《In the Sky with Diamonds » s. hyde》thirty five


Lucy sat in the basement with some of the boys watching tv.

"Donna loved Hollywood Squares," Eric moped.

Lucy sighed, "Eric, I understand that you're in the stage of associating everything with Donna but please shut up."

"Forman, come on, man. Give it a rest, huh? So you're single now, that's a good thing," Hyde explained, "Now you're like me, free to be with lots of subpar, somewhat sleazy chicks."

Lucy bit her lip and nodded, "Oh yeah, because that's how you occupy your time." She knew that they were trying to keep it a secret—especially after Donna and Eric's breakup, but sometimes it seemed like Hyde forgot that they were technically in a relationship.

"Alright, I'm going to work, uh—Lucy, didn't you leave something in the car?" Hyde asked, wanting her to follow him.

Lucy huffed, standing up, "Fine, yeah."

They walked out to the driveway, Lucy annoyed as she leaned against the El Camino. "What?" she asked, crossing her arms.

Hyde tried to calm her down by rubbing her arms reassuringly, "You okay?"

"Peachy," Lucy said, blowing a bubble with her gum.

Hyde pulled away, "You're seriously pissed about what just happened?"

Lucy tapped her foot, "It was...a very believable act."

Hyde sighed, "Alright, well I'll talk to you when I'm off work and you're not..."

"Not what?" Lucy raised an eyebrow.

"Not acting like a bitch," Hyde shrugged casually.

Lucy chuckled mirthlessly, "Oh that's funny, because we all know you're the bitch in this relationship."

"Secret relationship. Your idea," Hyde smirked, kissing her on the cheek quickly before getting into his car.

Lucy rolled her eyes, "Whatever." She bit the inside of her cheek, knowing she was being somewhat unreasonable but couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that Hyde was happier single.

Lucy sat at the counter in the kitchen, bored and spinning in her chair.

"This party is a great idea!" Jackie exclaimed. "I'm gonna find the perfect match for Steven. After all my nickname is the queen of romance."

"Since when?" Lucy laughed as Donna shook her head, saying, "No one calls you that."

"Now, we will each bring no less than two and no more than five girls to the party for Hyde, okay?" Fez explained, "I will console the rejects with a hot oil massage. I will be nude."

Donna laughed, "Well, I'm out of here. The radio station is giving away a van and I gotta work. I will be clothed."


"Well, I think it's a great idea. Steven is almost a man and needs to meet a girl who will help him find his way," Kitty smiled.

"Really Mom?" Lucy asked, "I mean we're only in highschool and you know Steven, he's—"

Eric interrupted her, "No, Lucy it's a great idea, a girl helped me find my way. To hell! I'm in hell."

"And we're all very sorry for you Eric," Lucy said with fake sympathy before scoffing, "You did it to yourself."

"You're not in hell," Kitty waved her hand, "If you're too hot, take off your sweater. So, it's settled, we'll have the party here."

"No, Kitty," Red said simply as he walked in the kitchen. "I don't know what you're talking about, but no."

"Yes," Kitty nodded, "We're having a little party for Steven so he can meet his Miss Right!"

"Why is it here? Why is it always here?" Red sighed.

"Well what do you want them to do? Have the party in the streets?" Kitty asked.

"Yes. They puke in the streets, the city cleans it up!"

Lucy nodded in agreement, "When has matchmaking ever gone well?"

Jackie turned around, "Well you can't say anything until you try it."

"Jackie! I have! You've set me up with three guys!"

"Oh right!" Jackie nodded, "Wait I thought it was just two?"

"You're forgetting the one that showed up to the date with another girl," Lucy nodded.

"Oh yeah!" Jackie winced.

"See? This is a bad idea!" Lucy repeated.

Jackie had to end up dragging Lucy back to the basement for the party. Lucy had planned on working at The Hub all day until it was over.

"Look at what I brought!" Jackie beamed as Big Rhonda and Lucy walked in behind her.

Fez shook his head, "No, no, Jackie, it does not work if you bring Lucy."

Lucy held up her hands in surrender, "Hey, I don't want to be here."

"Big Rhonda?" Eric asked skeptically, Jackie nodded giddily, "There goes the keg," Eric sighed.

Just then Kitty came prancing down the stairs with Hyde, "Everybody! Look who's here! A caring, intelligent, snazzy, young man, Steven Hyde!"

"Uh thanks?" Hyde said unsure, walking over to Fez, "Hey, man, what's going on? I thought we were watching Saturday Night Live."

Fez nodded, "Yeah, change of plans. We're having a party with girls, a keg and girls. For no reason whatsoever! And there's no agenda. Stop grilling me, you bastard!"


