《In the Sky with Diamonds » s. hyde》thirty one


Lucy and Hyde laid on his bed, Hyde on top of her and kissing her softly yet passionately with his hand trailing up and down her leg. They were interrupted by a knock on Hyde's door; Hyde pulled away causing Lucy to sigh slightly at the loss of contact.

"What do you need?" Hyde yelled from the bed to his father on the other side, not hiding his annoyance but relaxing when Lucy leaned up and started peppering kisses along his neck.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" his father responded.

Hyde sighed, looking to Lucy beneath him, "Wait right here."

Lucy propped herself up on her elbows as Hyde got up, "I don't know big guy, maybe I'll ditch and see if I can find a Harrison Ford lookalike," she smirked.

"Ha ha, very funny," Hyde said before stepping out the door.

Lucy stayed on Hyde's bed, she shifted to lay on her front as she flipped through some of his comics. After a little while, Hyde finally came back in.

"Sorry doll," he apologized as he laid on the bed beside her, taking her free hand and tracing patterns on it mindlessly.

"It's alright," she smiled, still flipping the pages, "What were you talking about?"

"Oh," Hyde paused for a moment, "He just wanted to know what you were doing here."

Lucy stopped flipping the comic book and turned to look at him, "And what did you say?"

Hyde shrugged, "I just said he shouldn't worry about it, but your parents' lecture a while back has him thinking he's a great dad now so he kept lecturing me."

"Oh—okay," Lucy nodded.

"Is that not what I should've said?" Hyde asked concerned.

"Oh," Lucy sat up and brushed her hair back, "I guess I just wanted to make sure we're on the same page with—where we stand and what to tell people—or if we tell people."

"Oh," Hyde mouthed silently, thinking it through. "Well, Lucy, you know I'm not the best with..." he trailed off.

"Words? Relationships? School?" Lucy listed with a taunting smile.

"Yeah, yeah," Hyde chuckled, "Well, since this," he said gesturing between themselves, "Is so new, we still need to figure out if we can do this relationship...thing. What do you think?"

Lucy nodded in agreement, "Well, yeah, and I know I like you. So maybe it'd be better if we—like, held off telling people just since we're still figuring it out."

"Secret relationship? Sounds a bit scandalous LSD," Hyde teased.

"Oh shut it," Lucy laughed, "If they find out, they find out, it's no big deal."

"Okay, Lucy, you say don't tell other people and all I hear is that I have a secret girl," Hyde laughed.

Lucy rolled her eyes, leaning forward to kiss him, "You're ridiculous Steven Hyde," she whispered against his lips.

"Yeah, but you still like me," he teased, laying back, Lucy now straddling him.

Lucy giggled, "For the life of me, I have no idea why."

"Oh really?" Hyde mumbled, flipping them over so he was now on top of her.

Lucy smiled, "Oh yeah, this might be part of it."


"Oh yeah?" Hyde mocked, laughing before leaning back down to kiss her.

"Leo, man, this place is a mess!" Hyde said, looking around the towering stacks of whatever the hell Leo found worthy of keeping.

Leo nodded, "Yeah? You should see my garage."

"Uh, Leo, where do you think we are right now?" Lucy asked, actually genuinely concerned.

Hyde nodded, "This is your garage man."

"Well then you see what I mean, it's a mess," Leo shrugged.

"National Geographic is a beautiful magazine. There is a volcano and a gazelle and naked..." Fez quickly shut the magazine and held it close to himself.

Lucy just laughed and leaned against whatever was behind her. She furrowed her eyebrows confused as she reached behind her and felt a handle. She quickly turned around and fumbled with the sheet.

"Hey! Leo, man, there's a car in here!" Hyde exclaimed, helping Lucy. "It's an El Camino!"

Kelso fumbled with the sheet covering the car as well, trying to get a glimpse.

"Wow, do you think that's mine?" Leo asked.

Kelso popped up, "The plate says Leo's."

"No, I meant the car, man," Leo corrected, not completely there, "This guy."

"Oh my gosh! We have to get this out to take a ride!" Lucy exclaimed.

