《Dalaric》Eighteen : "𝙈𝙞𝙣𝙚."


Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim.

Nora Ephron

"Eat your sandwich." Dalaric's insanely attractive voice grumbles out as he reprimands me for almost forgetting my sandwich on the kitchen counter.

Not my fault Kipp decided to poo and distract me. Birds poop so weirdly. Dalaric says he's normal. Then why does Kipp poop weirdly ?

I nod, smiling a large smile because of how much he cares. "Five kisses as payment, please."

I don't want to exploit him but I can't help it.

I turn my face to the side , pointing to my cheek. His eyes turn amused as he pushes himself of the car door and grabs my waist. I suddenly don't care about the eyes watching us when his soft lips make contact with my forehead , nose, cheeks and both my closed lids. He moves towards my lips and stops. I swear I see the subtlest of smirks before he speaks ,

"Eat your sandwich."

"I was going to do it anyways, you can't just do that-ugh" I pout frustrated that he always leaves me hanging.

Dalaric shakes his head before kissing my knuckles and walking backwards to the drivers side of the car.

"See you at six !" I wave at him, excited about my first ever date. My first ever date with him. After telling Dalaric to drive safe, I walk towards the school entrance with a smile on my face. I've been doing that a lot lately.Smiling. I blame the beautiful assassin who I wake up to.

Hugging his hoodie tighter , I glance towards the end of the hallway where Clancy stands with a waving hand in the air. I wave back, a grin on my face because of the good start to my day. Dalaric wouldn't let go of me in the morning so I challenged him to a dual. He says he doesn't fight girls but I think he's just scared. And mean.

But very , very lovely.

"Hey Maya." Our fists bump before we walk to english, my hand holding the kitkat I bought for Mr.Gnawshire. Clancy and I have gotten much closer recently. He added me to a group chat- my first ever Group chat- with Helen and Fatima. I think they're my 'friend group' and I wouldn't change it for the world. I sent the group a cute gif of a penguin waving and saying 'good morning' but only fatima replied, calling it fat. Assassins are mean.

Fatima also sends us pictures of her family's farm in Somalia. She has seven goats. Three of them died because they ate something bad. Dalaric spent ten minutes calming me down.

"How did it go ?" I try to wink at Clancy, who's flushing a bright red, probably because of me mentioning Helen.

"It um- uh.. she kissed my cheek. Is that good ?" I squeal, earning a glare from many students.

"This is so exciting, clance ! Oh my God !" Clance and I planned for his date with Helen for an entire two days. I even helped him pick out his shirt and the color of the rose I made him buy. I was ecstatic at how nervous he was and how much I shipped both of them. They're so cute.

Dalaric had caught me smiling at a question from Clance so he hid my phone and wrapped me in his hoodie. I'm not quite sure why he acts like a caveman when he knows that I only have googly eyes for him.

"It is ?" He replies, a smile on his face. I nod with an even bigger smile.


"Of course ! That's the first step. How can you not see how much she likes you ? You're a great guy, Clancycoo. And she's a great girl. Like two trees in a pod !" Clancy laughs for some unknown reason. Did I not say that right ?

Eh, whatever.

"Thanks, Maya. You're a great friend. No, wait- please don't cry-" His sincere face turns into one of genuine concern as I take a deep breath in to hold in my tears.

He just called me a great friend.

I bump my fist with Clancy's, my face still in a my-heart-will-explode frown. I'm a great friend. There's a sudden surge of happiness that fills me up to the brim. Taking out my phone after sending a smile to Mr.Gnawshire who's nibblling on his kitkat, I send Dalaric a text.

I just got called a great friend (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃

🐧: Don't cry.

But its my first ever great friend compliment :'(

🐧: You're a great friend.

That's my second now ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

Mr.Gnawshire clears his throat , a friendly glare on his face before he gives me my essay. Oh. I got a C. He notices my fallen expression and pats my head as I stuff my phone in the hoodie's pocket. My stupid leggings don't have pockets.

