

Colby pulled away from the kiss but kept his hand on my face. His other hand was placed gently on my waist. "Let me take you on a date" he said with a smile. I nodded, "I would love that" I still couldn't believe this was happening. Nobody had ever shown an interest in me, I was usually too closed off for most people. "Will you stay the night?" I said as he took his hands off of me and leaned against the counter. "Of course I will." He smirked. A moment of silence settled in the room as I bit my lip, swaying awkwardly. "What's up?" Colby said and raised his brows at my uncomfortable stanse. "Jason came to the show." I said quickly. I don't know why I said it, maybe because I was scared of Jason finding out where I live. His face changed, it was hard to read, but he seemed angry. "Did he do something to you?" He said in a tone that was equally angry and concerned. "He apologized...but it was weird...the words he said didn't match his tone..I don't know I guess I'm.." I paused,

he won't care the voice in my head said.

"I'm scared." I admitted and his eyes softened.

"I won't let him touch you ever again." He said protectively. It made my heart skip as he pulled me into a tight hug, his chin resting on my head. "We should try to sleep." He said and kissed the top of my head. "We need to get better sleeping schedules." I said and laughed as we walked into my bedroom. "Get comfortable I'm going to get this makeup off." I said and left the room. Part of me felt weird having him stay the night in my bed, but the other part of me knew that he was special, we wasn't going to try anything or break my heart. I washed my face leaving it completely bare of makeup. I immediately felt self conscious that Colby would think I was ugly, and that he would change his mind when he saw me. But I pushed those thoughts aside and walked back to the bedroom. Colby sat up against the headboard shirtless, he was under the covers though. He smiled as I walked in. "What?" I said as I giggled and covered my face. "Nothing..you're just so beautiful." I felt my cheeks get warmer. I got under the covers with him and he repositioned himself to have his arms around me. "Goodnight Cora." He said and kissed my head. "Goodnight Colby."


We were laying in bed. His arms protectively around me. The door vibrated with loud knocks. "Colby I'm scared" I said with a shaking voice. He didn't respond. "Colby?" I said turning to look at him. It wasn't him. It was Jason, and his grip was no longer protective, but aggressive. "Colby!" I yelled out of fear but Jason covered my mouth. "He's not going to come." He said in a sinister tone and pointed to the corner of the room. Colby's body slumped over. He was either unconscious or dead. I couldn't tell. I screamed out in agony.

I bolted up trying to catch my breath. I looked over to see Colby still next to me, soundly sleeping. It was just a dream. A bad bad dream. I slid myself out of the bed and walked out to the kitchen. I prepared a cup of tea and sat in the living room, putting on a Netflix show. I could almost feel the bags growing under my eyes. I wish I could sleep without my mind attacking me. It was only 4:30am meaning I had less than an hour of sleep.

"Are you okay?" Colby said in my doorway, rubbing his eyes. "I'm okay...just a bad dream." I said holding my mug with both hands. "Do you want to talk about it." He said sitting next to me. "No it's okay, you can go back to sleep." I said with a small smile. "You're crazy if you think I'm going to let you not tell me." He said with a smirk. "It was really nothing. I don't want to keep you up." His face shifted a bit, he looked helpless, "I hate seeing you scared" he said and bit his lip a little.


I sighed, "I had a dream that Jason was in my bed instead of you, and you were in the corner of the room...hunched over. It doesn't matter though, I don't know why I'm being such a baby over Jason, he never actually did anything." I said making Colby take in a deep breath. "You're not being a baby Cora, he did something so inhumane, or at least he tried to. If you wouldn't have gotten away..." he took a deep breath controlling his anger. "It doesn't matter. I did get away" I said not letting him finish his sentence. "It's not a big deal Colby. The dream only happened because I saw him tonight, but he apologized to me so all of this is over. Okay?" I said planting a kiss on his cheek. I could tell he was struggling with keeping his anger at bay. "Let's go back to bed okay?" He said and stood up. I grabbed the hand he was offering and stood up, leaving my mug on the coffee table. We laid back in bed and he played with my hair until I fell asleep again.

I didn't deserve this.

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