

Kat was waiting outside of her apartment building for me, once I pulled up she hopped in. "I can't believe we are doing this" she said and laughed, "I told Sam I would never do a haunted video with him again after the midnight man game but here we are." She was so in love with Sam I feel like he could ask her to do any video idea and she would do it. We pulled up to the house, Sam and Colby were both outside leaning up against Colby's car. They had a giant camera with a microphone attached to it. They also had one backpack with the letters XPLR on it "Hey guys" Colby said as Sam greeted Kat with a kiss. "Hi" I said quietly to both of them. "You guys ready?" Sam said gesturing to Colby's car. We piled in and they started their intro.

"WHATS up guys it's Sam and Colby." Colby started.

"So today we are going on another haunted journey, and we have some special guests, Kat! And Cora!" He said and zoomed in on each of us as he said our names. "Yeah we are going to this place called the witches den. It's supposedly super haunted." Colby said looking back at Kat and I. We smiled and chimed into the conversation when needed. Once the intro was done we began our journey there. I researched what 'the witch's den' was. It's supposedly really haunted due to a bunch of freak accidents and what people believe are suicides. Rituals are often done there too, some believe there's a hex placed on it. It seemed a little intense for a first time ghost hunt but my adrenaline was pumping.

Once we arrived it was about a mile long hike. We all goofed off the entire hike to keep the energy positive. Kat and Sam eventually broke off from Colby and I. "Are you scared?" Colby said and chuckled as we walked. "Oh so scared." I said sarcastically and glanced over at him. His smile widened when I looked at him. It immediately fell as he said, "Ew look at it" and pointed to a weird structure standing in the middle of the woods. It was essentially a cave but the walls were covered in graffiti. "Alright here we go." Colby said as they began the video back up.


"Now we couldn't do a haunted video without a ouija board now could we?" Sam said pulling it out of the backpack. My eyes widened slightly, ouija boards scared me a little but I was so ready to use one for the first time. "Sam! I can't believe you brought that!" Kat said and gasped. "I'm not playing it" she protested and Sam chuckled, "it's okay babe we need a camera person anyways" he said and pulled her into a hug and kissed her head. "You're still down though right?" Sam said and pointed at me. "I was born ready" I said confidently. We set up the board and began to play. Sam, Colby, and I sat in a little semi circle, each with 2 fingers in the planchette. We moved the planchette into a circle three times, "ouija we are here." Colby said. It gave me chills. I could feel the energy radiating off the board and it freaked me out.

"Okay first question. Are there any spirits here?" Colby said and the planchette almost immediately slid to yes. "Are y'all messing with me??" I said as my heart raced from both excitement and fear. "No!" They both said in unison. "Are you a good spirit?" Sam said and it quickly slid to 'no'. "Oh my god." Kat said from behind the camera. "Is there anything you want to say to us?" Colby said and looked up at me. The planchette moved quickly, our fingers barely touching it. G-I-R-L. I gasped with wide eyes as Sam and Colby both snapped their head up to look at me. "It's okay it could mean anything." Colby said with a calming voice. He was right. It was really broad. "What about a girl?" Sam said cautiously.



In a panic I pulled my hands away from the board. "Cora!" Colby said and gently forced my hand back on the planchette. "I know you're scared but you can't take it off." He explained as the planchette went to the letter T. Tears welled up in my eyes, "can we say goodbye" I said hardly keeping it together. I didn't want them to think I'm weak. I took a deep breath and blinked the tears away. "Yeah, goodbye" Colby said and we forced the planchette to go to goodbye. "Are you okay?" Sam said and looked at me with worried eyes. "Yeah I'm fine, just a little freaked out" I said with a shrug.

All of our heads snapped up to the sound of a rock the size of my fist falling the ceiling of the cave, almost directly above us. I quickly dodged it and ran out of the cave, followed by the others. I took a deep breath trying desperately to not cry. I had to save my tears for myself later.

Kat on the other hand was crying, Sam held her tightly as she cried into his hoodie. That really scared her. It scared me too.

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