《In the Sky with Diamonds » s. hyde》thirty six


The Forman's sat at the kitchen table, taking their fair share of waffles for breakfast. Kitty, Red, and Eric all looked in shock when Hyde walked in wearing a robe. He sat down with a plate, taking the last four remaining waffles.

"Steven, it's seven-damn-thirty in the morning!" Red complained, "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Red, be nice," Kitty scolded. Hyde remained silent, getting butter and syrup for his waffles. "Steven, we're waiting," Kitty said.

Lucy spoke up, taking a drink of orange juice, "He's been living in the basement."

"Oh, is he now?" Eric said, shooting a knowing smirk at his twin.

Red furrowed his eyebrows, "How the hell did you know this boy was living here before I did?"

Lucy cleared her throat, "I—um—let him in?" Hyde stifled a laugh as Lucy kicked him under the table.

"You know, I did notice a dusting of curly hair on the floor, but I just wrote it off to my changing teenage body," Eric joked.

"I moved back in when my dad got transferred," Hyde explained.

"Transferred? He's a bartender!" Red exclaimed, "Where did he get transferred to? The jukebox?"

"You know, Red, if it's cool, I'd kind of rather not talk about it," Hyde said.

"Well Steven, it's important to get these things out in the open," Kitty insisted.

Red shook his head, "Kitty, let him do what's natural and keep his feelings bottled up. Atta boy."

"Well, welcome back Steven," Kitty smiled.

"So, how long has he been here then? Because you know, Mom, having a boy live under the roof with someone as young and impressionable as Lucy—" Eric started jokingly.

Lucy didn't even hesitate, "I will castrate you."

Eric nodded, shutting up quickly, not sure of what his sister was capable of.

"You know, maybe we can spruce up your old room since I decided to redo the basement," Kitty suggested.

"What?" the twins asked quickly, "You're redoing the basement?" Eric asked.

"Well honey, no one uses it," Kitty said.

Eric and Lucy shared a baffled look before Eric spoke up, "We use it! Everyday! It's my Batcave!"

"I'll find you a good, cheap contractor," Red said, ignoring Eric.


"No, no, no. This is something I want to handle myself," Kitty explained.

Red sighed, "This is going to be expensive isn't it?"

"Maybe," Kitty shrugged.

"Don't you like anything cheap?" Red asked.

"I like you," Kitty grinned.

"Yeah, I'm gonna miss it down here," Kelso sighed, looking around the basement, "Lot of good times; broke my foot climbing out of this dryer, and my hand playing hand ball in that shower, me and Jackie totally did it like a bajillion times on this old sofa."

Eric, Lucy, and Donna quickly stood up from the sofa in disgust, Lucy moving to sit in front of Hyde.

"How many people—" Eric started under his breath.

"Too many," Lucy shuddered.

"We could add to the statistics," Hyde whispered with a smirk.

Lucy scoffed and whispered, "If you think that this is where I'd lose it you are sadly mistaken."

"Michael, that's private," Jackie scolded.

"I got news for you, it wasn't that private," Hyde said, then leaning forward to whisper to Lucy, "So like the El Camino?"

Lucy rolled her eyes, "Warmer, but still no cigar hotshot."

"Oh my God!" Kitty exclaimed, running out from the back, "That is the biggest spider I have ever seen. I think it had a rat in its mouth! Okay, I think maybe the basement isn't the place for me after all."

"Oh, you know what Mom? I think you might be right. I mean, not only is it bug infested down here, but in all honesty I think it might be haunted," Eric lied, covering his mouth before saying "Get out!"

"That's spooky," Kelso said, believing it.

"I don't know Mrs. Forman," Donna shrugged, "I mean, sure it's a pit now, but if you paint, fumigate, get rid of Eric, this could be a great room."

Eric chuckled, "Hey, you're not my girlfriend anymore. So you don't get an opinion on my stuff now."

"But she's my best friend so she gets an opinion on my stuff," Lucy smiled innocently.

"Mom, don't listen to them. They're crazy," Eric laughed.

"Oh wait, I disagree with you so I'm crazy?" Donna asked, "I think the last time I disagreed with you is the sanest thing I ever did."


