《In the Sky with Diamonds » s. hyde》thirty three


Eric and Lucy sat in the basement, Eric counting money and Lucy reading Cosmo in Hyde's spot.

Then Hyde and Kelso came through the door, "Hey whatcha doing?" Kelso asked.

"Just counting my secret stash. I'm getting something special for Donna," Eric said.

Hyde swiftly picked up Lucy from his seat and sat her back down on his lap as she was unfazed and just blew the hair out of her face.

"Something special, huh? Oh, is it firecrackers?" Kelso asked excitedly.

Eric looked at him for a moment, "No."

"No, no, 'cause if it's something that blows up, I'll go halfsies," Kelso elaborated.

"It's a promise ring," Eric revealed, "Because, you know, Donna and I have been fighting a lot lately," Eric revealed.

"That's smart bro, that's the same logic married couples have when they're fighting and go Hey! Let's have a baby!" Lucy shook her head as she returned to her magazine, not sure of her twin's idea.

Hyde nodded, "Forman, you get mushy with Donna, she's gonna see the secret girl inside the man. Now trust me, you don't want to let Erica out."

Kelso snickered, "Erica. That's a good burn. You can't do that with Michael, I'm lucky."

"Oh, really, Michelle?" Hyde challenged.

Kelso sighed, "Oh I forgot about Michelle."

"Michaela works better," Lucy noted, receiving a high five from Hyde.

"Look," Kelso started, "Hyde obviously doesn't understand mature relationships, but I do. And a promise ring is not only a gift from the heart, but it also means more sex and less mouthing off. I'm getting one for Jackie too!"

"Promise rings are stupid, right Lucy?" Hyde asked.

Lucy shrugged, "Depends on the scenario, but no guy should feel guilted into getting one for a girl."

"See you later Luke and Hyde...alicia?" Kelso stammered as he got his jacket, unable to find a good girl name for Hyde.

Hyde and Lucy looked up at their friend, Hyde unamused but Lucy trying to keep a straight face.

"What's a good girlie name for Hyde?" Kelso asked Eric.

Eric thought for a moment, "Uh, Hydrangea?"

"It's Heidi, you morons! Heidi!" Hyde said annoyed.

"Stephanie if you want to change his first name," Lucy nodded, messing with his hair as she flipped the page of her magazine.

The two boys sighed, leaving the basement. Hyde and Lucy watched the door for a couple moments before becoming convinced that they weren't coming back.

"Thank God!" Lucy sighed, closing Cosmo and turning to kiss Hyde.

The three girls sat at The Hub, Lucy sitting down between serving customers.

"Can you believe it?" Donna exclaimed, showing off the ring. "Isn't it pretty?"

"Yeah," Jackie said, admiring the ring, "I really need to introduce you to my good friend, nail polish."

"So you were surprised?" Lucy asked, smiling at her friend.


"Totally!" Donna nodded, "You know sometimes Eric does stupid boy stuff but then other times he'll do super thoughtful stuff like this!"

"But a promise ring is sacred Donna. Why aren't you wearing it on your left ring finger?" Jackie quizzed.

Donna shrugged, "I don't know, 'cause I like it on this finger. What's the difference?"

"There isn't one, as long as you hold onto its meaning," Lucy explained.

Jackie shook her head, "No, no, Donna, if you don't wear your promise ring on your left ring finger, it totally cancels out the promise that you'll be together forever."

"Wait, that's what I promised?" Donna asked.

Just then Fez walked in, "Hey ladies, oh, nice ring, Donna. Jackie, let me see yours," Fez asked.

Jackie furrowed her eyebrows, "I don't have one."

"Oh no, of course not," Fez laughed nervously, "Because Kelso has not given you one yet—I mean, ever—I mean...Look away," Fez rambled before sprinting out.

"Guys, did you hear that? Michael's giving me a promise ring!" Jackie said excitedly.

"That's great," the two girls chorused, not completely interested.

"I wonder how he's going to give it to me. I hope he hides it in food! I told him if he ever gives me something nice, he should put it in food," Jackie explained, "It's classy. Oh Lucy! I can't wait until you can understand and we can all have dates together!"

"Oh yep, totally," Lucy scoffed, trying to hide her reddening cheeks. Luckily, both girls were too preoccupied with their own love lives.

The girls walked up to meet the guys who were playing basketball.

"Hey there you are!" Eric greeted, holding Donna's hand, "Hey, where's your ring?"

"Oh I put it on this chain so I can wear it around my neck," Donna smiled.

"Burn!" Kelso yelled, "Oh super burn! The wedding is off!"

"Kelso, shut up!" Eric and Donna yelled at once.

Jackie turned to face her boyfriend, "Yeah Michael, you don't know anything about anything."

"I do too!" Kelso said, offended.

Hyde leaned over to whisper to Fez and Lucy, "Now I don't know which fight is the funniest."

Lucy rolled her eyes, slightly annoyed at Hyde for using the word fight, knowing it'd upset Donna and Eric.

"Wait, fight? We're—Okay, I'll be right back," Eric stammered, going to talk to Donna. The rest of the gang following him.

"Donna why aren't you wearing the ring on your hand?" Eric asked calmly.

Donna shrugged, "I don't know, I didn't really think it was a big deal."

"That is not true!" Jackie accused, "I told you. I told her it was a big deal!"

"Look, Eric, why don't we talk about this later?" Donna asked.

