view.

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