《In the Sky with Diamonds » s. hyde》thirty eight


Lucy spun in front of the mirror in her closet, inspecting her Snow Prom dress that she had just gotten that day. It was a teal dress with a full skirt, typically not Lucy's style—she opted for more simple pieces, definitely not something with a princess skirt—but when she put on the dress her icy eyes stood out.

"Hey LSD," Hyde started as he opened her bedroom door, causing Lucy to jump as she shut herself in her closet. "What are you doing?" Hyde chuckled.

She was silent for a moment before a casual "Nothing" came muffled from the closet.

"Well then, can I see you?" Hyde asked, an amused smirk on his face.

"Steven, can you give me a minute, I'm in my dress and—" Lucy was about to ramble before Hyde cut her off.

"You're in your dress? Can I see?"

Lucy scoffed, "No, you cannot see. I don't need you laughing at me!"

"Well doll, I'm already laughing because I know you're crouched in there with that look you have when you're annoyed...Plus you're surrounded by all your stuffed animals," Hyde explained with a chuckle.

"Steven!" Lucy whined.

"Sorry! I swear on my copy of Led Zepplin IV that I will not laugh at you," he reassured her.

Lucy slowly stepped out, an exasperated look on her face, her eyebrows raised—expecting him to break his promise at any moment, "I know it's not really my style but I like it, okay?" she said, challenging any rude remarks he may be thinking of.

All the while, Steven Hyde couldn't figure out if he had ever seen something so beautiful. Surely he had, he knew must have, but nothing seemed to come to mind.

And it wasn't just the dress, sure the dress was great, it hugged her in all the right places causing him to force away some thoughts that were a faint whisper in the back of his mind, but his eyes barely lingered on the dress. And her hair was a mess—most likely from quickly dodging into the closet when he walked in. And her face was bare of any makeup as she was just about to turn in for the night.

It was simply her. She just seemed to glow; her cheeks flushed and rosy from embarrassment and her eyes were a cool blue that gave him goosebumps, her hair that was out of place and tousled was reflecting the dim light of her lamp and made her seem all the more angelic.

"Stop looking at me like that!" She laughed breathlessly, confused by the boy's behavior.


"Sorry," Hyde shook his head, snapping out of his thoughts. "You look great," he smiled, brushing the hair out of her face.

Lucy blushed, "Thanks." She looked up at him, biting the inside of her cheek, "You should go...you know, before my dad does bed checks."

Hyde sighed, placing a quick kiss on her forehead, "You're gonna be the death of me."

Lucy smirked as he walked towards the door, "I will be if my dad catches you."

Hyde and Lucy walked into the school for Snow Prom. They drove separate from Eric because Lucy took too long to get ready. She wasn't able to get her hair right and was close to tears, declaring that she wasn't going; causing Red to grab a beer from the fridge and go outside, Eric to dash out in a panicked rush, Kitty to rush upstairs and help her daughter fix her hair before retreating outside for a smoke, and Steven to go upstairs sitting with Lucy in the bathroom in silence while she composed herself.

Once at the school, they really just stuck close with their group of friends, Lucy occasionally going off and talking to other girls. An annoyed "Yes Jackie, I do have other friends!" came from Lucy whenever the young brunette seemed upset that her friend was being taken from her.

The couple stood in the gym just talking with one another as Lucy fixed Hyde's tie—that he planned to return the next day—which was flipped around and showing the tag.

Eric turned to them, "It's weird I feel like I'm forgetting something. I've got my watch, my wallet, my who-am-I-kidding condom."

Hyde nodded, "Yeah, sounds like you got everything, except for a tall redhead."

"Yeah, what man doesn't love a tall red—Oh my God! Donna!" Eric yelled, balancing himself on Hyde and Lucy's shoulder, "I forgot Donna!" He rushed out of the gym, distraught that he forgot he promised to pick up his ex.

Kelso and Jackie joined Lucy and Hyde, Jackie talking about how she was definitely going to win Snow Queen and how everyone loved her.

A hand clapped onto Hyde's shoulder, causing the two to turn around, "Mr. Hyde? In school after hours? What, are you trying to establish an alibi?" Coach Ferguson questioned.

"Coach Ferguson," Hyde smirked, "Shouldn't you be on the football field, teaching boys to play with balls?"

"Don't push my buttons wiseacre!" Ferguson warned.

"Oh, he wouldn't dare sir, my Steven would never mean any disrespect especially to someone in your prestigious position of yelling at kids to run as you sit on the bleachers," Lucy said with an innocent smile.


Coach huffed as he walked away, looking back at Hyde warily.

"And there he goes," Hyde said once he was out of earshot, "I think now is a good time to go fumigate his office."