Eric crossed his arms, "You know, there's not really anything to talk about unless you don't wanna wear the ring."


"Ouch!" Kelso yelled.

"Tweedle dee! Shut it!" Lucy yelled.

"Sorry. I'm sorry," Kelso said, gesturing for them to continue.

Lucy placing her hands on Eric's shoulders, "Alright, come on guys, just take a second, lay off," she laughed nervously.

Donna sighed, shaking her head, taking the chain off and the ring, "It's great, the ring is great. See? It's great!" she said, putting the ring on her finger.

"So, we're good?" Eric asked, confused.

Donna nodded, becoming frustrated, "Yeah, fine."

"Okay, good!" Eric exclaimed, completely oblivious.

Everyone gathered around in the kitchen while Donna and Eric were on their date.

"Oh, Mrs. Forman that is a wonderful picture!" Fez complimented, "You can really see how unhappy Donna is."

"Okay, all I know is when Donna said she was fine she didn't seem that fine," Jackie stated.

Lucy nodded, "Yeah, I've known Donna forever, she's bottling emotions."

"Eric has never been good at knowing when fine isn't fine," Kitty sighed, "It runs in the family," she explained.

"No, it does not!" Red said confused.

"Fine," Kitty said, obviously not fine.

"Okay," Red nodded, "Good."

Bob took the picture to look at it, "I don't know, she doesn't look that unhappy, she kind of looks like you," he said looking at Midge.

"I'm unhappy, Bob!" Midge said.

The room went uncomfortably silent until a beer tap popped open, everyone turned to see Hyde closing the fridge, Lucy couldn't help but laugh. "I'm just so worried about Eric and Donna!" Hyde faked, before laughing out loud, "Oh, fine," he gave in, handing the beer to Red.

Jackie came storming into The Hub that night, demanding her ring from Kelso, finally becoming too impatient.

"Look you, I want my promise ring, and I want it now. Give it!" she held out her hand expectantly towards Kelso.

"Really? Okay, just wait, 'cause I want to do this right," Kelso pulled out the box and dropped to one knee. "Jackie from the first minute I saw you, I knew I wanted to fool around with you. And then, after we did that, and I still wanted to talk to you, I knew that I never wanted to be without you. So, will you accept my ring?"

"Yeah, yeah, Michael I will!" Jackie said happily.

"Oh God," Hyde cringed.

"I know," Fez and Lucy nodded.

On the way back to the Forman's, Fez was too preoccupied trying to check out women in passing cars to notice them, giving Hyde and Lucy time to talk.

"Hey, do you like—want to tell them? You could do a big reveal or whatever girly crap goes on in girls' heads," Hyde offered.

"Uh," Lucy laughed confused, "Why do you bring it up?" she smiled.

"Well, you know, I just thought with the other girls getting promise rings, you could tell them so you can all brag or whatever," Hyde shrugged.

"Oh my goodness! You're being sweet!" Lucy smiled, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek quickly.

"Yeah, so?" Hyde asked, smiling slightly.

Lucy nodded, "Sure, why not? I just have to check on Eric when we get home 'cause Donna called me at The Hub and didn't sound too great."

"Got to admit, was kind of hoping you'd say no so I could have my secret girl longer," Hyde smirked. Lucy rolled her eyes, shoving his shoulder while she laughed.

The three of them went into the basement, where Eric was sitting.

"Hey how's it going?" Eric asked.

Lucy nodded thoughtfully, "Eventful evening. Fez mooned a car full of girls."

"So where's Donna?" Hyde asked.

"Ah, she said she had to study," Eric explained.

Lucy shifted uncomfortably, "She's okay?"

"Okay, look, I don't know what everyone thinks is going on, but Donna and I are not only fine, we're great. Everything's finally settled, so, we're happier than ever!" Eric said, leaning back, sounding like he was trying to convince himself.

"Well one of you is," Hyde shrugged.

Eric furrowed his eyebrows, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Look, Forman, I get what you're trying to do. You know, you're trying to lock her up, seal the deal. And all I'm saying is, maybe Donna's not that kind of girl," Hyde said calmly.

Eric stood up, out of his chair, "Okay, you don't know as much as you think, Hyde. That's the type of girl like Lucy. Donna and Lucy are not that similar, and I think I know my own girlfriend. So you just need to shut up."

"Eric, Eric, wait," Lucy reached for him as he ran up the stairs.

"Now that man is a loof," Fez shook his head.

"Aloof," Lucy sighed, correcting him.

"That's what I said, a loof," Fez said confused.

Lucy shook her head, "Not right now, Fez."

Lucy leaned against the front door, waving goodbye to Fez as he jumped into the El Camino, turning towards Hyde beside her.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow?" Hyde asked, smirking.

Lucy tapped her finger to her chin in mock thought, "I guess... I'll talk to Eric tonight, let him know and then let you know tomorrow."

Hyde looked at Lucy, just smiling, "Alright, sounds like a plan LSD, bye," he said, leaning forward to kiss her forehead before walking away.

Lucy smiled, before grabbing his arm to pull him back and kiss him on the lips quickly, pushing him back with a smirk on her lips and a stunned smile on his.

Lucy sighed as she shut the door and was going to the kitchen to grab some water before she saw Eric laying on the hood of the Cruiser alone. She walked out silently, laying down beside him.

"We broke up," Eric said, sounding shocked himself as the words came out.

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