《Roommates ☁︎ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*》☁︎chapter 6☁︎



me and Finn were just staring at each other's eyes.

I've never been this close to Finn. In all honesty I've never been close to him in general. In every interview he sat far away from as possible. Also when we ate or when we were in car rides.

I immediately got up from Finn realizing what was going on and grabbed my phone from my butt pocket. I check my notifications and I see that someone had texted me.


Oh thank you Millie for saving me from that awkwardness !!

Millie = 💖

You= 🌶


Saw your snap

I see you and Finn are getting along ;)


I guess you can say that.

But don't think to much of it.


Djjskskw this is the beginning of something new. Something great. I can feel it !


Millie. Shut up.

Anyways how was the new member ?

I can't wait to meet him/her !!


It's a her.

And so far we don't like her.

And by we I mean me and Sadie.

And guess what !!


What why ?

And what ?!





What's so bad about that ?



I am not !.

I'm just mad.

She's a total freaking b !


Well I can't wait to meet her.

And deal with it Millie !

We're gonna be working

With her for a while !


Where are you guys ?

We're starving


We're at Fat Matts Rib Shack.


Alright Finn and I will be there in a bit.


K bye girly

Read at 7:55

"Alright let's go !" I say as I took off the pillows covered in tape around my body.

Finn did the same but was having a difficult time so I had to help him.


It took us a while but we finally succeeded on taking off the tape.

I grabbed my small purse (sorry if you don't use that) and yanked Finn by the arm and into the car.

I slammed the car door and gave the driver the directions to the restaurant.

The whole ride there was quiet. All you could hear was Rihanna's voice through the speaker singing "wild thoughts" which was very awkward.

"Sooo...Millie told me that they don't like the new girl already" I say trying to start a conversation.

"It's a girl ?..."

"Yea that's what I just said, no ?"

He chuckles and puts his hair back.

"Turn out Noah is already all over her...apparently that's what millie says"

Finn laughs more and looks out the window.

"Oh that Noah is something else. But he'll get over her...just you see"

I only hum in response and continued to look out the window.

He sighs on the other side and I start to hear him move on his seat.


"Yes ?" I stayed in my position looking out the window.

"Can we just pretend that didn't happen at the house ?"

I make a confused expression and look back at him.

"What ?"

He rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

"Don't act dumb y/n, you know what I'm talking about"

"No no I don't" I say

I knew exactly what he was talking about. I just didn't want him to think that I knew. I didn't want him to think I like it. Or whatever.

"You know...when you fell on top of me"

I tap my cheek with my finger and act like I was thinking.

"Ohh that ?"

"Yes that !"

"Mmm what about it ?"

He hesitated for a moment and then spoke up again.


"Can we just act like it never happened?"

I sat there frozen. Not knowing what to say. I know he didn't mean it in a bad way. But my heart thought otherwise.

"I don't want you to like think we have something. Or that I lead you on....you know ?"

Is he serious right now ?. I wanted to shout and scream. I even wanted to kick him in the balls. How does he even have the audacity to Fucking tell me that ?!.


"Me think that we have something" I start to laugh in his face as hard as I can.

"Oh Jesus Finn. You are so full of yourself ! I would never think that we have something. Nor would I fall for you if that's what you thought."

I made the words slip out in disgust as if I didn't want anything to deal with him.

"so we're good ?"

"Finn if you think this is the beginning of something new...like being friends or whatever then your absolutely wrong, I want nothing to deal with you. Especially if you're this full of yourself...Jesus. You know I regret even accepting hanging out with you"

He stayed quiet and looked hurt. I knew he was hurt. I would have been to. But I do not want to be friends with someone who makes ignorant comments like his.

lead me on ?

Jesus Finn. In all honesty go fuck yourself.

"Being friends would probably be the best at least !" He protested

I chuckled and leaned my head against the window.

"Finn, our relationship right now is literally we're literally killing each other everyday and fighting, we're overdosing each other with our hateful comments yet you want us to be friends...well no Finn it'd be suicide if we became friends. And you yourself know it !"

"Plus why should I be friends with you if you're going to keep acting like I have feelings for you" I shouted the last part towards him and I could see I broke him even more.

It was the truth tho. Every bit of it was true. He knew it to.

I shook my head and put my hoodie over my head and leaned against the window looking at the city buildings we passed by as a tear dripped down my face.


Sorry guys :(.

It had to be sad hun.

Don't forget to and

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