

Colby parked in a dirt lot, there was nothing but trees around. "Where are we?" I said and he leaned over kissing my cheek, "you'll see" he said and opened his door, getting out. I followed suit and got out of the car, we walked down a trail and then began to hike the small mountain in front of us. Colby placed his hand around my waist gently. "Cora" He said softly causing me to look in his direction. "Colby." I said with a smirk. "Did you have fun today?" He said as we approached a building, it looked like it had been abandoned for years. "I did." I said with a smile, "did you?" He smiled, "Yeah, I did" he stopped walking causing me to stop too. He turn me so that I was facing him. He gently pulled me into a kiss. It was short and sweet. "What are we doing here?" I said and gestured to the building. "We are going to explore it." He said grabbing my hand. "Didn't you get arrested for exploring?" I said with a chuckle, "yeah, but if there isn't a no trespassing sign then there shouldn't be a problem." I nodded as we walked closer to the building.

Colby led the way moving shrapnel out of the path making it easier for me to enter the building. There was something so beautiful about how old it was. I couldn't describe it. "Watch your step" Colby said cautiously as I began to explore a little. "This place is amazing" I said taking it all in. It was a big concrete building, almost like a warehouse, but it was empty. Graffiti was splattered on all of the walls. The silence was comforting. I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist, "hi" I said sweetly as he kissed my cheek from behind. "Let's go up there" he said pointing to the stairs. It was an old spiral staircase, so it wobbled as we walked on it. Colby held my hand tightly until we reached the top. As my foot touched solid floor the staircase collapsed, leaving us trapped on the second floor. "It's not that far of a drop we can still get down don't worry" Colby said confidently. It had gotten dark out as we explored, there was a hole in the roof of the building.


We laid down on the ground and looked at the stars. I felt Colby turn his head to look at me, I glanced over, "What?" He smiled, "you're just so beautiful." He said making me blush. "We should pick up our game of 20 questions." He said and turned his head back to the stars. "Alright. What's your biggest fear?" I said making him chuckle, "failing. What's yours?" He said making my heart stop, being a disappointment, I thought to myself, "probably spiders" I said making him laugh. "THAT'S your biggest fear?" He said causing me to hit him playfully, "no but I can't tell you what my biggest fear is." I said sitting up. "You don't trust me?" He said also sitting up. "It's not that..it's just I feel like if I say it, then it will happen." I sighed. He shook his head, "you don't have to tell me." He put his hand on my back. "But you do have to tell me your favorite dessert." He said changing the subject. "Icecream for sure. What's your favorite thing to do?" I said as we both laid down, "explore." He said with a smile. "Alright last question then we should head out." He said and turned his head to me, "Okay shoot." I said and smiled, looking over at him. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He said causing me to blush. "Of course" I said as he rolled over on top of me, he hovered over me for a second and then placed a kiss on my lips.

Colby jumped from the second to the first floor with ease. "Jump Cora, i'll catch you." He said and held his arms out ready to grab me. I hesitated then jumped, feeling his strong arms wrap around me. "Let's get you home." He said grabbing my hand leading me back down to trail to the car.


Once we got to my apartment he walked me to my door, "do you want me to stay tonight?" His eyes glimmered in the moonlight, "no it's okay. You deserve a full nights sleep" I said and his face twisted into a confused stare. "My nightmares wake you up." I said and he frowned, "That makes me want to stay more." He pulled me into a hug putting his chin on my head, "it's really okay Colby. The boys probably miss you at the house" I said into his chest.

"Honestly you're right" He said as his chest vibrated with laughs. "But call me if you need me Okay?"

"Okay." He kissed me on the forehead then pulled away from me. I kissed him and walked into my apartment locking the door.

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