"It's okay, beta." My eyes go soft as I hear him call me his child. "Try harder next time, okay?" I nod, smiling as he does the same.

I love teachers. I don't know how sports players get paid more than them.

The rest of the class is spent with nervous butterflies in my tummy because I'm anxious about my low grade and the date I have in a few hours. Does he feel like this too? Probably not.

Clance and I walk out of class together, laughing at a funny picture Helen sent on the group of Fatima hugging her gun. He heads to detention because he spent the whole lesson staring at a candid picture of Helen, forgetting that we were given a test.

He's in love.

I shake my head to get rid of any potential thoughts about that and walk towards my next class , halting when I see sharp pink nails around the black fabric of the hoodie.

"Hey babe ! C'mon let's head to class."

I only nod, not bothering to tell her I was planning on that.

After mentally groaning and counting to eight to calm down, I turn to Shay who takes a seat right next to mine. Shay looks perfect as always, her dark skin glistening with some sort of shimmer.

Am I supposed to do that too ? For the date ? Gosh darn it, why am I so unprepared ?

I chew on my hoodie sleeve as I answer a few exercise questions on the board, thinking about the outfit I laid out in Dalaric's guest room. It was one of the rooms I discovered while taking a much needed tour around his house. He has a conference room with a very long table and multiple computers lining it. He says he uses it for meetings but I think he should use it for tea parties.

"Stop thinking so hard, Maya. Your thinking face is unattractive."

Dalaric said I'm beautiful so she ain't got nothing on me.

"What are you doing later today ? Want to join me at the club ?"

"No. I have a date wi-" Oh. Stupid, stupid blabbering mouth.

"A date ? Your first ?" She throws a hand over her mouth, a very shocked reaction printed on her face.

Is it really that hard to believe that someone likes me?


Breathe in, Maya. Think happy thoughts.

'You're strong'

'You're unreal'

'You're crazy' Oops, wrong Dalaric empowerment quote.

I smile at Shay, not answering her because it's not worth it.

"Well...what are you wearing ? Don't tell me your planning on covering yourself up like you always do , Maya. This is your first date ! You know why guys do on first dates, right ? They go to second base." She smirks. "And you and your wool sweaters don't help. Honestly, I would say you should wear something that gives him easy access, maybe a mini skirt or..."

My mind zones out her voice as my brows furrow, worry building up in my tummy, slowly killing all the butterflies. Is that what he wants? I know I'm not ready to go that far. Does he even know I'm waiting until marriage ? Would he leave me ? Should I have told him before doing all this ?

That's what Papa taught me.

A hundred doubtful thoughts race their way in my mind, leaving trails of insecurity. I guess I'll have to ask him today. Even though I don't want to. I can't help but be nauseous as Shay's voice makes its way back into my attention span.

"...because that's what all boys want ! So you're going to need a c..."

No. I won't let her ruin this. I'll just ask him myself instead of making assumptions. Yes, okay. Perfect plan.

I take a deep breath in, finding some stability and erasing most of my worries just by thinking of Dalaric and how perfect he is.

The class ends and Shay continues talking as I continue to ignore her. I've found it much easier to do so now, especially when I have a friend group that likes me for me and doesn't try to change me every five seconds. It's so...toxic and I'm glad I've come to that realization.

I'm thankful.

Thankful for Dalaric.

Thankful for my new friend group.

Thankful for chubby animals.

It always helps to remember your blessings.

Shay continues rambling as we make our way out of class but a loud male voice stops both of us in our tracks, a gasp leaving my mouth.

"Whore !" I turn back, noticing a jock surrounding by other jocks. He has blonde hair and a smug look on his face as Shay looks down, avoiding eye contact.

"What did you just say ?" My gaze turns hard at the boy who has his arms crossed and is clearly making Shay uncomfortable.

"I called your friend over there," He nods at Shay , whos almost hiding herself behind me. Something she's never done. "a whore."

"And why did you do that ?" He's baffled and look surprised that I asked him that, expecting me to know the answer. A few students around us snicker.