"And I've already said hi to everyone so...now let's go get high," Lucy shrugged, holding Hyde's hand as they walked off.

Hyde and Lucy walked into Coach Ferguson's office, Hyde smiled in victory as he sat in Coach's seat.

"You just feel so cool don't you?" Lucy asked.

"Well yeah, I have stuff from Leo, a massive burn on Ferguson, and you," Hyde smirked.

"You're such a cliché," Lucy laughed, rolling her eyes and stepping away when Hyde pulled her down, eliciting a surprised squeal from her

As Hyde reached for his lighter Coach Ferguson burst the door open, turning on the light, yelling "Busted!"

Lucy jumped up and pulled Hyde to stand beside her as Coach approached them, "You're in big trouble buddy and young lady."

"You should suspend me," Hyde nodded, "I need a vacation," he smiled, earning a smack on the chest from Lucy.

Just then, Kelso and Jackie came running through the door, "There's a tornado coming! It's a Code Red! You know what that means," Kelso announced, "I think it's serious."

Just then thunder and lightning cracked outside the window of the office, "Huh, would you look at that," Lucy nodded, "There's a 3 in 4 chance that my brother is dead."

"A tornado?" Coach asked, sitting down in shock, "Deadly spirals of wind really freak me out."

"All right Coach Girlie, calm down," Hyde said.

"Don't call him Girlie, Jackie and I are girlies and handling it better," Lucy said offended.

"I can't die yet! There's so much I haven't experienced!" Coach exclaimed.

"I bet I know one thing you haven't experienced," Hyde smirked.

Coach Ferguson's office was veiled in smoke, all of them sitting in a circle.

"Tornados get a bad rap, man," Ferguson shook his head, "It's not like The Wizard of Oz. I mean, where are the midgets? I bet I could bench, like, 10 midgets."

"Hey, look at all this stuff you've confiscated," Hyde said as he opened the desk drawer, "Mine, mine, mine."

"Guys! We're all ignoring the important questions! What's the difference between a tornado and a twister?" Lucy asked wide-eyed.

Jackie held a small squirt gun in her hand, "Why am I not Snow Queen? For the last two weeks, I was nice to everybody. Well, maybe not the AV club, but I mean, come on!"

"Jackie, you can't just be nice for two weeks! You have to be nice all the time! Or very handsome," Kelso explained. "Oh! My banana nose! I thought this was gone forever! It's still funny!"

"Like, both are spinning...spiral things of death and debris!" Lucy pointed out.

"Maybe Donna was right," Jackie said, "Maybe being popular isn't as important as being nice to people. I mean I know that sounds wrong, but anything's possible."

"Hey, Jackie, whatever makes you feel better about being a loser," Kelso said, wearing his banana nose glasses, being reprimanded by Jackie squirting him in the face with her water gun. "Hey! Watch the banana nose!"

Coach chuckled, "Hey, Hyde, when this is all over, you think we'll still be friends?"

"Well, my head says no, but my heart...says no," Hyde thought, "So no. I wonder what Donna and Forman are doing right now."

"Like I said, 3 in 4 chance that he didn't make it," Lucy nodded.

The gang returned to the Forman home; Eric and Donna relaying their discovery of the radio manager's stash, Fez disappointed by not getting laid, and Jackie still at school campaigning for next year.

"So how was your guys' prom?" Kitty asked, bringing down cookies to the basement.

"Great! I was Snow King!" Kelso exclaimed proudly.

Kitty nodded, "Oh? And, uh the loud one—"

"Jackie," Lucy whispered.

"Jackie, she was Snow Queen?" Kitty asked.

"Uh, no, no, I don't know who it was," Kelso shrugged.

"It was Lucy," Fez said without even looking up from his comic.

Kitty smiled, jumping up and down giddily, "My daughter? My Lucetta? I mean Laurie got it too...but uh—there were murmurs that the class president ended up with herpes the week votes were counted."

"Fez, what do you mean I'm Snow Queen?" Lucy asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"They announced it when you guys were with Coach Ferguson," Fez answered.

"Now why we're you guys with Coach Ferguson?" Kitty asked, confused.

Hyde spoke up quickly, "Helping him calm down. Man is deathly afraid of tornados."

"Ah, well 'night kids!" Kitty smiled, dashing up the stairs happily.

"Well shit, I got to leave the country before Jackie gets back," Lucy said in disbelief.

"You can go to my beautiful homeland of—" Fez began.

"Nah, Jackie won't care man, she's on her new niceness high," Kelso waved it off.

"Fine, but if I end up in a mysterious car accident, don't be fully convinced that it was an accident," Lucy warned.


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