《Crossing Seventies With Space》551-560


Chapter 551 Prepare in advance

"...When I saw Lu Ran over there, I was also surprised. I didn't expect him to participate in this project..."

Fu Zimo was a little surprised when he heard this.

Lu Ran is here too? Unexpectedly, Lu Ran would also be there.

Xiao Chen also knew that Lu Ran probably liked their sister-in-law. Don't look at the good relationship between the sister-in-law and Fu Tuan, but still take precautions.

So he didn't hide at all what he saw at the archaeological site and reported them one by one.

Hearing that Lu Ran didn't have time to disturb Ye Yuxuan, Fu Zimo was very satisfied.

"We just fetch some water every day, and my sister-in-law brought us some food, so it's not enough." Xiao Chen said, happy but also a little helpless.

Speaking of which, fetching water is really nothing. Their green camp needs a lot of water every day, but it doesn't matter if they fetch a few more times.

"Now Lu Ran lives in front?"

Xiao Chen nodded.

Fu Zimo was suddenly a little fortunate that Xiao Chen happened to be assisting the archaeological team, otherwise, whether he was injured or not, he would definitely miss Ye Yuxuan.

Plus Lu Ran doesn't necessarily give up! Thinking of Lu Ran, Fu Zimo felt that Lu Ran was too annoying.

Xiao Chen talked for a while, and seeing that Fu Zimo was just thinking and didn't speak, he couldn't help but whisper: "Fu Tuan, are you all right?"

Fu Zimo shook his head: "It's all right."

"Fu Tuan, your body is not yet fully recovered, and it didn't take long for the fever to subside. I'm still weak,

so let's go to the room to rest." The main reason was that Fu Zimo looked good, but Xiao Chen almost forgot about it, he quickly remembered it, and hurriedly persuaded people to enter the room to rest. It's just getting better, but I can't blow cold wind outside and get sick.

Originally, Xiao Chen wanted Fu Zimo to rest in the next room. Ye Yuxuan was using it in the original room. Otherwise, it would be better to let Fu Zimo sleep in the room where Ye Yuxuan slept, but when he saw Fu Zimo turned around and went to the original room, he thought for a moment. , My sister-in-law was uncomfortable, and Fu Tuan wouldn't be relieved if she didn't see it in person, so she didn't say anything.

The evening is coming soon.

Ye Yuxuan had never woken up that day. If Fu Zimo hadn't listened to her weak but steady breathing, he wouldn't have waited patiently.

Even so, Fu Zimo probed Ye Yuxuan's forehead every once in a while to feel the body temperature, or held her hand and counted the pulse, and spent Xiao Chen twice, and Fu Zimo fed Ye Yuxuan's blood twice.

However, Xu Shi was different from the situation in the desert this time. Even if Fu Zimo fed her, Ye Yuxuan might not get better soon, but her breath was not so weak.

In the afternoon, Huang Zhengw and others heard that Fu Zimo woke up and was able to get out of bed, and came to visit, because Ye Yuxuan was too tired to occupy the room, so Fu Zimo was standing at the door talking to them.

Looking at Fu Zimo's recovery despite being injured, several of them breathed a sigh of relief.

After a few words about work, everyone began to complain about Fu Zimo.

"Old Fu, you mean this is not enough, when talking about the subject, do not tell us soon, depriving us know when are stunned quite a while."


"That is, you also hiding it too tight, stunned Don't tell me a little bit, we have been working together for so many years, you are too boring."

"That's right, if it weren't for your injury now, we are so busy now that we can't escape. When you leave, you have to give you a few bottles of wine."

"You usually don't see any lesbians in your eyes, but when a lesbian likes you, you can scare people away from approaching. .Suddenly, making an object without saying a word is enough."

At the beginning, there were quite a few lesbians who liked Fu Zimo, but after Fu Zimo's manipulation, no matter how brave and thick-skinned lesbians were, they would all retreat. Just remember.

Now, an object suddenly appears, and it is estimated that the lesbians who know it do not know what it is like to be sad.

But it's better to know it earlier, or to let them give up, and other gay men have a chance not to.

"What's there to say, I'm the one I'm talking about, not yours. Anyway, you can prepare the red envelopes first." Fu Zimo said, the corners of his mouth curved.

"Yo yo yo..." Li Weiguo exclaimed in exaggerated surprise, as if he had discovered a new continent: "Look, why someone's smug expression looks so flat!"