"Cus' she is one ! She's a desperate , needy slut who's been in every guy's pants !"

"Well then, wouldn't that make you one too ?" My voice comes out as genuinely confused.

" Make me what ?"

"A slut ?" I flinch at the words that come out of my mouth but I have to do this. I have to speak out.

"No," He says, offended. "I'm a guy."

"Last time I checked, Kyle Summers , you've had over," I count on my fingers since my math capacity has run out, "nineteen girlfriends in one year."

His smile turns smug again, looking toward his friends as if he's showing off a trophy. I only become angrier.

"So what does that make you ? A player ?"

"Damn right." The smug look returns.

"Okay, so when a girl does it, she's labelled a whore. But when you do it, you're just a player. Right ? Or wrong ?"

Kyle shrugs with slight unease, not getting my point.

I lean against one of the lockers, tilting my head. "Don't you have three little sisters , Kyle ?" I say, thinking back to when he came into the café with three adorable triplets who were about fifteen years or so.

"Why uh-" He laughs nervously, "are you bringing that up ?"

"What if they were treated just like you're treating Shay ? What if-" I tap my chin," they were called those disgusting names every time the walked these halls ? What if boys shamed them for doing as they please with their own bodies ? What if-"

"Stop ! What the hell is your point ?" He clenches his fists in apparent frustration , his friends look down guiltily , murmuring amongst themselves.

"My point is , Kyle, that a girl shouldn't have to be your sister for you to treat them with basic respect. Respect that you should have because you were raised by a woman too. Respect that you should have because the same women you shame, are the ones you pine for. I wonder how disgusted your sisters would be by your actions, don't you ?"

He narrows his eyes at me before sighing and looking over at Shay, who's playing with her fingers and letting her hair cover herself.

I hate seeing girls weak.

It reminds me of me and I hate it.

We're strong. She's strong.

"Apologize. Now." Shay's eyes are wide, probably never hearing my voice with that much angst before.

Kyle looks between us both, opening his mouth to argue before closing his eyes and slumping his shoulders.

"I'm sorry, Shay. I-I'm sorry." He says, his friends nodding in approval as one of them waves at me with a smile.

Shay only nods , still staring at me in some type of amazement.

After the crowd dwindles down, Shay squeals as she wraps her arms around my frame. I gently unwrap them and step back.

"Mayi ! You're amazing ! You-you did that ! Thank you so much, Maya. I-I didn't expect-"

"I'm sorry, Shay. But I can't. I didn't do that because you're my friend, I did it because girls support each other. I'm sorry, but I don't think I want to hangout with you anymore. You," I sigh, feeling bad about this already. ", make me feel inferior and small. Something I've found out I'm not. I will always wish the best for you, Shay. But I don't think I can be who I want to be with you as a friend. I hope you understand. I have to go now, take care." I shake her hand as she stares at me, looking both hurt and surprised.

My hands turn sweaty just as I leave the school premises. Jeez, that took so much energy.

You did it, Maya.

I did it.

There's a wetness in my eyes but it's not sadness. It's pure relief. Letting go of something that has been dragging you down for so long is so refreshing. I can't wait to tell Dalaric. He'd be so proud of me.

My once lost energy comes back tenfold as I see my angel standing next to his black car, checking his watch. My legs carry my quickly towards him, my arms open wide , waiting to be wrapped around his neck.

Dalaric watches warily, making sure I'm running carefully and don't have any chance to trip. He walks a bit further so I don't have to run much and I mentally thank him for saving me all that distance.

A sigh leaves my lips as I reach my destination. Warm and safe. Always warm and safe.

"Fine ?" Dalaric asks as I run my fingers through his braids , kissing the side of his jaw. I nod , and reply.


The car ride is spent telling him about my departure from Shay and he replies with just what I needed.

"I'm proud of you."

I think this is the man for me.

I spend the rest of the time trying to coerce him into telling me the details of our date, which he doesn't. I don't think you can hypnotize an assassin with neck kisses or hand massages. Darn it.

