《I Need You - Klaroline Story》College Party


I text everyone to know who would go to the party, just Rebekah, Stefan and Klaus are going with me.

I was getting ready along with Rebekah, I put a white dress on, put some light makeup and I curled my hair then I helped Rebekah with her hair and pick a dress, she was with a blue dress she was looking amazing.

We were looking at the mirror when someone knocked on the door I went to see who was it and I saw Klaus and Stefan.

"Hey guys! You look nice" I said smiling.

"Thanks Care" Stefan said and then went to Rebekah and kiss her.

"You look stunning in that dress." Klaus said with his usual smirk.

"You don't look bad yourself" I said and we all went to the party.

We were in the party and I decided to get a drink.

"Hey guys? I am getting a beer. Do you want any?" I asked and they said all no.

I was walking to the beers when Stiles comes to talk to me.

"Stefan, who is that guy that is talking with Caroline?" I asked trying to seem that I didn't care about seeing her with other guy but without success.

"That guy is Stiles, he knows Caroline since forever and he was her first real boyfriend, he was her first, if you know what I mean..." Stefan said.

"How do you know that?" My sister asked jealous, and actually I also wanted to know.

"One day we were playing truth or dare and Damon asked her who was her first and she answered." Stefan said, I noticed the heart beat to see if he was lying or not, he was telling the truth.

"Why is she laughing?" I asked. She was laughing so much...


"Nik I never see you so jealous, not even with Tatia."

"Tatia is nothing compared to Caroline." I said to myself and then I looked at them smirking and realized that I said out loud.

Caroline's POV

"Stiles I was about to get a beer, do you want to come with me?" I asked smiling.

"I would love that." He said.

We went over to the beers and start to drink than he leaned to my ear and whispered "Why is that guy looking at me like if is about to kill me."

"That is Klaus. He is my friend." I said. Actually I didn't know what I was with Klaus so I just said that we were friends, I know that we were more than that when he was in Mystic Falls but now I don't know how he sees me...

"Wait... Klaus like in Klaus Mikaelson?" He asked and I nodded.

"I guess you always had a thing for bad boys, I was the exception." He said making me laugh.

"Shut up!" I said chuckling.

"Care do you remember the time..."

"Hello love! Why don't you present me to your friend?" Klaus said cutting Stiles off.

"Klaus this is Stiles, Stiles you already know him."

"Hello! I didn't know that hybrids with thousand years liked college parties too..." Stiles said making me laugh and then he laughed with me making Klaus with his serious face on.

"Okay... It was good to see you Care." Stiles said and walk away and I start talking with Klaus, at first it was tense but then we start talking better and we were even laughing.

"Klaus can I ask you something?"

"Of course"

"Do you want to drink some real drink?" I asked.


"I thought that you just drink from blood bags."

"I do. But I need a day to loosen up, you know? I am always the one who does everything right, I control myself, I fight my urges... I just need one day" I said and he nodded.

"So... Which one?" He asked with a smirk. I pointed to a guy and he nodded we went to talk to this guy and I asked him to talk more in private he smirked and said yes immediately.

I was in somewhere dark and compelled him to don't make any noise, then Klaus showed up, I looked at Klaus nodded and start to drink a little bit of the guy's blood, I stopped and smirked to Klaus, he smirked back at me and drink also just a little bit of the dude's blood.

We compelled them to forget and then j made Klaus going dance with me.

"Klaus you have some blood." I said he tried to clean but there was no used, so with my thumb I clean the blood, and drink it looking at his eyes innocently and he smirked.

We danced again, we were closed and I decided to put my hands around neck and then I felt his hands in my waist, it felt so good his touch in my body... We continue to dance and then I turned around he hold me tight and then I start to feel his lips in my chick which made me smile, I didn't know why but he had this effect on me... Then he travel his lips to my neck and stayed there for some time then I turn to see him and when I was about to kiss him, Stefan appeared.

"Hey guys, I am going to take Rebekah. You staying?"

"I better go. I have classes in the morning..." I said and Klaus nodded.

We went back to the room, Stefan wanted to stay there for a while until Rebekah fell asleep because she was drunk and Klaus was about to leave.

"Thanks for going to the party. I really enjoy it..." I said.

"I am always on your service love. Goodnight" he said and in a blink he vanished.

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