《Dalaric》Eight : "𝙁𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚."


Why do we have this desire to tease the innocent? Is it envy?

-Graham Greene

Fatima looks just as startled as me. She's wearing a black chiffon hijab and a black hoodie and black jeans. Is this the dress code for all assassins ? She pulls it off either way. I could never.

"Ricky ? Y'know Maya ?" She looks confused and shocked that this 5'4 shortie is hanging with a trained assassin leader guy/pretty man.

I look up to Dalaric , who's standing next to the rolly chair which i'm sitting on. His arms are crossed and he raises one brow at her , almost challenging Fatima. Why ?

"I mean- uh. Sorry boss , what did you need me for ?" She smiles sheepishly and I wave at her with both my hands. She only waves back when she looks at Dalaric.

Dalaric moves in front of me , putting his hands on the armrest of the chair and leans forward. He's so close that I can count the colors in his eyes and spot the tiny pimple next to his eyebrow. I have a pimple cream that'll help. But I shouldn't assume that he needs my help. He still looks perfect. I'd spend a lifetime trying to solve this mystery.

His eyes penetrate my soul when he softly grasps my injured hand. He looks at the wrist and his face hardens , he then looks at Fatima and looks at me. I get his message and nod.

Fatima comes over to me and Dalaric almost reluctantly moves out of the way. She brings out a first aid kit which I hadn't noticed before and crouches down to take my wrist. It hurts while she examines it.

"Does this hurt ?" Fatima moves my wrist in an outwards way and I bite my lip hard so I don't scream. It hurts.

I shake my head no but it's useless since Dalaric speaks up.

"Yes." Okie then.

She wraps it gently after applying a ointment that smells funny but I wish it was Dalaric doing it instead.

"You can go." He orders rudely.

"Thank you , Fatima." I glare at Dalaric and he raises a brow in question before sighing and rubbing his temples.

"Thank you, Fatima. You may go." He says grumpily. Fatima seems shocked and stares at us for a while before leaving. I hope I can be friends with her. She doesn't seem to like me very much. Or she's just scared of Dalaric. Probably the latter.

I spin around in the rolly chair , fully aware that Dalaric is watching me but it's too much fun not to do so. He stops the chair with one hand and walks over to the couch that's next to the punching bag. He sits down and takes off his hoodie , leaving him in a black v neck and me in a heat stroke because holy moly cannoli.

The shirt really shows just how muscular his body is and I gulp. His arms look like they can squish me into a teeny tiny little grain of sand. He sits down and puts his elbows on his knees before cradling his head in his gloved hands.


He looks sad. I don't like it when he's sad. I get up from the chair and try to make my way without falling because i'm still dizzy from rolling about.

I gently pry away his hands from his head and crouch down a bit so I can take the gloves off his hands too. He just stares at me while I take some hand cream and apply it. Dalaric lets his head fall back while I do it and I smile at his new found relief. So cute.

After placing his manly hands back in his lap , I turn to walk away but yelp when he pulls me back by shirt. I fall onto the far end of the couch but he doesn't like the space and pulls me close so i'm placed in between his legs that are splayed out on either side of me now. My back rests against his chest and his legs are touching mine.


"Um-are you sure this is comfortable ?" I'm a pretty heavy body that no one would want leaning on them. He doesn't respond and just wraps his arms around me in a bear hug and I grin.

"Fine ?" Seeing him stressed makes me stressed. No one so perfect should be sad. Not on my watch. He lays his chin on my head and mumbles.


Oh. Gulp.

I try to pull my shirt down, which has ridden up because i'm laying on a giant. It's cold in the office and I don't mind it but I'm nervous because Dalaric might be staring at my not-so -toned tummy. Something that he probably can't relate to.

Dalaric notices my movements and grabs his hoodie from the side of the couch and lays it on me. I sigh in relief because it smells so darn good. The black hoodie feels so warm on my skin and I just revel in the foreign feeling before a hand lightly rubs my neck, lulling me into much needed sleep.

. . .




I sigh for the umpteenth time when he doesn't wake up. I'm laying tucked under his chin and I keep poking his stomach but he's not budging. I only have one last resort and I don't think i'm confident enough to do it.

But I need to get home before mama does. Even though she is usually gone for a week, she can be back any day and I'd rather not risk it and get another cut on the back of my thigh as she drags me from my room for not missing her enough. I don't want to risk it.

I muster up just enough courage to lean up and press my lips onto his soft cheeks. Dalaric's beautiful eyes flutter open and I grin. That grin soon vanishes when he glares at me.