Lucy rolled her eyes, "It's heaven for pigs."

Lucy stayed on the couch, unamused, flipping through her magazine and chewing her gum as Hyde stood behind the couch, surrounded by girls, all of whom believed they were the match for him.

Hyde finally separated himself from the swarm of girls to go refill his cup, Lucy popping up from the couch to do the same.

"So is this like one of your top five fantasies of bachelorhood?" Lucy asked.

Hyde shrugged, "Maybe, but watching you get jealous is definitely top three."

Lucy rolled her eyes, fighting a smile, when Fez came over to officially introduce Hyde to the girls. Most of them were really weird, deranged, or had dated his dad.

"So what do you think?" Fez asked.

"You know, if I time this right, I think I can nail every girl here—tonight," Hyde joked.

Lucy scoffed, "There's that charm," she said before going off to get a popsicle from the freezer.

Hyde stayed off by the door, talking to Fez, obviously annoyed before storming off outside.

Hyde came back downstairs not to long later with Donna and a girl from the station.

Lucy and Donna stayed in the corner, eavesdropping on Eric's conversation with one of the girls, he was milking the fact that he was just dumped.

"Dear God, do I sound like that when I pity myself?" Lucy cringed.

Donna hesitated, "Yeah, he even sounds feminine so it's almost a dead ringer."

"Damn," Lucy sighed.

"I am so disgusted," Donna complained, walking over to Jackie with Lucy.

Jackie nodded, "I know, there are way to many girls at this party. I can't even smell my own perfume."

"You're disgusted? Look at how they're all hanging over Steven, that's disgusting," Lucy said.

"Well wait, Lucy, Jackie may not even be the prettiest one here," Donna pointed out.

Jackie gasped, "You shut your hole," she stood there for a moment, wide eyed before running out of the basement—presumably in search of someone who can reaffirm how pretty she was.

Fez was standing on the table, "A toast, to all my good friends. I will miss you when I blow out of this burg with the beautiful Big Rhonda," Fez took his drink, eliciting a few claps from the girls in the basement, "Now it's off to Mississypillis!"

Eric then had multiple girls surrounding him, laying his head on one of their laps. That's until Donna had finally had it and set the record straight.

Lucy stayed over by the freezer, drinking her beer with a look of disgust as she watched Eric and Hyde bask in their singledom.

Hyde finally came to sit next to Lucy, "So...you having fun?"

Lucy took another drink and nodded, "Oh yeah, seeing my boyfriend flirt with anything with breasts in this room is really comical," sarcasm was basically oozing out of her.

"Wait," Hyde laughed in disbelief, "You actually think I'm flirting with them?" Lucy looked at him confused as he continued, "Lucy, why would I flirt with anyone when I have the best girl in Point Place?"

Lucy smiled, blushing slightly before composing herself, "Just Point Place?"

Hyde smirked, "Definitely in all of Wisconsin."

"Good, because if you jumped straight to in America I would've known you were lying," Lucy smiled triumphantly, "So you don't want to nail anyone in this room?" she asked hesitantly.

"Well, there is this one girl I would like to show a good time—" Hyde smirked.

"Oh shut up," Lucy laughed, shoving him.

He looked over at her expectantly and she rolled her eyes, quickly looking around to ensure no one was looking and leaned in to kiss him quickly before she walked away from the freezer to fill her cup.

Lucy was brushing her teeth, ready to get to bed when Eric entered the bathroom. The twins stood crammed in the bathroom, both brushing their teeth in silence.

"So how long have you been with Hyde?" Eric asked suddenly, causing Lucy to spit.

Lucy looked up confused, "What?"

"I mean, it took me a while to catch on but today it became pretty clear," Eric shrugged, "You got pissed this morning talking about setting him up, even if you tried to play it off. Then tonight, when he was with any other girl you were basically staring daggers, and then of course I saw you two kiss but..."

Lucy put her toothbrush down, "We've been together since Veterans' Day."

"Veterans' Day!" Eric yelled, before calming down and whispering, "Veterans' Day?"

Lucy nodded, "We wanted to keep it quiet until we were sure, we felt like you guys would overload us with questions that we couldn't answer. Then we were going to say something but..."

"But what?" Eric asked.

Lucy sighed, "You and Donna. I didn't want to hurt you."

"Luce, I just want you to be happy, it wouldn't have hurt me," Eric said, taken aback when Lucy hugged him tightly, "Can't breathe."

"Sorry," Lucy winced, "Just don't tell anyone else yet, okay?"

Eric nodded, "But if he hurts you I'll kick his ass."

Lucy laughed, walking out of the bathroom, "You'd concuss yourself."

"Would not!" Eric called after her.

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