《In the Sky with Diamonds » s. hyde》twenty six


"Ok, you guys. I just got an advanced copy of the yearbook, and I have one for the amazing editor in chief," she said handing Lucy a second yearbook. "And you'll all be happy to know that 1977 is my cutest year ever," Jackie announced, walking into the yearbook.

"Jackie, that is so weird, because I was just telling the gang how there's no way you could be cuter than last year," Eric said.

"You were?" Jackie asked in shock.

"Yes," Eric lied.

"Oh my gosh! 1977 has been my cutest year yet too!" Lucy squealed, flipping through the yearbook.

"What about when we were in fourth grade and you always wore pigtails," Hyde teased.

Lucy spun around, "Shut up!" she hissed.

"I for one, believe that you are totally cuter this year," Kelso said to Jackie.

"Yeah, since I dumped you," Jackie said.

"Nice burn!" Donna cheered.

"Donna! We've talked about that!" Kelso snapped.

Jackie walked over to sit on the arm rest next to Lucy, "Hey Steven, want to pop some popcorn and look at all the yearbook pictures of me?"

"No, I figure I'll do plenty of that when I die and go to hell," Hyde responded.

"Card, you're such a card," Jackie laughed, slapping him playfully.

Lucy leaned in closer to her brother, "What fresh hell is this?"

"This is so exciting," Fez said, getting up, "My first American yearbook. Show us some pictures of Fez."

"Check page—" Lucy started flipping her book.

"Sorry Fez, there aren't any," Jackie explained, handing the book to Hyde.

"Wait what?" Lucy asked, "I made sure to put some in there."

"What the hell?" Fez asked confused. "So, they don't let foreigners in your yearbook?"

"Uh-huh. Here's me cheering at the pep rally last fall," Jackie pointed.

"Oh my God! People in the crowd are mooning, you're all cheering away and the whole time you're getting mooned! Yeah!" Hyde exclaimed.

Everyone darted over to look at the yearbook, Donna and Lucy exchanged a smirk.

Eric giggled, "Oh my God! Those are girl butts! There's girl butts in the yearbook! Oh man I can't tell who it is, I wish we had a magnifying glass."

"Oh, here you go," Michael said, pulling a magnifying glass out from his pocket and putting it over the photo.

Lucy furrowed her eyebrows, "Oh my gosh, now we really are Mystery Inc."

"No, I was just playing with some bugs," Kelso explained.

Jackie sighed, "God, I just can't believe it. There's nasty butts in my picture."

"Oh my God! That's not girl butt! That one is Donna's butt!" Eric yelled.

Lucy smirked as Donna jumped giddily, "Yeah it is!"

Eric raised his eyebrows in shock, "Oh no! And were Donna goes, Lucy isn't far behind," looking at the photo again.


Lucy nodded satisfied, "We did that!"

"You said behind," Fez snickered.

The boys leaned back to check out Donna and Lucy's butts.

"Yep, it's definitely them," Hyde nodded.

Eric had to walk away from the yearbook and sat down, in a daze.

"Eric! Are you okay, 'cause you look weird," Donna laughed.

"Yeah, could it be because of your girlfriend's naked butt?" Kelso grinned.

"Or your sister's?" Hyde asked smirking, pulling Lucy into his lap.

Lucy rolled her eyes and blew the hair away from her face, "You guys aren't helping."

"Oh, I'm not trying to help," Kelso laughed.

Donna went to sit by Eric, "Eric, it's no big deal."

"It is too you guys! Your nasty butts ruined my picture!" Jackie huffed.

"I think my butt is super cute!" Lucy said defensively.

"It is doll," Hyde reassured her.

"Yeah, maybe your nasty face ruined our butt picture," Donna said.

Fez crossed his arms in front of his chest, "I know why I'm not in the yearbook, it's because whitey's keeping me down."

"Here Fez, just look at their naked butts some more," Kelso chuckled.

"Yes, that's nice, thank you," Fez nodded.

Eric stood up, "Okay," he said snatching the yearbook, "Okay," he repeated while he paced, "Girls, take me through the chain of events. Now, you're at the pep rally—Oh and at this point your pants are on."

"Right," Donna nodded, "And then they weren't."

Lucy nodded, "You see, the exact chain of events were: sitting at the pep rally, being bored, seeing the camera, saying Hey, would anyone notice if I flashed right now? Donna saying Of course they would...Would they notice us mooning? Us deciding they ultimately wouldn't, standing up, and pulling down our pants."

"Guys, mooning isn't something you just do," Eric explained.

"No, it's not something you just do because it's impossible to moon when you have no ass," Hyde smirked, holding out his hand for a highfive, which Lucy gave him without looking.

The girls sat outside on the porch, listening to Jackie talking.

"Michael is such a boy. He doesn't even know who he is. You know who knows who he is? Steven Hyde," Jackie nodded.

Lucy furrowed her eyebrows, "Steven Hyde doesn't even know what his homeroom is, he doesn't know who he is."

"Oh no, now you like Hyde?" Donna sighed.

"She never said she liked him," Lucy said confused.

Jackie nodded, "No, I don't like him. I just think, he's like the sweetest, coolest guy I've ever met."

Lucy and Donna looked at Jackie in shock, "Jackie I thought you hated him," Donna said.

