《Dalaric》Seven : "𝙁𝙞𝙣𝙚 ?"


It's so hard to forget pain, but it's even harder to remember sweetness. We have no scar to show for happiness.

We learn so little from peace.

Chuck Palahniuk

Black hoodie , black jeans and black shoes.


Dalaric stands next to the matte black car with his arms crossed over his chest. His eyes are on me as I walk across the street in front of my building. I really don't like walking towards someone to meet them since it gives them ample time to judge your outfit which in this case is high waisted jeans and an avenged sevenfold band t-shirt that shows just a bit of my belly button. I don't normally wear revealing things but I forgot to wash my favorite oversized shirt.

Dalaric looks down at me when I reach the car and I just smile at him.

It's really impossible to not smile at him.

He bends his head down and I mentally cheer at the fact that my braids are still intact. I wrap my arms around his neck and my shirt rides up a bit. Oopsies.

He stands up straight making my feet dangle and soon his hands wrap around my bare waist.


His hands are so big and soft and warm that I can't help but revel in the feel. I'm also really tired because I only got an hour of sleep last night so this is the perfect opportunity to take a nap.

Dalaric notices that I don't tap out and gently takes my head out of the crook of his very warm neck.

"Fine ?"

I open my eyes and bid farewell to my seven second nap in his arms. A smile naturally makes its way to my face and I nod.


He puts me down and pulls down my shirt , his fingertips grazing my skin. That feels too good. I should ask him for a back rub.

"Can you give me a back rub ?"

He just shakes his head and opens the car door for me.

Okie then.

About ten minutes later, i'm woken up by Dalaric who gently nudges me. I should probably stop falling asleep everywhere.

I give him a sheepish smile and get out of the car before he opens the door which earns me a glare from him.

"Sorry." He still glares at me and waits expectantly by the passenger side after I take my book bag.

"H-Hug ? Here ?"

He nods.The whole school is practically staring at us since it's not everyday you see a car or man like that. I don't know how i feel about being the center of attention because i've never actually experienced it.

But if it's what he wants then okay. I wrap my arms around his neck for the second time that day and I swear I heard a sigh of content. Dalaric turns me around so I don't have to look at the people staring at us. After I tap out , he sets me down and pulls my shirt down. He also puts an annoying baby hair behind my ear.

This man wants me to faint.

I boop his nose and wish him a safe drive before he gets in the car , earning everyone's attention with the way he sleekly drives off. The engine purr attracts a few car boys and girls and the face- well, everyone really.

A familiar voice calls out to me as I walk towards the gates.

"Maya !"

Darn it. I close my eyes for a second to gather the energy I have in store for a conversation with Shay today. It takes me longer since there's not enough.


A gleaming Shay comes into a view and a smile plasters itself on my face , quite forcibly. She speaks as we make our way into the school.

"So, Landon's big bro , eh ?"

I nod. Her brows raise , somehow surprised.

"I thought you didn't like Landon ?"

"I don't. He's nothing like Landon." I smile lightly as I think of Dalaric. He's the best man I know. Probably the best person , too.

"Okay...be careful. I've heard he isn't a safe guy."

"Have you ever tried meeting him ? I could introduce him to you sometime." I smile at her , hoping that she says yes so she stops being prejudiced all the time. Maybe she can realize I'm not kidding when I say Dalaric's nothing like Landon.

She immediately shakes her head in fear and rolls her eyes. Both contradicting actions.

"I don't need to. I trust my sources." Okay.

"Anyways, ugh I've got math now, see you later."

I honestly don't know why she talks to me if i'm a bad friend. Maybe i'm good use of wasted time. I walk to english while trying to get out my notes from my small book bag. I bump into the door, I think and yelp instinctively.

"Oh-oh , I'm s-so sorry." I look up to find a boy slightly nervous with green eyes wide in alarm.

He has red hair and bright green eyes. I've never seen a redhead in school before. Light freckles scatter his cheeks and his lips almost match his hair. He's so cute.

"You're so cute !" I gush , hopefully not frightening him out.

His mouth goes wide and I smile softly at him. He's wearing a grey shirt and blue jeans , matching his fair skin.

"I-Oh, thank you ?" He splutters out a few words and seems shocked as a pink tinge makes its way to his cheeks and the tops of his ears.


"I'm Maya. You are ?"


"Cute name." His cheeks only get redder. I don't think he receives compliments that often.

Well , that'll change.

"Do you have English with Mr.Gnawshire ?"

He nods and gulps.

"Do you want to sit together ?" He nods more ecstatically this time and enjoys the idea of not being alone on his first day probably. It's sad that i'm the first person he's met in this school though. The bar has been set low already.

We make it into class together and I smile at Mr.Gnawshire before giving him a kitkat. I always catch him eating one of them during his lunch breaks so I bought one from the vending machine in the café.

He pats my head after he thanks me. The rest of the class is spent getting to know Clancy who is very interesting. He's an only child with Irish origins who has adoptive parents from India. They immigrated here when he was only four. Clancy also praised their food and I got very hungry. I've tried indian cuisines only once and they're the yummiest thing . My lack of a breakfast is apparent as my stomach growls.

I wish him a good bye as I make my way to my lunch area. Clancy already managed to make a few friends in class that he's going to hang out with. I'm happy for him. Everyone deserves to have a good first day of school.

While humming to a nickelback song , my steps are the only sound in the secluded area. I walk towards a seat but squeal as hand grasps my wrist.

Turning around in fright, Im met with a seething Joshua who has not one , but two black eyes and a busted lip. I hope he feels okay. He did deserve it.


"You really are a whore , aren't you ?" My brows furrow and my lips threaten to tremble at his words that resemble the landords.

I shake my head in truth.

