

As we moved through the crowd of people Colby would softly caress my hipbone with his thumb. It kept me calm as we stopped and talked to someone every couple minutes. He was really popular, it seemed like everyone here knew him. I don't know why I'm surprised, this is his house. "Let's get you a drink" he said into my ear and kissed the side of my head. I nodded as we made our way to the bar. He poured me a drink and handed it to me, I took a sip letting the alcohol burn my throat. I didn't usually like drinking but it eased my anxiety a bit. "You okay?" Colby said as he pulled me a bit closer to him, "yeah, I'm fine" I said with a reassuring smile.

After a couple drinks I was starting to feel tipsy, I was dancing with Colby when I really realized that I was finally happy. I didn't have a care in the world as we swayed together, laughing.

It wouldn't last. Happiness never lasts.

I felt a hand grab me by the shoulder, turning me around. "Stay off of him, slut" a girl with long brown hair and big green eyes said, then promptly threw her drink in my face. The alcohol burned my eyes as I cried out in pain. "What the fuck Jen!?" Colby said and pulled me away and up the stairs, the alcohol still leaving me blinded. "Who was that?!" I said clawing at my eyes. He ignored the question momentarily as he rushed me to the bathroom, grabbing a towel along the way. "Sh sh you're okay" he whispered and wet the towel. He gently moved my hands away from my face and started to brush the towel over my eyes. I grabbed his free hand and squeezed it tightly, "I'm sorry" I said as I tried to open my eyes, his face shifted to a confused glare, "What are you sorry for?" I looked down, as tears streamed from my eyes. I wasn't intentionally crying but my eyes were flooding out the alcohol that was causing them to burn.


"I ruined your party for you." He frowned and wiped my tears off my face. "Baby you didn't ruin it. If anything Jen ruined it..." he said looking into space. "Who is she?" I said softly. He took a deep breath. "My ex.." he wouldn't look at me. I took a deep breath, "is she the one..who called you-"

"Heartless? Yeah." He sighed. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He held my waist then quickly pulled away from the hug. He kissed me gently caressing my face. "I'm sorry she did that." He whispered. "It's not your fault." I whispered back and stood up, taking the dry part of the towel and tried to rub the drink out of my hair. "You can shower if you want, I'll give you some clothes." Colby said sweetly. "It's okay." I said as I pulled my hair into a messy bun. My shirt was wet and stained, but I couldn't care less. "We can go back down" I said with a smirk and kissed him. "Are you sure?" He said softly as I opened the door, "Let's go" I grabbed his hand and lead him back down.

We were met at the bottom of the stairs by a drunk duo. "Cora, are you okay I saw what happened" Sam slurred holding onto Kat for support, "everything's good" I said with a smile, "we are going to bed, you guys should join!" Kat said causing me to irrupt into a laugh, "no no we are okay, have fun" Colby said and dragged me away. We went outside and Jake handed Colby a blunt immediately. He took two hits and handed it to me. I shrugged and inhaled the green, letting the smoke trail out of my mouth slowly. I passed it to Devyn and we sat down around the blazing fire that was going in the fire pit.


I started to feel sooo good, I didn't smoke weed as often as I probably should, considering it calms me down immediately. "You're hot" Colby said causing me to look over, giggling. "Get a room you two" Jake said as he held a petite girl on his lap. "Fuck off Jake" Colby said and put his hand on my thigh, immediately turning me on.

There was small talk around the bonfire, until Jake said "let's play truth or dare." In the moment it sounded like a great idea.

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