《Working For My Bias || Hwang Hyunjin FF》F I V E


We are playing monopoly right now. Everyone was focusing except for the long blonde hair guy. Hyunjin, if I remembered correctly. He was just there, sitting on the couch scrolling on his phone.

Changbin said as Jisung kept refusing to pay him even though he landed on changbin's property. Jisung shouted at Changbin, making Jeongin beside them laugh a little. "It's a game!" Changbin now shouted and went over to Jisung to tackle him, making the others laugh at their silliness. "Don't worry, they are always like that." Seungmin told me as he saw my shocked face. I answered him.

Few hours passed and now we were getting to know each other, just by sitting down and talking. Seungmin and Felix sat next to me and the others, except for Hyunjin sat infront of me. Hyunjin had already went back to his room, half-way through the game. Was he in a bad mood?

Y/N sat there as she waited for the boys to start asking her questions. It was now nearly 1 am in the morning but she didn't care. She wanted to know them better and for them to know her better which is why she didn't give a damn about the time.

They all asked simple questions towards her. For example, what's her age? Or how would she like to be called, by her name or something else. She gave them simple answers by telling them her age and that it wasn't a big deal on what they wanted to call her as long as it wasn't inappropriate towards her. She didn't mind it.

Now, it was her turn to ask the questions towards them. First, she asked them why they wanted a maid and why they had no problem with it being a female. Not that she mind though, she could wake up to eight handsome men everyday. To put it simply, Chan said that they were busy and they couldn't eat on time. And even though they would've ordered delivery, they wanted to save their money. Minho then added that they didn't mind it being a female because they would be out most of the time practising so, they wouldnt really mind it if a female was with them.


The bunch talked for a little while more before they noticed a sleeping figure on the couch. Y/N had fallen asleep on the couch when they were talking g among themselves. Since it was a little dark in the living room, she thought that she could just close her eyes for a little while, not knowing that she was actually going to go to sleep. The boys quickly got up from their sleeping position and one of them carried her to her room, putting her down gently on the bed and closing the door after.

As Seungmin walked out of them room, going back to the boys who were cleaning the living room he said, Jeongin who was also there agreed and said, making the other six of them nod their heads in agreement. It hadn't even been a day, but they were starting to like her already.

All except one who still didn't want to acknowledge her presence. Hwang Hyunjin. Although he doesn't usually act like this around people he had just met, he'd seemed to already put up a barrier between them both. Hyunjin was usually one of the most cheerful member when meeting someone he'd never seen before. He would always smile brightly and talk to them cheerfully but with her, it was different.


I groaned in my pillow as my alarm kept on ringing. I switched off the noisy alarm before the others wake up. No matter how much I wanted to stay asleep, I had to wake up. I had to cook breakfast and attend morning classes. Arggh, I just want to sleep!

I got off the bed lazily and went to the toilet, trying not to make to much noise. I quickly washed my face and did all the necessary things and went out to start making breakfast.


Since it was still 'Japanese' week, I decided to make grilled salmon, rice and miso soup. I had about three hours to get everything ready before I had to go to class. I wore my apron and searched a video online on how to make miso soup because your girl ain't a Michelin star chef.

I boiled the soup and cooked the rice. The only thing left for me to do is grill the few pieces of salmon. While I was grilling the salmon, Chan came out from his room and stood behind me.

Chan asked me. I answered, short and simple because my focus was still on the grill. He said as he took a look at what I was making. I told him,just in case he wondered where I was going. I asked him, curious to find out why they would wait for me. He told me cheekily, smiling till his dimples were seen.

Chan then went to the bathroom to wash himself up. I placed everything on the table and started to wash the dishes. Oh! I almost forgot. I took a sticky note and wrote down :

I'll be going out so, y'all can eat by yourselves. If the food is cold, just reheat it in the microwave for 2 minutes. Fyi There's rice in the rice cooker. And if you're still hungry, there's fruit in the fridge. ~ Y/N

I placed the sticky note next to the plate and left for my morning class. I really, really don't want to go but, I need my education. Sigh.

My college was not far from the dorm. Instead, it was a twenty minutes walk. While I was walking, a dude came up to me and hung his arms around my shoulder. I knew exactly who it was.

I said, struggling to keep my head upwards because his hand was too heavy. Wang Ja said as he runs his free hand through his hair as if he was in a fashion show. I pushed his hands off me and now it was my turn to tease him. I used both of my hands to pull his head into my arms before locking it making him shout in pain.

I gave up on him. To be honest, he was handsome but not to the point that I would fall for him. Maybe it was because I knew him for a long time, which made me feel numb towards his face. I did once have feelings for him but that was a really long time ago and not gonna lie, I was ashamed of it. Nonetheless, he was still my bestfriend and if I wanted to have a bestfriend-in-law, I had to keep his handsome face in tact.


My classes finished for the day and when I went out of the classroom, I saw a familiar figure standing near the stairs.

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