"No." Others joked.

"Tsk tsk tsk, the dignified @@ regiment's Fu (tuan) leader has such an iron-blooded and tender side."

Among them, the one with the shortest time has also worked with Fu Zimo for almost three years. How can I usually see Fu Zimo smiling like this? When I see this, it is not like watching rare animals, and I will not let go of making fun of him.

"When are you doing errands?"

Fu Zimo was stunned for a second, then looked down at himself, then at the person who opened his mouth, and said with contempt, "I'm like this now, and she's exhausted, what time did you say? I Why do you think you're not busy enough?"

"Huang Zhengw, you can't let him idle, assign him a few more tasks..."

"Yes, I think the job in my hand..." Someone was watching Lively and not afraid of big things to answer.

"Don't, don't, I'll just ask, isn't this about preparing red envelopes in advance." He's already been busy with less than four hours of sleep a day, and if he distributes it, he really won't sleep.

In fact, it's just a question. After all, Fu Zimo still has to go for the procedure that should be done. He is busy at this time, and I am afraid it will not be possible this year.

A few people said a few words, and before leaving, they asked about Ye Yuxuan's situation. Knowing that the problem was not big, they gave a few words of advice.

Huang Zhengw: "Well, your task now is to take good care of your wounds and take good care of Comrade Ye. You don't know that when your six relatives don't recognize you, Comrade Ye will be able to make you obedient."

Being teased, Fu Zimo didn't hesitate. Embarrassed, he just nodded: "I know, I will pay attention."

"Comrade Ye also worked really hard. At that time, no one listened to what you said, thanks to Comrade Ye."

Li Weiguo said angrily: "This matter , don't say it, I'll get angry when I say it, we are going to smash the door panel outside, you either don't respond, or you scolded us to get out, but Comrade Ye came, just two words, You immediately opened the door."


"Old Master, do you have an opinion on us?" Although he knew that Fu Zimo couldn't be blamed for this, he was indeed responsible for the discriminatory treatment, so he couldn't help but talk about it. .

"I won't tell you if you have any comments." Fu Zimo said lightly, "It's boring for you anyway."



"Cough, haha..."

Chapter 552 personally

Huang Zheng and others were annoyed and helpless by Fu Zimo's words.

"You're still mad at people and not paying for your life as soon as you say it, and I do n't know how Comrade Ye can stand you." "She is my object, not the same as you!" Fu Zimo showed contempt, how dare you compare.

A few people were so angry at Fu Zimo's words that they choked, and they pointed at Fu Zimo speechlessly, and they didn't want to talk anymore, and they all shook their heads and waved their hands away.

Fu Zimo returned to the room and raised the temperature in the room again. Although it couldn't be made particularly warm, it was warmer than simply burning a tin stove.

He held Ye Yuxuan's hand and said in a low voice, "Xuanxuan, now everyone knows that you are my target, you won't reject me again?!"

"Xuanxuan, I..." After a while, Fu Zimo said this. Only then did she speak again: "Xuanxuan, I want to apply. Will you agree?" The application was obvious.

Then down, Fuzi ink and fast, like they are afraid Ye Yuxuan will wake up as refuse, continued:. "! XuanXuan, you do not talk, I'll be you since you tacitly agreed, then allowed to go back," also thanks Xiao Chen is not here, otherwise, seeing Fu Zimo's shameless side, his jaw will definitely drop.

In the evening, it was almost ten o'clock. Seeing that Fu Zimo didn't plan to go to rest, Xiao Chen struggled for a while, and knocked on the door to remind him.

"Fu Tuan, it's almost ten o'clock, you've been tired all day, and you need to rest early."

"I see, you can go to bed if you're okay."

Xiao Chen is very entangled about Fu Zimo's need to guard Ye Yuxuan, Fu Tuan When the high fever was unconscious, the sister-in-law was guarding almost every step of the way. Now that the sister-in-law has fallen, Fu Tuan's injuries have not healed, and she wants to take care of her sister-in-law.

Although this is a good sign of the relationship between the two, Xiao Chen scratched his head, he was really afraid that after two days, his sister-in-law would get better, and Fu Tuan would lie down again.

"Go and rest when you should, what is

Chu doing here." Fu Zimo glanced at Xiao Chen who had been standing in the room for a long time without making a sound.

