《I Need You - Klaroline Story》Hang out as friends


Caroline's POV

I told everything that happened in the party to Stefan, because he is my best friend and the person I go for advices...

"Care, do you really like him?" Stefan asked.

"That's the problem. I like him and when I start to get attached to someone, it happens always something wrong." I said looking at the ground.

"You need to be positive" he said smiling because of the blood bag I was drinking.

"Very funny" I said and then stop smiling and asked "Do you think I am a horrible person for drinking other's person blood?"

"No. I couldn't do it because I can't control myself but you... You are the most person in control, I am starting to believe that you born to be a vampire." He said smiling and I smiled back at him.

Today I went to the cemetery and talk to Stefan and now I am coming back to college.

I was opening the door in my door and hear Klaus asking Rebekah "What do you think?"

"Hey Care!" She said looking at me with her eyes really open. Crap! He must been talking about the party.

"Hi! I was about to leave my stuff here so I could go to the bar so.... Continue to do whatever your doing." I said and use my vampire speed to get out of there.

Klaus's POV

"I better go talk to her." I said and went to the bar.

"Hello love"


"I would like to talk about the events that happened last night..." I said.

"It shouldn't happen. It was wrong. I was too high on blood." She said coldly. That hurt me, because I really liked her, but I didn't show my emotion I put my poker face on so she couldn't see my true feelings.


"Yeah, it was what I was about to tell you... But I wanted to ask you if we are good."

"Yeah, we are"

We talked about Rebekah and Stefan and then from the blue I asked her "would you like to meet me here on the bar? Not like a date, just like 2 friends hanging out..."

"I would love that."

"Great! Meet you at 10 pm"

Klaus's POV

I went to the bar and saw Caroline already there, she was talking with the bartender and the freaking bartender was flirting with her. When I get finally over Tyler, I have to compete with some bartender and her first boyfriend, Stiles. Who names a person Stiles?

I walk over her and asked for a cup of bourbon.

"Hello again love" I said smirking and she smiled to me.

"Hi" she simply said with a smile. Then some song start to play and she put an even bigger smile.

"Let's dance!" She said and we did, we went to the middle of the people who were dancing and start to dance to. She was laughing and dancing, our bodies were near exhausted other but they didn't touch, then stopped the song making her stop smiling and start a slow song.

"May I have this dance?" I asked.

"You may" she said serious and then chuckled.

We didn't dance like in the Ball that Esther organized, she just put her arms around my neck and I put my hand on her back, after a while she rested her head in my chest and we continue to dance. After that we decided to go somewhere else and dance like it should be.

We were in some bar, it was a little far from her college but not to much...


We were dancing and she leaned to my ear and whispered "who are you going to drink?"


"I saw you looking to diverse people... You were choosing. It's okay, we are vampires we enjoy the hunt and the blood." She told me.

I guess since we lost see each other she stop being so naive and start to see what vampires really do, but she somehow still had her light.

"I was thinking about that girl."

"No. You don't want that girl, you want that brunette... Girls like that are the ones who like to be with guys that flirt with them even if it's just for 5 minutes..." She said and I nodded.

I went with her to a place dark in the street and drink some of her blood, after a few minutes of me enjoying the blood I heard Caroline.

"Save some for me..." She said.

"Are you sure?" I asked and she nodded.

We both drink the blood from the guy and then she compelled her to forget about all of that and get out.

"You are really surprising me..." I said smirking and she smirk to me, then she leaned, our lips were almost touching and she then whispered to my ear "let's go! There are more people here" I smirked and we went.

I saw her flirting with some guys and she saw me flirting with some girls but every time our eyes met each other we smiled to one another.

After a while she went to the bar and I went after her.

"Did you drink enough?" I asked smirking.

"No. I am just making a pause." She said and then added "let's dance!"

We danced all night long. Then I whispered to her ear the she changed.

"I hope for the better." I smirked at her answer and nodded. I look deeply into her eyes and then I put her hair behind her ear, leaned and whispered "thank you for believing in me."

We danced a little longer and then I decided to take her to college. We were laughing and almost getting into her room.

"Thank you for making me have fun... I don't do this in a long time..." She said smiling and her eyes sparkled.

"I have fun too. Goodnight" I said and leave the room.

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