All I do know is that he's going to make me get ready in the guest room while he's going to take the bedroom because he wants this to be an actual date. I know going back home is not an option, he'd find out about Mama.

Then, he's going to pick me up from the door of his own house which is slightly confusing but warms my heart because he's trying for me.

I know he's trying to give me the cliché experience and I'm just- swooning. Dalaric's knee bounces up and down until we reach the house. He picks me up and plops me on the guest bed, glaring at me to tell me to stay put.

This is exciting.

I walk to the closet as he leaves the room , opening the brown door where my outfit for the date is hung neatly.

Would he like it ?

My eyes wander over the wool sweater that only slightly hugs my upper body and the white flowy skirt which ends a few inches above my ankles and a few inches below my knees. I don't like showing skin but this made me feel pretty.

And I want to feel pretty.

Fishing out my phone from the hoodie, I send a picture of my outfit to Fatima. She helped me pick out the skirt , knowing that I wanted to wear it when we were at the mall. She told me that he wouldn't care about what I wore if he liked me for me. And I have a feeling that Dalaric does.

He's just perfect like that.

My cheeks flush as I wear the white blouse that Dalaric mentioned yesterday. Gulp. I put on the sweater and tuck it into the waistband of my skirt , the curves of my thighs apparent as I smoothen the soft fabric.

I look pretty.


After my fair share of spinning around to feel like a princess who talks to birds, I let down my hair which now lays on my shoulders in medium waves and put on some lip balm before curling my lashes and brushing my brows- all of which Helen taught me.

The door bell rings just as I finish and I smile to myself, putting on my comfortable flats that slightly match my painted white toenails. I bite my lip in anticipation as I reach his front door , the same door he just knocked on.

Breathe in.

Breathe ou-

"Don't make me come get you, Mayella." Forget breathing, I want to see him. I open the door, a shy smile on my face because of how nervous I am of both his reaction and this whole experience.

I suddenly regret not letting out that breath when it gets taken away by an inescapable force. His beauty.

"You're so beautiful." I blurt out, letting my eyes drink in his appearance. He's wearing a leather jacket , our leather jacket since I wear it more than him. But underneath that, is a white t-shirt. And it looks immaculate on him.

His hair is open but the top half is tied in a neat yet messy bun. I don't think I have any air to breathe in anymore. Dalaric has only one diamond stud on one of his ears and I can almost feel myself drooling.

Along with the rare change in shirt color, his jeans are also blue. Is it legal to look this good in everything ? I'm a bit skeptic that he changed himself for me but i'm happy that we slightly match. Yay.

I'm broken out of a daze as his finger grazes my cheek. I furrow my brows at his dream like state and poke his chest. Dalaric shakes his head, running a hand down his face before murmuring something to himself.

He walks closer to me as I shut the door behind myself, wringing my hands behind my back. Only then do I notice the bouquet of tulips in his hand. Dalaric has a look of slight nervousness on his face before he holds the flowers in front of him, looking back and forth between me and the tulips.

I clear my throat so he gets the hint. Dalaric uses both his hands to hold the stem and pushes the flowers forward , avoiding my gaze.

"I don't know what typa flowers- fuck, Mayella, I can't think straight when you look like that." I smile as I take them from his harsh grip, mentally apologizing to the plants before tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

My hand is grabbed by a warm one, leading me to a familiar matter black car. I put the flowers in a vase along his driveway before heopens the door and still doesn't take his eyes off of me as I continue to avoid his darkened gaze.

"Can you not uh-look at me like that, please ?"



Once he gets in , he clutches my hand and intertwines our fingers, placing it on his right knee that is bouncing rapidly.

"I ," He clears his throat. "got you something." My eyes go curious and a smile forms on my lips. Did he get me a chocolate bar ? I really hope he got me a chocolate bar. Or a pen with a chubby penguin on top.

Dalaric rubs his neck once before taking one of his hands away from the steering wheel and grabbing something out of the backseat.

He sets it down on my lap and a tear falls from my eye.

Oh em gee.

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