《In the Sky with Diamonds » s. hyde》fifty three


Outside on the porch, Lucy sat on the railing, her orange maxi skirt blew in the breeze. She sat with her head resting in her hands as she watched the boys play basketball with Donna. Eric was out getting gas for the Vista Cruiser to take Donna to the bus station the next night. Dramatically, Lucy sighed. When no one looked over, she sighed again.

"What's wrong?" Jackie asked, walking up from behind her, the rest of the gang stopping their game.

The blonde pouted, "Multiple things. This is Donna's last full day here. This is my last day as 17, young and sweet—" she began quoting ABBA before Kelso and Hyde groaned and tossed the basketball at her. "Knock it off!" the girl laughed with a shriek. "But seriously, I'm so bummed because I know that I'm literally not going to be doing anything exciting for my birthday."

The boys all looked between one another with stoic faces and nodded, "Want in on our plan?" Kelso asked.

"Hell yes!" Lucy cheered, jumping down from her spot. "Wait, what is it?" She asked before shrugging, "Ah hell, I don't care."

So the gang sat in the basement as the hours of the day slowly ticked away. Lucy smirked as her twin count down the seconds, "And midnight. So long 17, in the words of Alice Cooper I'm 18 and I like it."

"So long childhood, here we come semi-adulthood!" Lucy cheered, giving her brother a high five as he hopped over the back of the couch.

"Happy birthday, man!" Hyde smiled, smacking Eric on the back. "Happy birthday LSD."

"Let's give them their present!" Kelso shouted excitedly as the two boys farted over the the dryer. "It's a case of 23 beers!" Kelso announced. Causing the twins and Hyde to give him an incredulous look. "I deserved one, I carried it!" He defended, "12 for Eric and 11 for Luce since she's a lightweight."

"I am not!" She jumped up on the couch and leaned over to pick out one of the beers. After she took one, she held it for a moment before opening it, "Maybe a little—like a middleweight or something."

Eric popped open his beer tab and took a gulp, "Yeah that tastes like 18."

"Whoa, check out the new stereo!" Kelso said in awe. "Oh it plays records and 8 tracks, this thing's like right out of the future!"

"Yeah Donna gave it to me," Eric nodded, "I think she feels bad that she's going to college without me. So on the one hand I'm losing the girl that I've been in love with since I was 5 but on the other hand I get a crappy stereo."

"Score!" Kelso cheered, pumping his fists, "What? I mean she's going to dump you eventually. Rock and roll never dies," he said causally as he poorly shotgun his beer, spilling most of it on the couch.

"I can't believe he's almost 20," Lucy shook her head, "They grow up so fast," she fake wiped a tear away.


"Kelso, Donna and I are fine, okay? I mean, she's waiting until the very last bus to go to school tomorrow, so we can spend every minute of my birthday together. We're just gonna make this work," Eric spoke with positivity.

Fez looked up at him, "Eric, long distance relationships don't work. Just ask my girlfriend back home."

The twins both paused, bewildered, "Fez, you have a girlfriend back home?"

"No, don't you listen? Long distance relationships don't work!" Fez insisted.

Lucy looked up at her brother and grimaced, "I mean, I would agree. It's why I knew there's no way I could be with George at NYU." Eric looked at her blankly and she smiled, "But I'm sure that's not the case with you guys!"

"You guys, Donna and I are not gonna let a couple of miles come between us, okay? This isn't the end of the world!" Eric declared with another gulp of his beer.

"I never deserved her anyway," Eric nodded sadly, drinking his upteenth beer.

"You got that right," Lucy chuckled, receiving a glare from her brother, "I mean never deserved her leaving you for college, bro!"

"Well we're here for ya," Hyde nodded, reaching for a bandana and passing it to Eric, "Here ya go, dry your eyes."

"Thanks you guys, I feel better," Eric smiled, wiping his face and leaving giant black stains on his cheeks.

"I think we all do," Kelso snickered.

Lucy smiled peacefully, "You know, this has been a pretty great start to my birthday."

"Alright buddy, come on let's get you to bed," Hyde nodded, everyone stood up and hoisted Eric up. Lucy not being super successful as she just stood on her tiptoes to support his head.

The teens went upstairs quietly with the passed out Eric and went into Lucy's room, raiding her closet—Fez playing with the stuffed animals, and found an old dress her grandmother gave her. They quickly dressed Eric in it and brought him down to the kitchen.

"Alright, sleep tight buddy," Kelso said as they walked out of the kitchen.

Lucy clapped giddily, "The best prank to start off 18!"

The gang sat in the living room, Lucy sitting on the wall behind the couch, lightly combing through Jackie's hair, who sat on the couch below her.

"So I heard Eric threw a toaster," Jackie spoke up.

Hyde shook his head, "It's almost as bad as the time he called you a poodle head."

"Which he brought up again today!" Donna exclaimed in exasperation.

"Or the whole granny-panty incident," Lucy added.

"He's not good!" Kelso shook his head.

"Well I'm just surprised Eric was able to lift the toaster," Jackie scoffed.

Lucy nodded, "I'm more surprised that that's the only thing he's done to ruin today and not like—I don't know, forget to take you to the bus station or freaking out all together and running away to Cali—" the blonde stopped herself as her hand flew to her mouth as Donna stared at her, "I'm so sorry, I completely forgot—it's way more Eric and not at all like you!"


