《Promise » n.yt》03 | hiroshima tour


"Oh, Yuta! Hi!" The named boy tensed, he was not expecting to see her just yet. He gulped nervously and wiped his mouth with the palm of his hand, turning around just to see the girl's face framed with a baby pink squared glasses. She looked cute, and that made his heart palpitate. No, you just met her last week. You can't do that. He thought as he unknowingly stared at her petite figure.

She tilted her head and waved a hand infront of him, he flinched and licked his lips. He rubbed his ears and smiled tightly at the girl, Hyagura smiled back and sat infront of him. "So, why are you all alone?" Hyagura ruffled her bangs and fixed her glasses, making Yuta gulp. "I, wanted to explore the town." He muttered silently making the girl in front of him nod. "Say, since you're here. Why don't I just give you a tour around town? It's really pretty here."

"I've been told so." He licked his lips again, Hyagura noticed and identified it as a small habit of his, he looked like a kitten. She looked at the table and saw that his meal was already finished. "Let's go now?" Yuta nodded timidly and stood up. The girl smiled and dragged him out of the store and into the streets of the small city named, Hiroshima.

"By the way, of course you studied this already, but, a nuke exploded here in this very place." Hyagura pointed at the little plaza, it looked really peaceful and clean. The people who taught him the history of Japan described this place as a really creepy town. They told him that yokais roam around the streets of Hiroshima, but, he didn't want to believe it. He wanted to tell himself that it was a really peaceful place that brought a beautiful story, and he was right.


Hyagura eagerly explained how the area became peaceful again. Yuta glanced at her as she talked, making his ears red. She was really cute, he liked how her personality was so outgoing, not like him. He was a shy and nervous mess, especially that he was in a new environment. He wanted to be just like Hyagura, a sweet girl that freely talks about everything like it wasn't even a big deal.

Hyagura, on the other hand, did like him. She wanted to be like him too, shy and quiet. She easily adapted to everything, even though it involved losing another thing that was important to her. She couldn't let go of the past and open up about to anyone, which she would regret afterwards. She wanted her loud mouth to just shut tight and keep everything to herself, that way, she won't need to tell anyone her lame stories.

The girl looked at Yuta because she noticed he was staring. "I know I'm pretty, but you don't need to stare at my face." She teased and he immediately looked away. His face heated red, to which Hyagura smirked at. "Come on, I wanna show you something."

She dragged him again towards a bike rental store. "You do know how to ride a bike, right?" He nodded and smiled. It was one of his hobbies, biking around Osaka. Hyagura smiled cheekily and went inside the shop. "Can we borrow two bikes please?" The sales lady smiled and gave her helmets, because safety first.

She went out again and handed Yuta a helmet before going to where the bikes were parked, she picked one and waited for Yuta to pick his. He smiled at Hyagura and she swore, his smile was really pretty. It looked like flowers will bloom once they saw his smile. She smiled back, her eyes closing in the process. And they took off, biking around the little town of Hiroshima.

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