Once he saw how excited Lucy was, Hyde quickly spun around, "You heard the woman! Move!"

Lucy went back with Hyde and Kelso that night to make sure Kelso didn't screw up and actually gave the $500 to Leo for the El Camino.

"Okay man, here are the keys!" Leo said, handing them to Kelso.

"Oh bitchin'!" Kelso exclaimed, stepping forward to get the keys.

Leo pulled the keys back in bought, "You know, I was gonna give this car to my son on his 16th birthday, but then my old lady took him and split."

"Yeah, wow, sad story, keys please?" Kelso said expectantly before Lucy hit him upside the head.

"I can't sell you the car, man," Leo said.

Kelso sighed, "Aw man! Oh, I guess I understand."

"Thanks man," Leo nodded, "Hyde, I want you to have this car."

Lucy's eyes widened as she looked at the keys.

"What! No! You just said that you couldn't sell the car!" Kelso exclaimed.

"Well I'm not selling it, I'm giving it to him," Leo explained, "He's family, he's the son I never had."

"You just said you had a son!" Kelso yelled.

"Kelso," Lucy chuckled, stepping closer to him, "Shut up!" she hissed.

"But Hyde's the son I never had!" Leo elaborated.

"Hey, Leo man, thanks, you're the best! The car, the love, the wicked burn on Kelso," Hyde smiled, walking forward to pick up Lucy and throw her over his shoulder as she squealed, opening the car door and putting her down.

"Wow, Hyde, I can't believe it! Your own set of wheels!" Donna admired as they stood in the driveway, Kelso fixing some parts in the engine.

Hyde nodded, "Yup, she's the best thing that ever happened to me—second best."

Lucy smiled slightly, rolling her eyes at his cheesiness. "Don't forget when Kelso swallowed the fishhook," Lucy reminded him.


Hyde nodded, "How did I forget?"

"Yeah, it was one magic trick I could never get right," Kelso nodded.

Eric chuckled after inspecting the car, "Alright Hyde, this car is fine, but, I mean, it's no Vista Cruiser. How many miles are you getting to the gallon?"

Hyde shrugged, "About eleven."

"Damn, okay, fine! But, you know the Vista Cruiser can seat eight—nine if someone sits on the stain!" Eric pointed out.

"Yeah, okay, Forman, but do you have any idea how many chicks I can fit in this flatbed? 32! And that's with Big Rhonda!" Hyde smirked.

Lucy furrowed her eyebrows, "That's why you wanted to know how tall I was?"

"It helped me scale," Hyde nodded.

"Damn!" Eric yelled defeated.

Jackie squealed, "Ew!"

Caroline and Fez popped up, "Oh, hello!" Fez said.

"What were you doing back there Fez?" Hyde asked as they hopped out of the flatbed.

Fez stammered, "I—I—was just showing Caroline the back of my new car and my tongue."

"Do you want me to disinfect that—" Hyde began, leaning down to whisper to Lucy who nodded rapidly.

"Fez, this isn't your car," Kelso reminded him.

Jackie nodded, "Foreigners can't drive here unless it's a cab."

"What a strange little world you live in," Lucy tilted her head in confusion.

"Isn't he cute?" Caroline asked, "Fezzie, I told you, you don't have to try to impress me anymore. I'm your girlfriend now."

"I'm not calling him Fezzie," Lucy leaned back to whisper to Hyde who nodded in agreement.

Fez smiled, "Oh I'm sorry Caroline. From now on, I will be totally honest!" he held up his hand.

"Good," Caroline smiled, "Now, come on, walk me home."

"Ah yes, and on the way I can tell you about the time I killed a shark with a coconut!" Fez lied.

The pair walked off and Hyde shut the hood of the car.

"So what? Are you guys gonna go cruising for chicks?" Donna asked.

"Nah," Hyde and Kelso shook their heads, shocking most everyone.

"I don't do that stuff anymore," Kelso said, looking towards Jackie.

Hyde shrugged, "Chicks with self-esteem issues carry too much baggage."