I'm not a whore. I swear.

And if i was , whats the big deal ?

"First , you play me and lead me on. Then you go and fuck that dude , huh ?" I hate the way his words sound and tears immediately make their way out of my eyes.

Joshua squeezes my wrist to the point where we hear a subtle crack. He ignores it and continues squeezing until i'm begging him to stop.

"p-please no. Stop-please."

It hurts so much.

I wish Dalaric was here.

After he finally releases my wrist , there's a large purple bruise that definelyy shows how it was caused.

I try to muffle my sobs as he smirks at me, his blonde hair slightly sweaty.

"See what happens when you act like a whore ? Who the fuck is going to like you ?" He spits the words and turns around to leave.

I sit on of the desks and try to calm myself down. I try and text Dalaric but Joshua's words repeat incessantly in my mind.

Why would he like me ?

By the time the school day is over , my eyes are slightly puffy and i've used my spare black wool sweater and stretched the sleeves so they can cover the harsh bruise on my left wrist. I couldn't even take notes in class. It hurts.

Exiting the school doors while hugging my wrist subtly , I instantly meet eyes with Joshua who's at the other end of the parking lot , extremely close to Dalaric's car.

Joshua smirks at me and sends me a wink which freaks me out. He then gets into the car and leaves as I stand there in fear.

My phone notification sound breaks me out of my trance and I jump, startled.

Dalaric (Mr.Pretty) :

I look forward to where Dalaric stands next to his car and instantly feel bad because I made him wait there amongst pubescent teenagers.

I walk towards him with a soft smile and make sure it's not too obvious that i'm trying to keep my wrist from touching anything. Thankfully, he doesn't notice anything in particular.

Once I reach him , I make sure to stand a few inches away incase I hurt my wrist. I'm pretty stupid sometimes.

He grabs my injured hand and pulls me towards him causing me to crash against his strong chest.

Instinctively, I snatch away my hand from him and step back. Dalaric glares at me and clenches his jaw. My mood instantly dampens as I notice how angry he looks.

He opens the door for me but doesn't meet my eyes. That hurts even more than my broken wrist.

He gets into the drivers seat and we both buckle up in silence.

"How was your day ?" I ask , hoping that it'll put him in a better mood.

He doesn't answer.

Tears threaten to make their way onto my cheeks. My lips tremble as I think of how people just don't like me. It hurts knowing that I just disappoint them ,time and time again. I don't know why Dalaric even sticks around.

I turn my face towards the window in case I burst out sobbing.

Dalaric still doesn't move out of the school parking lot that is now partly empty. He lets out a sigh and I can see his hands tighten on the steering wheel in my peripheral vision.

"You're embarrassed." He almost spits it out and I can tell he's trying to suppress his anger.

This time , the tears fall freely and I curl myself on the seat while facing the car window. What did I do to make him think that ? Was Shay right ? Am I bad friend ?

These questions repeat themselves in a loop and my sobbing only continues. I cry too much in a day.

"Mayella." He calls out in his deep voice , this time much softer.

I don't think I can handle seeing the disappointment in his eyes. Like the rest of them.

"Look at me." I don't answer , my sniffles slightly reducing.

"Mayella." He says it much more softer this time and I can't help but look at him.

He's too pretty.

His eyebrows are drawn together in worry and his eyes are gentle. I only now notice that his hands are covered in his black leather gloves. He takes one single glove off his hand , leaving the other hand on the wheel before he gently swipes the tip of his thumb under my eyes.

"Y-you're my only good friend , Dalaric. Why-why would I ever be embarrassed ?" it's hard to speak when I'm still sniffling and wiping away some snot with my sleeve. "I-I'm sorry. Look." I pull up my left sleeve to reveal the bruise and his eyes go instantly dark. "I swear I wasn't embarrassed- it just hurt."

Dalaric picks up my wrist ever so lightly and he runs one hand down his face while clenching his eyes shut.

"Dalaric ?" He seems in a trance as his plump and plush lips are pursed and I already miss those eyes of his.

He puts my wrist back in my lap and grabs a tissue box from the backseat. He uses one to wipe my eyes and cheeks , only gently dabbing.

The car ride is silent and I can tell that he's not in the mood for talking which I understand and respect his space. The only assurance that he's with me is his hand which i'm fiddling with. He also bought me more hand cream. Strawberry hand cream.

He's nice like that.

I don't realize that he's not dropping me home until we stop in front of the same warehouse. Dalaric gets out of the car and opens the door for me. I try to rub the puffiness off my face but only make it worse.

He leads me to the lounge room after we enter , one hand on my lower back , his gloved hand making contact with the strip bare skin my shirt allows. Once we reach the already busy room which lots and lots of people, the chatter stops. My eyes go wide as everyone stares at my post-crying horrifying face. I subtly try to hide behind Dalaric but he instead pushes my face into his chest , keeping me protected from their judging stares.


Immediately , the crowd is back to its initial ruckus and I sigh thankfully. Dalaric turns me around and does a weird hand signal thing. He takes me to his office and sits me down in the rolly chair.

"Fine?" His greyish blue swirly eyes scan my face and body, for what ? I don't know. But it makes me feel all sorts of giddy over there.

"Fine." He smooths out my right eyebrow and I do the same to him. I also retouch those tiny baby hairs on his forehead. He just shakes his head before there's a knock on the door.

"Come in." He orders , His hands are still on either side of me , both laying on the arm rest , almost caging me in except I enjoy it.

A familiar face enters and my eyes go wide in realization.

"Fatima ?"



Howdy ! 🤠 ,

By the way, Fatima is the worker in the café who wears a hijab.

Also , hope you're having a good day. Tell me something interesting or vent if you want. I'm all ears.

Love ,


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