

My eyes grew heavier with every moment, but I couldn't stop staring at my father. He looked so peaceful, but also so broken. His chest was wrapped in bandages and his face was bruised and cut up. His leg was broken, and his arm was in a cast. The sight of it alone brought tears to my eyes. My phone was constantly buzzing with texts from everyone in LA, but I couldn't bother to look at them.

Colby's hand rested on my leg, he would occasionally draw circles on my thigh with his thumb. My aunt left to go home for a little bit, leaving us alone in the room. I don't know where my mother went, but I prayed I wouldn't have to see her again. "Cora." Colby said and I laid my head on his shoulder. His voice was raspy, I could tell he was tired. I hummed, signaling to him that I was listening. "Please sleep baby." He said and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer. I shook my head, I couldn't sleep. He kissed the side of my head and sighed. I could tell he felt helpless, and that hurt my heart. My eyes were almost puffed shut from how much I have been crying. I knew I should try to sleep, but I also knew if I did sleep something would happen. "Do you want me to at least get you some water or tea?" He said and rubbed my arm slowly. "Yes please." My voice was cracking from how dry my throat was. He kissed my head one more time, "I'll be right back." He said then left the room.

As soon as he left I felt myself start to panic. I couldn't believe I saw my mother after 10 years, I can't believe she came here, or that she hit me. I began to sob quietly as I brought my knees to my chest hugging them tightly. I needed to sleep. I was driving myself insane by just sitting here staring at his helpless body. I was just grateful he was actually alive. About ten minutes passed and Colby came back with a cup of hot tea in his hand and a water bottle tucked under his arm. I was still quietly crying as I bit the sleeve of my hoodie. "Hey hey it's okay, im here" Colby said and set the tea on the table, then scooped me into his lap. He cradled me as I cried into his shoulder, "I can't believe she came." I said with a broken tone. "I know..I'm sorry you had to see her. Especially under this circumstance." He said and rubbed my arm as he rested his cheek on my head. I felt safe here, in his arms.


Once the tea cooled down, I slowly sipped on it. Colby still held me on his lap. I felt myself start to dose off as he grabbed the cup of hot liquid and placed it on the table. I gave up and let myself fall asleep

"Dad? Dad!" I yelled as I stumbled along the road. His crushed up truck sat in front of me. He wasn't anywhere to be seen, but the crash was horrid. "Daddy?!!" I yelled as tears filled my eyes. "Where are you? Can you hear me?" My knees gave out as I weakly sobbed into my hands. "Shut up!" I heard the familiar voice say. I turned to see her green eyes, now red with rage. "Shut up Cora! He's leaving you just like everyone else. YOU did this. YOU caused this to happen. I knew we shouldn't have had you." She said harshly and spat on me. "Please stop!" I yelled causing her to laugh. "Stop what? Being honest? Look at the proof." She said as pointed at the car that hit my dad. It was my car. With me in the drivers seat. I did it. I hit him. "No....no! I was in LA!" I yelled as she rolled her eyes. "You really don't get it do you?" She scoffed, and grabbed my chin forcefully. "You did this to him because you LEFT him." She hissed. "I was....I was following my dreams." I choked out. She smacked me, "fuck your dreams Cora. You're never going to make it." She spoke harshly. "Shut up! I didn't leave him. YOU did." I said spinning it back to her. "I left him because of you." She said coldly and pointed back at the smashed up cars. "I may have left, but you ultimately killed him." I could see myself getting out of my smashed car, falling to the side and sobbing. It was my fault.


My eyes flew open, but I didn't cry. For once I was able to see past the dream. I felt Colby tighten his grip on me, as soon as he realized I was awake, almost prepared to comfort me. I didn't need it this time. "Hey." I mumbled and looked up at him. "You got a good hour in." He laughed. "Can we go for a walk?" I said quietly. I didn't want to leave the room but I also needed fresh air, and to take my mind off of the events that were taking place. "Yeah, I think that's a good idea" he said as I got off his lap, stretching. He took my hand and we walked through the hallways of the hospital. "Have you talked to anyone back in LA?" I said and looked over at him, "yeah I have been trying to keep them updated. They are all worried for you." He rubbed my hand with his thumb as we went outside. The fresh air kissed my skin, as even the sky cried this morning. The rain felt good, I hadn't felt it in weeks since LA was in a drought. "Thanks for being here with me." I said looking over at Colby, who was already staring at me, with a soft smirk. His hair started to stick to his forehead as the rain fell harder. "Thank you for letting me be here." He said and twirled me slowly. He wasn't the best dancer but he was really trying as he grabbed my waist, swaying back and forth. I looked into his eyes, they were brighter than ever against the grey hue of the sky. I put my hand on his cheek and smirked slightly.

In this moment I realized that I was madly in love with him.

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