

As I opened the door to the bathroom, Colby was waiting there with open arms. I walked to him and he held me tightly, "you're gonna get through this." He said and kissed my head. "Thank you for being here" I said softly causing him to tighten his grip ever so slightly. "I'm not going to leave your side." We stood like that for a second before we had to go. We got in Colby's car and he drove to my place, Kat was standing outside already holding a bag for me. They knew I wouldn't be able to properly pack since I'm basically a zombie right now.

The flight felt like an eternity. Colby sat next to me, he was on his laptop editing videos. I would steal glances of him, each time his eyes drooped more. "Baby you can sleep.." I placed a hand gently on his arm. "I don't want to leave you alone" he said quietly. "You won't be, ill be fine I promise." I said with a reassuring smile as he slowly closed his laptop. He stole one last look at me and leaned in to kiss my cheek. I nodded once again and he rested his head on the wall next to him, quickly falling asleep.

My eyes burned as I stared straight ahead. They were threatening to close but I knew I wouldn't be able to handle the dreams that would come to me. I looked over at Colby, his features were slightly lit as he lightly snored. I examined every inch of him, trying to distract myself from the aching that was filling my chest. I wanted him to be able to meet my dad. I wanted the two most important people in my life to know eachother. Tears flooded my eyes as I silently sobbed. Nearly everyone on the plane was asleep, but a little girl across from me in the aisle laid awake. Her mother sitting next to her, sleeping soundly.


She looked over at me and frowned, "do you need a hug?" She whispered with a high pitch. I shook my head but she got up anyways. Her small body climbed on me and gave me a big hug. "Mommy taught me to look out for people. She said that girls need to stick together" she whispered in my ear as she lightly squeezed me. I didn't know this girl at all, but her heart was so big. I cried quietly as she got off my lap and went back to her seat. She pulled out a drawing of a sun and some flowers and handed it to me. "Mommy also told me to not talk to strangers. But you aren't very strange. My name is Olivia." She said with a toothless grin, "I'm Cora." I said and wiped my face. "thank you for the drawing." I said and looked at it. I don't know why this little girl was acting so kind, but I'll take anything I can get. "You're welcome!" She said causing her mom to stir a bit in her sleep. "You know she was right, you shouldn't talk to strangers Olivia. But also keep your heart as big as it is now okay?" She nodded and smiled at me. She then turned and curled up in a ball, soon she would drift to sleep.

The flight was almost over as Colby stirred next to me, his eyes fluttered open. "Good morning." I said and gave him a small smile. "Hey baby." He said and wrapped his arm around me, gently pulling me to him. "Did you get any sleep?" He said with a raspy voice. The plane was finally landing. "No." I said quietly. My eyes felt like boulders but I wasn't going to close them. "I'm too scared to." I admitted, looking straight ahead. He grabbed my hand gently, "I understand, you should sleep at some point today though, or you're going to pass out" he spoke as he slowly brushed through my hair with his fingers. I knew he was right, but I wouldn't be able to sleep for a long time.


We got to the hospital, my mind flooded with scary thoughts. I had no idea what I was walking in to at this point. Before we walked through the doors Colby stopped and turned me so I was facing him both his hands were on my arms, "Cora. No matter what happens in there, just remember that you're the strongest girl out there. You can do this." He said and kissed my head. Tears were already building in my eyes as he pulled away. One slipped onto my cheek and he rubbed it away with his thumb. I took his hand and we walked through the doors.

We got to my dad's room, my aunt sat in the chair next to him. There were so many tubes and wires connected to him. He was was asleep. The sight of him caused me to shutter and turn away, hiding my face in Colby's shoulder. He rubbed my back and gave me a minute to compose myself before we walked in. "Aunt Sarah..." I said quietly, causing her to look up. "Cora" She said with a sigh, wrapping her arms around me. "What's going on?" I said and began to nervously bite at my sleeve. "You should sit." She said and gently sat me in a chair. "Your father was hit by a drunk driver late last night. He's had a couple emergency surgeries and as of right now he's in a coma." Tears streamed down my cheeks as she spoke. Her voice cracked, "they're not sure if he's going to make it." I couldn't control the sobs that were now shaking my body. I couldn't live without him. Colby's hand laid on my shoulder, he began to rub my back as I choked out more tears. We sat in the room, in silence. I couldn't process what was happening.

A blonde woman walked in, she wore a sleek suit and high heals. Her green eyes were something I would never forget.


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