《In the Sky with Diamonds » s. hyde》forty five


It was mid-September, about a month after Eric and Donna's secret engagement. Everyone stood outside in the Forman's driveway, anxious as to what was going on indoors between a very furious Red, a scared Bob and a peacekeeper Kitty.

"Forman, why'd you have to tell Red you got engaged?" Hyde sighed, throwing up his hand and gesturing to the yelling man inside, "Look at him—yelling and waving—Oh! A little spit just landed on Bob." The boy chuckled to himself, "Bob's so scared, he's not even wiping it off."

Lucy, who was pacing beside him quickly slapped in against the chest, giving him a this is serious look before whisper-yelling "You give me anxiety!"

"Oh, my God," Eric started, finally moving from his frozen spot and to Donna on the hood of the Cruiser, "Oh, my God. This time Red is really gonna kill me. My only hope is that he actually sticks his foot so far up my ass he can't pull it out, and I get to take him straight to hell with me."

"Why did you tell him?" Donna sighed in exasperation, getting up from her spot, "We had it all planned: we were gonna give them wine, get 'em all loose and juiced—But you spilled the beans!"

Fez chimed in, "Good, because wine and beans is not a good combo. Hey, toot-toot! if you know what I mean."

Lucy face palmed before whispering—mostly to herself, "Wine! It would've been brilliant!" Hyde pulled her into his side as she continued her rambling, "Mom's then delusionally happy and Dad is too tired to argue!"

"We know doll, sadly your brother here didn't get the same common knowledge as you did," Hyde reassured her, rubbing her shoulders.

"Sorry I'm late!" Kelso exclaimed. "I was cutting through backyards on the way over here and the Hendersons got a new jungle gym!" Then the goofy brunette finally saw through the kitchen door and gasped, "Whoa. They're still yelling?"

Eric nodded, "Yeah, I'm trying to read Red's lips—but I can't make it out. He keeps calling me a stupid duck—" The scrawny boy stood there for a moment, slowly processing it as Lucy rolled her eyes and rested her head on Hyde's chest, who couldn't hide his smirk. Finally, in realization, Eric snapped his fingers with an "Ahhh!"

"Hey, I'll go spy on them. I just gotta run home real quick and change into my ninja outfit," Kelso offered helpfully.

Eric furrowed his brows, "I don't think this situation calls for camouflage, Kelso."

Kelso scoffed, "Well, that doesn't mean it's not fun to wear, Eric!"

After some arguing and compromising, the girls were able to convince Kelso that all the best spies do their work without camouflage—like James Bond and and Scooby Doo—Kelso went in without his ninja costume. Meanwhile, the rest of the gang stayed back and waited for his report.

"Eric, I'm trying to wrap my head around it—i really am" Lucy started calmly, "but why the hell would you tell?" the small blonde now basically yelling before Jackie put a hand on her shoulder.


"Oh, I don't know Luce!" Eric shouted back, "I guess what I was thinking was: you know what would be really fun? Sealing my death wish and having Dad kill me!" He finished with a mocking tone and smile.

Lucy kept her expression composed and gave her twin the bird which Hyde quickly reached to pull her hand down, "Do you know what this means?" Lucy asked, struggling to get out of Hyde's grasp, "There is no way they will ever let either of us out of this house."

"Not true," Hyde spoke up, "They might just throw Forman's skinny ass out on the street!"

To which Lucy spun around with wide eyes before suppressing a shout, "Anxiety!"

On that note, a clear "Burn!" was heard inside before the kitchen door slid open seconds later and Kelso walked out. "Well?" Donna asked nervously, "What were they saying?"

Kelso pauses for a moment before saying "Oh, I don't know." Causing everyone to sigh and yell in protest. "Well, I was so busy acting like I wasn't listening, I forgot to listen!" the clueless boy defended himself.

"Man!" Eric exclaimed, pacing nervously, "Betcha he's trying to think of a punishment. He already took away the Vista Cruiser and—and fined me. What's next? Is he gonna cut off my pinkie?"

This prompted a shout from Fez, "Ay! What's the point of getting married if Red's gonna cut that off?"

Lucy, Hyde, and Red sat around the dinner table while Kitty went outside to fetch Eric; Red sitting in silence, Hyde helping himself to the food, and Lucy fiddling with her utensils—really wishing that she had taken up Kelso and Fez's offer of going to The Hub. Hyde quickly took her hand away from her utensils and held it under the table, tracing circles and shapes with his thumb.

The kitchen door slid open as Eric walked through with Kitty not too far behind, "Well, look who I found, our son—who we love very much."

"Hey, Dad," Eric tried feebly as he sat down.

"Pass the peas, Steven," Red said without acknowledgement.

Kitty stayed quiet a moment before saying, "Red, your son spoke to you."

"I heard him," Red reassured, "But you asked me not to yell at him, and I agreed. So I'm just taking your idea and refining it."

Eric looked to Lucy, unsure, "Oh, so you're giving me the silent treatment?"

"So, Steven, Lucy, how was school today?" Red continued

"Um, well, in health class today, we learned that an early engagement's often a sign of heavy drug use," Hyde stated with a smirk as he got more peas for himself. Lucy's grip on his hand underneath the table turning her knuckles white, and the curly-haired boy quickly pulling his hand away with a quiet hiss.

"Hyde!" Eric quickly warned.

"Red, you're being a big baby!" Kitty insisted.

