《I Need You - Klaroline Story》A New Roommate


This summer was hard for me, I am still processing the pain of my mother's death and about what happened to Elena. I am happy for her, I knew that she always wanted to be a human and didn't liked to be a vampire, but I miss her, The plan was me, Bonnie and Elena being in college at the same time in the same doormat and decorating our room with our stuff. Because Elena's life is linked to Bonnie's, that means that for Elena wakes up and talk to me, Bonnie needs to die, which means I need to lose one best friend to be with another... God, life is so unfair!

I spend all summer trying to help Damon and Bonnie, because they were the ones who were suffering more, all of us are suffering, but Matt is trying to not think about that and focus on being a Deputy in Mystic Falls police, Tyler travel to another place, he got very hurt about what happened to Liv and Elena, Enzo is also helping Damon with his lost, Enzo really cares about Damon... I am just helping them with leading with Elena's lost, they were there for me when my mother passed away so...

In the middle of summer we found out that Rebekah was dating Stefan, we knew this because Stefan told us that our new roommate would be Rebekah, and when we asked how did he knew it was her he explain that she is dating her. Rebekah is now prisoner in a body of a witch, I think she is okay with it because she always wanted to be human.

Since we found out about Stefan and Rebekah, I start to try to hang out with her, because Stefan wanted she didn't feel excluded, at first was a little difficult but then we kind of start being nice to each other.


I was now with Bonnie carrying boxes to our room with stuff that Elena gave us or photos that we had with her, it's a way that we get it for feeling that she is still with us, we know that can be stupid but we really missed her. When we were getting in the room we heard Klaus discussing with Rebekah about being human.

"You really want to go to college and have a human life?" Klaus asked like if it was the worst thing in the world, me and Bonnie look at each other and then start to unpack the stuff.

"Not now Nik." Rebekah said making Klaus looked at us.

"Oh, sorry. Hello love! Bonnie." He said getting closer to me and never stop looking at me.

"Hey" I said continue to unpack and avoiding eye contact. I mean, we didn't see each other since the day in the woods.

"Who was here with you before my dear sister appeared?" Klaus asked me curious.

"Elena." I said, it still hurts thinking that she is not going to be with us sharing the room and we won't see her every day.

"Why isn't she here anymore? She realized that human life isn't that big deal?" Klaus asked looking at Rebekah. I look at Bonnie with a look asking if I could tell him and she just nodded. I told Klaus what happen, the other dose of the cure, she taking the cure, Bonnie link her life to Elena's and after my explanation we were all in silence.

"Why didn't you call me when that happened?" He asked and I saw worry in his eyes.

"There was nothing you could do." I said.

"Plus you probably would drain her out so you could make more of your stupid hybrids..." Bonnie added mad, she wasn't handling with Elena's lost very good and she never really liked Klaus.


"He wouldn't do something like that Bonnie." I defended him.

"Yeah, right..." She said and she go back to her stuff.

"I'm sorry for that, we are all just trying to leading with the loss of people who died this year..."

"It's okay. I understand why Bonnie reacted like that she is all the right to think that of me..." Klaus said.

"I can't see any more cynicism around me. I need to go, it's too many Originals" Bonnie said walking away.

"She is the one who is suffering more..." I said and then get back to my stuff.

"Who more died this year?"

"Well, first it was Ivy. Ivy it was Stefan's girlfriend, then it was Monique. Monique fake to be a Salvatore. After Monique dying was Luke. Luke was in a Gemini Coven and when emerge with Kai he died because Kai was stronger. After that, it was my mother who died, we found out that she was suffering with cancer type 4, and not even vampire blood could save cancer, I tried on other patient with the same type of cancer that my mother had and didn't work out. In Alaric wedding, oh yeah, Alaric is back from the dead. But how was I saying, in Alaric's wedding, Damon killed Kai and Kai killed his sister Jo by stabbing her. Jo was also Alaric's fiancé. Liv died in the hands of Tyler, they were dating. After the wedding the rest of the Gemini Coven was killed... And that was all the deaths that happen this year." I said.

I can't believe that she passed through all of this and acts like if was nothing, but I can see that she is devastated, I see in her eyes.

"Care, how...?" Rebekah try to ask.

"After my mother passed away I turn it off and Stefan make me turn the switch back with memories of my mother..." She said trying to be busy with packing her stuff.

"And now?" Rebekah asked.

"My mother died months ago, of course I am not happy. But I need to focus on Bonnie and Damon they are the ones who are suffering more right now... Bonnie will never see Elena again, and Damon when he got Elena back, happens this. I can't be selfish, not now..." She said and then used her vampire speed to run away.


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