"Fu Tuan, otherwise, I'll come... That, I mean, I'll go ahead and find a nurse to help take care of my sister-in-law, Fu Tuan, you can rest too." Originally, Xiao Chen wanted to say that he came to take care of him, but he also know it's inappropriate.

"Nurse's care is more professional."

"No need. I don't worry about others ." Rather than handing her over to others, it is better for him to come. If there is any special change, he can detect and deal with it in time.

"But, Fu Tuan, you are just a little bit right, but you can't..."

Before Xiao Chen could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Fu Zimo.

"I'm fine, I've gotten better, but I'm just a little more careful at night. I'll take a

nap later, so I won't get tired." Don't look at Fu Zimo's low tone because Ye Yuxuan was still in a coma on the bed, but Xiao Chen didn't Hearing his firm intention of not being able to refuse, the corners of his mouth wriggled a few words, and he had to nod: "Okay, Fu Tuan, then don't get tired. If you feel uncomfortable, just shout, I'm next door."

Fu Zimo didn't make a sound, turned his back, waved his hand, Xiao Chen went out clearly, and closed the door.

Xiao Chen didn't go to rest immediately, but stood outside for a while blowing the wind, smoked two cigarettes, and then went inside.

In the middle of the night, Xiao Chen woke up once, but he didn't hear the call, so he went back to sleep.

With Fu Tuan around, there is generally no need for him to do anything, so it's better to hurry up and sleep more.

At this time, Fu Zimo was still guarding Ye Yuxuan by her bed, just like when she guarded him.

Ye Yuxuan was devoured by the supernatural power consumption, so naturally it is impossible to wake up so quickly. After two days in a row, Xiao Chen and Dr. Zhao did not find it strange because Fu Zimo lied that Ye Yuxuan woke up two or three times in the middle, but simply ate it. A little something and fell asleep again.

"She's too tired, and it's my fault. Those two days have worn her down. Plus she worked overtime before, it's not surprising that she couldn't hold back." Fu Zimo said these words in a low voice. But there was annoyance and worry on his face.

The two of them who didn't see the situation would doubt this, but they just felt that Ye Yuxuan was exhausted and didn't think much about it.

Fu Zimo wasn't in a hurry, but he felt that Ye Yuxuan's breath was slowly becoming stronger, no longer forceful and breathless, and her breathing was also slow and steady, and the heart that he raised high in his heart finally let go.

In a blink of an eye, another two days passed.

Some of the wounds on Fu Zimo's body had healed quickly, and they had already scabbed over, but Ye Yuxuan was still in a drowsiness, which made even Xiao Chen wonder in his heart.

Why did my sister-in-law get up a few times and fell asleep soon after? Could it be that she is really tired and hasn't recovered yet?

Xiao Chen wanted to ask, but felt that if there was something wrong with the sister-in-law, where could Fu Tuan sit down, it was estimated that she was exhausted, so she just needed more rest.

At that time, the archaeological project was really busy in order to catch up with work. As Dr. Zhao said, I was tense for too long and was exhausted. I needed more rest to make up for sleep. As Xiao Chen thought about it, he continued to fetch food and water, and waited for the call next door at other times.

When Ye Yuxuan woke up, it had been a week since she passed out.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Fu Zimo's beard hanging on his face, and his eyes were blue and black that he hadn't slept well. He looked at himself tightly with surprise and excitement in his eyes.

Ye Yuxuan was about to speak, but the memories in her mind slowly returned, and she remembered what happened before.

"You, Fu Zimo, you're awake." Ye Yuxuan said, her eyes suddenly turned red: "I almost thought that the two of us were finished."

Seeing Ye Yuxuan showing so little vulnerability, Fu Zimo felt so distressed that he would be picked up and thrown down.

She was clearly in a coma, but she only paid attention to him the first time she woke up, as if she had forgotten herself, which made Fu Zimo happy and extremely uncomfortable.

Ye Yuxuan looked around and saw the familiar furnishings. Only then did she realize that she had not been able to handle this matter well.

She thought she woke up either in a dark room, in a small dark room, or in a cage, but she didn't expect...

"No. It's fine. No one found out, Xuan Xuan, don't be afraid, no one found out."