"No, Mom, it's okay," Eric nodded, "Actually, it's a pleasant surprise but let's see how serious he is about it. Hey, Dad, you know who's got the right idea? Russia," and with that comment, Lucy sent a swift kick under the table to hit her twin—idiot twin in the shins. Red placed his fork down and stared down Eric.


After what felt like eons to Lucy, Hyde spoke up, "I haven't felt this kind of tension in years—reminds me of home, except everyone's wearing a shirt."

Lucy was sitting in the basement where Jackie and Kelso were bickering about her expensive birthday gift and was talking with Eric about how Red threw him with a broom at work instead of talking to him—which was obviously unfair, especially because he sucked with hand-eye-coordination.

Just then, Fez and Hyde walked through the basement door, "Attention, everyone! My friend Fez has some wonderful news."

Everyone waited for the news before Fez finally cleared his throat, "Knock, knock."

"Who's there?" Kelso asked.

"I did it!" Fez shouted in pure excitement while the others cheered.

Kelso waved his hands to quiet his friends, "Nah! Wait! Wait, I want to hear this. I did it who?"

"Wait. Fez, I can't believe you finally lost your virginity!" Jackie said in shock.

"Wait, wait," Eric started, "This isn't like the time you bought a hamster, named it Virginity, and then lost it, is it?"

"Or when you won a fish, also named it Virginity, only to have someone take it and kept yelling My Virginity! Someone stole it! Right Fezzie?" Lucy asked, just to confirm, because the boy did have a way of exaggerating.

"No! This is the real thing!" Fez nodded, beaming.

But upon explaining what had happened, it was clear that what had happened involved uncomfortable bumping, humming, Nina's disappointment, and Fez crying behind closed doors before making a run for it.

"Well, you know," Donna looked for the words while patting Fez on the back, "At least it couldn't have been any worse."

"I left my underwear in her bathroom," Fez said quickly.

"Everyone has sucky first times, Fez!" Lucy insisted. She looked around at the gang for help and they all remained silent in embarrassment for the awkward moment.

Donna nodded profusely, "Yeah! Like with me and Eric!"

Eric looked down at his hands before mumbling, "Yes, thank you for bringing that up again."

"Yeah, I mean it wasn't like that for me and Jackie—" Kelso began, walking to get a popsicle from the freezer.

"Michael! We've been over this! I was miserable our first time!" Jackie berated him.

"But it was just like Prisoner of Love!" Kelso whined.

Hyde began with a smirk, "I mean I can't relate—"

"If your next words sound like Spam Stacy, there's gonna be a problem," Lucy said with a cool exterior. The boy quickly got the message and nodded before Lucy continued, "and anyways, there was a problem though, you know with the whole—"

"Yeah, yeah," Hyde laughed, pulling Lucy from the arm of the couch and into his lap, "Funny stuff, that's enough LSD."

"Oh I'm sure they want to hear it," Lucy teased, stifling her giggles as she saw how pissed off he was getting.

Eric spoke up with a shit-eating grin, "What about you Luce?"

Lucy turned around in confusion, "What about me?"

"Well your first time obviously!" Jackie chimed in, getting too excited for the gossip.

The blonde girl merely shrugged, "Well, it wasn't both our firsts, so Steven actually knew what he was doing," she started with a raised eyebrow at Eric and Kelso and she could basically feel the proud smirk Hyde was wearing.

"So what you're saying is me having experience with Pa—" Hyde started, just to piss Lucy off.

"It's like you want me to tell them," Lucy scoffed, immediately silencing the boy behind her before she smiled to herself in success.

Sitting on Hyde's cot, Lucy was reading their assignment for English while Hyde literally did anything else. He claimed that he had to reorganize his records by release date instead of alphabetically.

"Steven," Lucy whined, dragging it out, after twenty minutes of clatter from Hyde.

"Yeah doll?" Hyde smiled with amusement as he looked over at her.

The blonde held up the book feebly and with a grin, "Come read with me?"

"Hmm, let me think—not gonna happen," Hyde said with a sarcastic grin.

Lucy groaned as she got off the cot and brought herself over to the floor where he was rearranging his records. "Is this 'cause you're pissed about me teasing you? White Album is before Abbey Road," she said casually before sitting behind him, arms draped around his neck and tapping on his chest while her chin was propped on his shoulder.

"Thanks, and yeah, maybe it is—ya know it's not very nice to tease people LSD," he looked at her out of the corner of his eye.

She scoffed, rolling her eyes, "Okay, well that nickname is teasing."

"Like you actually care," Hyde chuckled, turning around and pulling her closer so she was sitting in his lap. Lucy shrugged and he leaned in to kiss her.

Inbetween kisses Lucy mumbled, "I don't know Steven, I think you need a nickname too."

"Sexy? Hot stuff?" Hyde joked, the two of them both laughing at one another.

"Nah," Lucy paused, "It has to match mine ya know?" She leaned in quickly for a kiss before saying "Maybe STD?" getting up and walking out on that note.

Hyde frowned and followed her out to the basement, "Hey! I got treated for it so it doesn't even count!"

"Mine doesn't count either!" She called behind her shoulder before running up the stairs, Steven close behind her. And the blonde's small shrieks were heard as he got ahold of her, the couple falling slightly on the stairs and laughing at their antics while hushing each other to prevent Red storming down.

"I love you, LSD," Steven spoke softly as he brushed the hair away from her face.

Lucy couldn't help the smile that spread across her face, or the feeling that coursed through her body—from her ears to her toes, "God I love when you say that," she whispered, kissing him, "I love you too STD."

"Oh that's it," Steven sighed in defeat.

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