

I woke up to the sun shining brightly in my face, I check my phone. It was already noon, and Colby was asleep next to me still. I took this moment to really take in his features. He looked so peaceful as he lightly snored. I should have gotten up to start my day but being in his arms felt right in this moment. I sat on my phone, scrolling through Instagram, until I felt a kiss on my head. "Good morning" Colby said in a raspy voice. "Good morning" I said and looked up to see his blue eyes staring back at me. He smirked and said, "go get ready, I have a couple things planned for us today" causing me to smile and get out of bed. I felt his eyes on me as I walked to my closet. I pulled out a black romper and my black vans, then went to the bathroom to get ready.

Butterflies filled my stomach as I thought about what we might be doing for the day. We could do anything and I would be happy as long as I'm with Colby. Once I was ready I walked back into the bedroom. Colby was standing next to my bed on his phone, "you ready?" He said putting his phone in his pocket and looking at me with a smile.

We had to stop at his house so he could change and shower, I sat in his room as he did this. I needed to update Kat on everything. I sent her a quick text,




The door opened and Colby came in, he walked directly to me and wrapped his arms around me. "Are you ready for the best date ever?" He said as he put his chin on my head. "I was born ready, Brock." I said and looked up, then placed a quick peck on his lips. He grabbed my hand and we walked to his car.


The first stop on our date was a sushi place, since it's my favorite food, and it's also his. "Tell me about your childhood" he said as we waited for our food. "Well...you know my mother left when I was ten..but before then it was hard, mom never really wanted to have kids so when she had me she took it out on my dad and I." His expression shifted, he looked concerned. "But my dad is the best. He always sees the bright side of life, he taught me that no matter what happens, there's always going to be positives." I smiled causing him to relax a little. "Where does he live?" He said and took a sip of his water. "He lives back in North Carolina. I miss him so much. He's coming for my birthday in a couple months so maybe you'll get to meet him." I said as the waitress placed our food on the table. "I would love that" he said with a huge smile. "Tell me about your childhood" I prompted as he took a bite of sushi. "Well I have an older brother, and my mom and dad are crazy. Not in a bad way though!" He said and laughed trying to save himself as if they could hear him. "My mom has always been super protective of us, and she really doesn't take any bullshit. One time we pranked her for a video and she got so mad I had to talk to her for an hour for it to blow over." He chuckled at the memory. "And my dads pretty chill, we aren't super close or anything, but he's always been there for me when I need it." I smiled, his family seemed so nice, it seems like they lift eachother up.


We finished our food and headed out to the next spot. "Are you taking me to a carnival?" I said and laughed as we pulled into a gravel lot, there were rides and booths scattered in the middle of a field. "Of course I am, I have to win you a big prize and be super impressive." He said and laughed as we got out of the car. He grabbed my hand as we walked around. "Let's play 20 questions" he said causing me to laugh, "Alright you go first."

"What's your favorite color" He said with a big smile.

"Yellow! How big are you?" I said with a serious tone

"Cora!" Colby said and laughed

"I'm kidding!!" I yelled as we both laughed. "Favorite animal?"

"Koala. Favor-"

"Are you Colby Brock?" A teenage girl interrupted.

"Yeah I am" He said and smiled,

"Can we get a picture?" She said gesturing to her two friends as he nodded, letting go of my hand and throwing up a peace sign. I backed away and watched as the two other girls she was with stared me down, whispering. I immediately felt self conscious. As he was talking to them I backed away for a minute, pretending to look at the booth next to us. My heart was racing as my anxiety peaked. You're okay, they probably weren't talking about you. You're fine just breathe. I took deep breaths as I sucked the tears that were forming in my eyes in.

I felt a hand grab mine, causing me to jump. "You okay?" Colby asked and I calmed down. "Yeah you scared me" I said with a chuckle. "Alright, let's go win you something." He said as we pulled me to the games. We played games for an hour, until he won me a giant sloth plush. We laughed the entire time, I think I really love him.

Maybe love did exist.

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