Fu Zimo She clenched Ye Yuxuan's hand and whispered soothingly: "Xuanxuan, don't worry, we are all fine, I won't let you have any

trouble ." Ye Yuxuan's previous emotions were suddenly tensed, and this will ease. Snoring, he suppressed the grievance and sourness.

"It's fine." Ye Yuxuan's voice was a little hoarse, not serious, but it made Fu Zimo frown slightly.

"Xuanxuan, do you want to drink some water?"


Chapter 553 More of the same

Fu Zimo said, and took the tea jar. The water in this teapot has always been warm, the water temperature he paid special attention to.


"Dear, Xuanxuan, you just woke up. You need to drink some water." If other people in the station saw this gentle coaxing appearance, they would be shocked to drop their jaws.

When Huang Zhengw and his party saw it, they were going to call Fu Zimo the opposite sex and inhumane.

Ye Yuxuan also felt that her throat was dry, so she did not refuse.

She struggled to get up to drink by herself, but Fu Zimo couldn't refuse to let her lean on him and drink water with his hand, not even needing her to touch the tea jar.

Ye Yuxuan was startled for a while, but she did not refuse.

It was not the first time for him to feed and drink water. He just felt that this was a station and someone would come over all the time. If anyone saw it, then his majesty as a big (regiment) commander might fall to the ground.

"What are you thinking?"

Seeing her blinking her eyelashes and rolling her eyes, as if she was thinking about something, Fu Zimo couldn't help asking.

"No." Ye Yuxuan shook her head lightly, sat up straight, looked at him, and asked, "How is your injury? Is there anything wrong with your body? You had a high fever before." After

thinking about it, Ye Yuxuan didn't say Fu Zimo. How serious the burn was before, after all, who can believe that a person can survive a high fever of more than 50 degrees.

Now that he is awake, then the danger has passed, and there is no need to mention it again.

"I'm fine." Fu Zimo: "Xuanxuan, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have had a fever so quickly, thank you. I woke up not long after you passed out."

"No one found anything. With that said, Fu Zimo paused and continued: "It's just that you fainted for a week. I told Xiao Chen and the others that you wake up every day, but you will continue to fall asleep when you are exhausted, so..."

Ye Yuxuan heard the words clearly: "Okay, I know how to deal with it."

"Hungry or not, there happens to be millet porridge, can you drink some millet porridge or brown sugar eggs?" This brown sugar is used in the treatment area to nourish the body and blood Yes, but if Fu Zimo needed it, he could still make a half-pack.

This was specially used by Huang Zhengw to nourish Fu Zimo's body, but he didn't eat it once, so he kept it for Ye Yuxuan.

"I'll beat two eggs for you and cook a brown sugar egg." Fu Zimo said, and was about to start.

The previous small aluminum pot is still there, and it is just right to use it. It is perfect for making millet porridge in the house, cooking eggs or something.

Ye Yuxuan shook her head again: "Don't do it, I don't have an appetite now."

Fu Zimo thought she was still unsure, touched her head lightly, and continued to comfort her softly: "Xuanxuan, don't be too arrogant. , the matter has passed."

"Look, we are all fine, what could happen, you are in a coma, it took eight days to wake up, I am very worried."

Listening to the man's low voice, that The heartache and sadness that could not be resolved, Ye Yuxuan's heart twitched, and a faint pain spread.

"Xuanxuan, it's my fault that put you in such a dangerous situation." "Don't talk about that, Fu Zimo, it's all over." It's not that she didn't know that Fu Zimo couldn't be blamed for this. On the battlefield, swords and guns are blind. , Injured, disabled, and even lifeless abound.

Ye Yuxuan felt that it was very rare for Fu Zimo to come back with all his head and tail.

Up to now, the condition of the treatment area was getting worse every day, and many people needed amputation. Ye Yuxuan didn't dare to use her supernatural powers to listen to the voices over there.

"Do you still have a fever these few days?"

Knowing what Ye Yuxuan was worried about, Fu Zimo said in a low voice, "No. Xuanxuan, when I woke up that day, the fever was completely gone, and, Xuanxuan, I am just like you. "

Fu Zimo didn't want to hide this from Ye Yuxuan, he wanted to tell her immediately.

Speaking of which, this is a blessing in disguise, right? !

"What?" Ye Yuxuan didn't respond immediately.

"I said, I'm the same as you. Xuanxuan, I'm the same as you now."

Ye Yuxuan was still confused, what is the same, what is the same as her?

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