"Has the world gone mad?" Eric yelled.

"Happy Birthday Mom!" Lucy called, running down the stairs, gift in hand.

"Lucetta sweetheart! Aw thank you so much!" Kitty said, hugging her daughter. She opened the small gift to reveal a photo of the Forman family when Eric and Lucy were just toddlers and Laurie still had some innocence.

"Aw well, this is just perfect! Thank you honey!" Kitty kissed her daughter on the cheek as Lucy stepped forward to help Kitty make dinner.

Hyde stopped by shortly after as Lucy got down plates from the cupboard, bringing by a box of flashbulbs for her mother on her birthday.

"Are you staying for dinner?" Kitty asked.

"Ah no, I just came by to grab a sandwich," Hyde smiled.

Lucy out the plates down for her mother, "Why don't you stay? After all Mom always says—"

"A sandwich is a sandwich but a Manwich is a meal!" Kitty and Lucy chorused at once.

"Okay, thanks," Hyde laughed, taking the manwich.

"Hey Mom!" Eric said, coming into the kitchen and taking a seat, "What's for dinner? I'm starving!"

"Manwiches," Kitty answered.

Eric sighed, "Again? Ah! We just had those!"

"Ah! Whiny Eric! Again?" Lucy mocked, "Eat up!" she said, slamming the plate down and slapping her brother.

Red walked through the door next, "Kitty, I left my shirt on the bed. It needs to be ironed for tomorrow."

"Okay," Kitty nodded.

Lucy took another plate to put at her dad's spot, "I'll handle it Mom," she whispered, before taking her seat, Hyde placing a kiss on her cheek before getting up to leave.

"Oh and uh, I know you think I forgot," Red said, walking over to kiss Kitty.

"Oh Red, I knew you'd remember!" Kitty beamed.

Red nodded, "Yup, the check for the plumber is on the dresser!"

Kitty sighed disappointedly, coming over to sit down while Eric inspected the Manwich before him, "Uh is there anything else to eat?"

"Oh, you know what honey?" Kitty said, grabbing the plates from Red and Eric, "I don't give a good gosh darn what you eat!" she yelled, throwing the dishes in the sink and ripping off her apron, storming out.

"Idiot," Lucy hid with a cough as she walked out.

The Forman's sat in the living room awkwardly—well Kitty and Lucy felt awkward with how oblivious Red and Eric continued to be.

"There's a grateful family!" Kitty said, watching tv, "And boy, did they love their mother!"

"Oh great! I think I've got athlete's foot!" Eric sighed.

Kitty jumped up as Lucy scrunched away, "I am going to bed!" Kitty said, running upstairs.

"Where's your mother go?" Red asked.

"Upstairs," Lucy furrowed her eyebrows.

"What's wrong with her anyways?" Eric asked.

Lucy cleared her throat, "Hey Dad, what day is it? I can't remember if I have something to do tomorrow."

Red hummed, grabbing the TV guide from Eric, "Ah, it's the 13th, you know it seems to me I was supposed to do something on the 13th. Oh good Lord!" Red said, jumping up. "You both forgot your mother's birthday!"

Lucy held her hands up, "Not me. Card and gift and good deeds all day!" Running upstairs to have her brother and father fix their own mess.

Eric and Red spent the next day desperately trying to make it up to Kitty after going to the gas station and buying rip off gifts. They finally figured out a way to make it up to Kitty—much to Lucy's dismay once she found out what it was.

The Forman family along with Donna and Hyde stood mortified watching square dancers while Kitty laughed giddily, jumping right in.

Lucy tried to push down the skirt of her dress, feeling very awkward.

"It's like Hee Haw puked in here," Red said before getting pulled in by Kitty.

Hyde nodded, "This is my hell."

"I'm convinced we died. Are you sure we didn't crash in the car?" Lucy nodded.

"This is awful!" Eric complained.

Donna sighed, "She made me waffles, now promenade you son of a bitch!" pulling Eric in to dance.

Hyde and Lucy shrugged before jumping in to join them, anything to make her mother happy.

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