Just then, said twin just walked through the kitchen, "Donna I've been looking all over for you! I'm so sorry I was such a jerk earlier. It's your last day, and it's my birthday I just I wanna spend it together!"

"Eric it's okay, I know you don't care about the toaster. You're sad I'm leaving and I'm sad too," Donna nodded, embracing him. Jackie rolled her eyes at the couple before she warily looked at Hyde, her eyes darting away from the blonde that he kept glancing at.

"Hey don't take him back, he threw a toaster!" Fez shouted in protest.

Eric pulled away from Donna, "Hey, shouldn't my surprise party have started already?"

"We keep telling you there's no party man, it's like you're deaf," Hyde scoffed.

"No need to be rude," Lucy pouted, "You at least got an 18th party, we don't and Donna is leaving!"

"Are you deaf now too?" Hyde asked with a raised eyebrow.

Kelso jumped up from the couch and signed, while shouting, "Eric, Lucy, there is no party!"

Kitty bursted through the front door before shaking her head, "No, no, no, why are you here? You can't be here!"

"Oh right," Eric nodded, "We'll go outside, then we'll come back, and you guys yell surprise! and we'll yell you got me!"

"Honey, there's no party!" Kitty yelled desperately.

"What? How can there not be a party? Mom, what is more important than your kids' 18th birthday?" Eric questioned defiantly.

"Okay fine!" Kitty took a deep breath, "For the first time since his heart attack your father and I are having intercourse."

"I can't believe this!" Lucy shook her head in disbelief, walking out with her hands up.

Lucy laid in the grass out front by the lawn, her arms crossed below her head, as she looked up at the stars. A bottle of wine laid discarded beside her, the warm feeling of the alcohol coursing through her veins and the wine making her calm and bubbly.

"What are you doing out here LSD?" Hyde's voice came from behind her before joining her on the lawn. Inspecting the empty wine bottle before putting it back down.

"Just thinking Hyde," the blonde replied, looking at the boy out of the corner of her eye.

Pushing himself up to his elbows, he looked down at the girl, "About?"

"This year has sucked," she said abruptly. Quickly silencing the boy beside her in an awkward tension. "Remember when we were 16?" She looked up at Hyde, her blue eyes glimmering from the reflection of the stars, he nodded at the girl in response. She closed her eyes gently, "I think 16 was easier—we were out here once, after we kissed," she opened her eyes and looked at him, "and you totally loved me," she teased.

"I did not!" he scoffed, smiling slightly at the girl, "You had the hots for me, it's why you asked me to kiss you."

Lucy looked at him, squinting slightly in thought, "Perhaps, but you definitely had the hots for me!" she pointed her finger at him with a laugh.

"I'll concede on that one!" He held a hand up in surrender.

Lucy lied down and closed her eyes, "God that feels like forever ago. Like, are we even the same people?"

Laying beside her, the boy turned his head to look at her as she looked at the stars, "I like to think so," he said softly.

The blonde turned on her side to look at him, "Sometimes, I feel like things are so different..." she trailed off, her fingers tracing patterns in the grass, "But then, like right now, everything feels the same and like it always will."

They were dangerously close, neither of them could figure out when they had moved closer to one another, but they had. Hyde could feel her breath on his cheek and smell the wine; he could feel the warmth radiating off her body—and if he just extended his fingers he could touch her hip; and he was sure she could hear his heart beating out of his chest. "What does that mean Lucy?" he finally asked.

Lucy's lips turned up in a smile and she let out a slight laugh, "It means I'm still so naïve. And that I've had too much to drink, clearly," she joked half-heartedly before turning to lay on her back.

Lucy woke up in the grass and turned to see Fez sleeping beside her in a dress and Kelso and Hyde also sleeping—luckily in their normal clothing.

The blonde rubbed her eyes tiredly before glancing at her Scooby-Doo watch. "Shit!" she shouted, "We're gonna miss Donna!" the boys scrambled up and all ran for the El Camino.

Lucy slid into the driver's seat and tipsily beckoned for the keys before Hyde scoffed, "Not tonight doll," before shoving her over in the bench.

Luckily the bus station was only 20 minutes away—and luckily the police were apparently all on break because Hyde got them there in 10.

They came to a screeching halt at the station where Donna and Eric were hugging. Hyde put the car in park quickly, Kelso leaping over the hood of the car, Hyde hopping out of the driver seat, Lucy climbing out slowly after him clutching her head and feeling a migraine coming on, Fez jumping out of the back in his dress.

"Donna we didn't get a chance to say goodbye!" Fez whined, fixing the straps of his dress.

Eric furrowed his eyebrows and frowned

"Did you guys get him drunk and make him wear a dress?"

Fez nodded, "Yes, but I've been wanting to do this for sometime."

"Live your best life Fezzie," Lucy smiled, slinging her arm around his shoulder. "I can't believe you guys ruined my dress."

"Guess what?" Donna asked excitedly.

Kelso gasped, "You're pregnant?"

"No!" Donna rolled her eyes, "I'm staying in Point Place."

The friends all exchanged skeptical looks since she passed up her chance to leave town. Lucy finally scoffed, walking forward to hug the redhead, "Dumbass."

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