Oh no. I bite my lip to try and not frown but his glare is something i've never seen directed at me so harshly. What did I do wrong ? Maybe you shouldn't have kissed him while he was asleep ! That's harassment , idiot Maya. My inner voice scolds me and I look down in shame.


"I-I'm sorry.I didn't mean to do that-um you weren't waking up and I- I'm just sorry , please don't-"


"H-huh ?"


My brows furrow before my eyes go wide when he moves his face to the side and points to his cheek. Oh.

The courage I once had is suddenly gone since he's staring at me. It was much better when those ocean eyes weren't seeing straight through my soul.

I slowly lean up and give him a quick peck. He still doesn't seem satisfied and the glaring continues.

I make a mental note that Dalaric is grumpy when woken up from sleep.

"Fine ?" I ask warily since the look of dissatisfaction is still on his pretty face.

"Five more." He says this with a blank expression and moves his face to the side again before adjusting me so that I have easier access.

He wants five whole kisses ? Greed does unforgivable things. Not that I mind, I love kissing him. Wait , never mind. My cheeks flush at my own thoughts but Dalaric doesn't notice as his cheek is still facing me.

I give into his wishes and his glare softens immediately.

Note : Grumpy Dalaric likes cheek kisses.

Only then does he pick me up from under my shoulders , like i'm a baby, and puts me on the solid ground. He holds me still for a bit since my legs are a bit cramped. I don't even question how he knows how I feel.

He grabs the hoodie that slid off at some point of our nap and slides it onto me. The sleeves are extremely long and I slap his arm with one of them before grinning at him.

He just shakes his head and pulls up the hood before the side of his lip curls up. So beautiful. I hope I'm the one to make him smile one day. I doubt he'll be around that long , though.

The hoodie falls just above my knees and drowns my whole body. Just how I like it. It has his initials on one of the sleeves. D.M

He picks up a few things from the desk and pulls me back by the hoodie when I walk towards the punching bag. I try to glare at him but he just nods at my wrist with a knowing look.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I smile sheepishly at him and he leads me to the lounge , almost dragging me by the extra part of the sleeve.

I spot a familiar face and grin when we reach the lounge. Rafael smiles at me after I wave at him , the long sleeve accidentally hitting me in the eye.

I also wave goodbye to Fatima but she doesn't wave back. Okie then.

The car ride is silent because Im half asleep and yawning incessantly. I fiddle with Dalaric's hands to keep me awake so that I don't miss valuable staring time.

That would be devastating.

Once we reach , he opens the door for me and I thank him. This time he doesn't bend his head down for our big hug , no. He picks me up and holds me by the waist while simultaneously putting my arms around his neck. I resist the urge to wrap my legs around his waist since Shay always does it with her boyfriends and they do this weird body rubbing thing which I don't think I'm a fan of.

"Thank you, Ricky." I smile at and give him a thumbs up once he sets me down on my feet. I didn't even have to tap out. He just knows.

"Dalaric." He corrects me. I frown. Why won't he let me call him Ricky ?

He raises one big hand and strokes my cheek after tucking a stray hair back into my very attractive messy bun.

"But everyone else calls you that ?" My brows knot when he just shakes his head slightly , his braids touching his cheeks. The same ones I kissed. Hehe.

"No, only Dalaric to you." My heart warms at that. He kisses the crown of my head and I give him a peck on the cheek. Again. For like the seventh time.

Dalaric just shakes his head and gets into the car. I don't fail to notice that he doesn't have his gloves on , his scarred hands fully on display.

I'll steal those gloves and make sure he never hides those nice hands again.

The old lady that exits the apartment building gets scared by my evil laugh.


I wish her a good night after I help her cross the street as an apologetic gesture.

Thankfully, the landlord is nowhere to be found as I make my way upstairs. There's a chatter coming from the floor's hallway and fear builds up in the pit of my stomach.

I walk towards my apartment and almost immediately cover back at the sight of Joshua and Landon standing outside my apartment door , Joshua incessantly knocking on the wood.

My heart almost drops down to my toes and I suddenly wish I hadn't left Dalaric's car when the door opens , revealing my mom in an apron and a fake smile.

"Maya , you didn't tell me you invited your friends for dinner ?"



Howdy ! 🤠

I despise Landon and Joshua.

This was a filler chapter [ I think that's what we call half-arsed chapters idk ] but yeah the fun really begins next chap. So stay tuned ! Thank you for 600 reads ily

Thoughts ? Predictions ?

Hope you had a wonderful day, just like you deserve.

Love always,


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