"My awkwardness meter is going off guys," Lucy said.

"Okay, are you referring to our breakup?" Eric turned to face them, "Because I must remind everyone here that she wore my promise ring around her neck. That's crazy!" Eric turned back to Donna, "Ring, finger. Finger, ring."

"Beep, beep, beep!" Lucy began to say quietly.

"You're lucky I didn't shove the ring up your ass!" Donna yelled.

"Beep, beep, beep!" Lucy began to yell.

"All right, wait, who said get out?" Kelso asked nervously.

Lucy laughed, "It was the old man who used to live here before the giant spider my mom just saw ate him."

"Really?" Kelso asked scared.

"No," Lucy shook her head, chuckling.

Eric stood in Hyde's room, complaining because Kitty had hired contractors to do hat she couldn't.

"This whole basement thing is Donna's fault," Eric ranted, "I—what's her problem? She's been messing with me all day!"

"Could be payback," Hyde shrugged.

Eric furrowed his eyebrows, "For what?"

"Well, she had to see you naked for two years," Hyde explained as Lucy snickered, laying beside him, "That must've been unpleasant."

"Now, Eric, I love you dearly," Lucy said, standing up and putting a hand on his shoulder, "But please get the hell out," she whined.

"You know, for a guy who's been orphaned twice, and for someone who is supposed to understand my pain as dictated by Twin Code—you both really lack compassion," Eric shook his head, sitting down.

Lucy sighed, "This is the opposite of leaving."

"Speaking of hurtful things," Eric continued, ignoring Lucy, "Hey, where's your dad man?"

"Eric," Lucy scolded quietly, "Stop."

"No it's alright," Hyde cleared his throat, sitting up besides Lucy, "Okay, he um—he went to work for the police. Developing high tech handcuffs to restrain people with tiny wrists," he lied.

Lucy rolled her eyes, "Look, all that matters is that he's here and okay, okay? Now please get out," she said, shoving Eric off the bed.

Lucy sat in the living room, flipping through tv channels when her parents came up the basement stairs.

Red came sulking into the living room and sat in his chair muttering, "Damn hippie contractor on dope in my home."

Lucy perked up at those words before rushing downstairs to the basement where Eric and Hyde sat.

"Look who finally got our basement back!" Eric said triumphantly, "Now we have what Theo calls Basement: Two Inches to the Left."

Lucy gasped dramatically, "You know, Basement: Two Inches to the Left turns me on."

"Really?" Hyde asked excitedly

"No! Get bent!" Lucy laughed while Hyde sighed, pulling her down into his lap to tickle her.

Eric looked at the two in disgust, "Let's keep it G guys," but his sister and friend just ignored him. Hyde now kissing his twin's neck while she continued to laugh, "Guys!" he yelled, pulling Lucy away from Hyde and on the other side of him.

"Killjoy," Lucy coughed.

Eric pinched her before turning back to Hyde, "So, hey, Hyde. Come on, where's your dad, really?"

Hyde sighed, "Fine, you wanna know?"

Lucy spoke up, "I can just tell him later Steven, let's just watch tv."

"Nah, it's fine," Hyde shrugged, "He and my mom got back together."

"No way! No way, that's great!" Eric said, "So where are they?"

"Can't tell you," Hyde answered.

"Why not?" Eric furrowed his eyebrows.

"'Cause they won't tell me," Hyde said simply.

Eric looked at Lucy shocked before turning to Hyde, "They split on you? Oh man."

"Oh, man. See, this is why I didn't want to tell you. I knew you'd get all after school special on me," Hyde sighed. "I swear you're worse than Lucy, but at least she's hot and if I milk it I get to second," he smirked.

Lucy gasped, "Shut up," she shrieked, slapping him on the chest.

Eric scoffed, offended and disturbed, "Me? After school special? Please..." he put an arm around Lucy and Hyde, "It's okay, you're home now," Eric said, climbing over Lucy to hug Hyde.

"Get off of me," Hyde complained.

"No, you let me love you orphan boy," Eric joked, the two began to wrestle, falling on top of Lucy who whined in protest while Eric yelled "Don't hide from your feelings!"

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