"Feelings change, Donna," Jackie said annoyed. "Like remember when we first met and I hated you?"

"What?" Both the girls asked confused.


"Yeah, I thought Donna was like a big goon, and Lucy I thought you were like some stuck up bitch," Jackie explained.

"Takes one to know one," Lucy laughed.

"True. Didn't we have this talk?" Jackie asked.

"No," Donna said.

Jackie laughed, "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, we hated you too," Donna chuckled.

"Yeah, because you're a goon and a bitch," Jackie nodded.

"Bitch!" Lucy and Donna said at once.

"Goon! Bitch!" Jackie retorted.

"Bitch!" Donna and Lucy said once more.

"See, and now we're closer than ever," Jackie said lovingly. "I got to go find Steven," she said, darting away.

"Wait! Are you serious?" Lucy called after her. "Is she serious?" she turned to Donna.

"Afraid so. You okay?" Donna asked.

Lucy shrugged, "Yeah, just surprised Jackie likes him."

Donna furrowed her eyebrows, "No, are you okay?"

"Um...yeah? I don't like him, and if I did it's not like they're together," Lucy explained.

"Whatever you say," Donna sang.

Lucy sat in the basement, twisting her hair around her finger, bored beyond belief and a little uneasy for some reason she couldn't quite place.

"Hey, you okay?" Hyde asked, walking downstairs.

"Huh? Oh yeah," she shrugged.

Hyde sat down in his seat and looked at her, "You're lying," he chucked, "That's the pissed off face you have when you didn't get something you want."

"What?" Lucy asked, sitting up, "I do not have that face!"

"You do," Hyde nodded cheekily.

"If you're all knowing, tell me what it is that I didn't get, because I have everything," Lucy smirked.

"Alright, alright," Hyde held his hands up in surrender, "Calm down, come on, we'll do our little Circle."

Lucy rolled her eyes, "Fine," she looked for the lighter and got the candles going when Donna came in the backdoor.

"Ooh! Circle time?" she asked, pulling up a seat expectedly.

Hyde and Lucy nodded, making sure the door to upstairs was closed.

Jackie came bursting in the door, "Steven!" she yelled, seeing the Circle she smiled, "Ooh yes, I love this, it's very zen."

The four of them began smoking and a cloud of smoke was soon hanging over their heads.

Lucy was just trying to ignore the fact that Jackie was flirting with Hyde, at least until she was high enough to block it out entirely.

The upstairs door opened and Hyde quickly tried to hide the shared blunt until they realized it was just Laurie.

"Let me join and I won't tell Mommy and Daddy," she said condescendingly.

"Done!" Lucy said instantly.

Hyde sighed, "Man, I don't know what's gotten into Jackie. Steven, let's hang out! Steven, let's go to the mall! My life's a living hell, you know?"

"Are you making fun of me? I don't even ask you to take me the mall that often, it's usually to the movies, or the drive in, or the football game, or Kenosha..." Lucy began to list places she'd drag Hyde too.

Jackie laughed, "Steven, you're hilarious! You know, Steven and I tease eachother. That's what best friends do!"

"You know what?" Donna giggled, "I love showing my butt! I don't care what Eric says! I like to show it and I like to shake it!"

"Donna I can totally respect that," Laurie nodded, "Just be careful though or they'll call you a home wrecker. I can count the number of homes I've wrecked on one hand."

"Well don't worry ladies, because no ones going to label you here. If you guys want to take off some clothes and shake some stuff feel free," Hyde chuckled, before quickly looking to Jackie, "Not you."

"The mall," Lucy continued listing, now repeating places, "Oh! And the park so we can make fun of other people! And the mall, the mall..."

"I wouldn't call you a home wrecker, Laurie. No, I'd call you a slut. And a home wrecker," Jackie nodded.

"Shake, shake, shake," Donna sang, now up and dancing, shaking her butt. "Shake your booty!"

Laurie danced in her seat, "Ooh, rock it girl!"

Everyone sat in the kitchen, laughing at Eric for pulling down his pants in front of Donna to prove he wasn't a prude, in turn mooning Bob and Midge.

"Oh my God! I can't breath!" Lucy laughed, "Did anyone get a picture?"

"What I don't understand is how you expected to run away with your pants around your ankles!" Red laughed.

"Damn! He's dumb" Laurie yelled.

They kept laughing, except for Eric and Kitty, when the phone rang.

Red picked up the phone chuckling, "Steven! Where have you been? You missed the funniest damn thing!" he relayed the story to Hyde on the other end of the phone. "Arrested?" the laughter quickly stopped.

Lucy got up from the stool at the counter and tilted her head in confusion, Hyde was smarter than getting caught.

Red began yelling sternly, "For what? For possession of what? Son of a bitch!"

"Wait? Hyde got arrested? For what?" Kelso asked, Eric and Lucy had everyone come over to catch them up on the news.

"For holding," Donna explained.

"For holding what?" Kelso yelled.

"For holding my heart. Because I love him," Jackie said.

"What?" Everyone said in confusion.

"For the love of God, Jackie, I'm gonna throw up!" Lucy whined.

Jackie stood up, "It's true, ok? I love Steven Hyde. And someday he'll love me, and he'll cut off those stupid sideburns and we'll live happily ever after."

Lucy sunk in her seat, not sure why she felt so sick to her stomach.

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