《Crossing Seventies With Space》511-520


Chapter 511

During the finishing process, the atmosphere at the project site suddenly became solidified, and everyone breathed a little less in unison. It was the first time I saw so many cherished items, and I understood why Jiang Lin came to the nearby station to Help

Just as the last box of gold artifacts was carried out of the tomb, before everyone was happy or relieved, suddenly, there was a huge roar, and the ground shook, and everyone on the ground could not do anything about it. Stand firm.

The faces of the crowd immediately became panic.

"What's going on?"

"Is it an earthquake?"

"Hurry up, hide, everyone pay attention to safety."

"Leave the trees and go to the open area."

"No, the cultural relics are still here." For archaeological researchers, The cultural relics are their lives, not to mention, they came with a mission and entrustment, and they cannot let the cultural relics suffer a little loss.

Everyone panicked and shouted.

Before everyone could react, another huge roar came to mind, followed by several roars of different sizes, and the ground shook again.

At this time, Xiao Chen who had reacted immediately said, "No, it wasn't an earthquake, it was a big explosion." As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Yuxuan's heart clenched fiercely, and she felt very uncomfortable.

"What? What big bang?" Someone was puzzled.

"Is ......" aftermath past, after Chen firm, scratched back of the head, impatient explains: "Anyway, it is not an earthquake, there was a huge explosion."

As with Chen pointing to you just understood what he meant.

Xiao Chen and Jiang Lin looked at each other and saw something in each other's eyes, Xiao Chen said quickly: "In this way, whether it's an earthquake or an explosion, now that the objects here have been cleaned up, we need to hurry up and transport them to the town. It's just a place to fix it."

Jiang Lin also nodded: "That's right."

Professor Zhang: "Yes, these things are very precious, and we have to ship them out early."

These things are very valuable, and no one can afford them if something goes wrong. It is indeed a secluded place. The situation is unclear now, of course, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time.

No one had any objections. With an order, half of Xiao Chen's reinforced platoon guarded the vehicle, and the others pulled out the camp and dismantled the equipment.

Don't worry about not eating lunch, everyone hurriedly acted.

Two hours later, the equipment, tents, etc. were all sorted out, but there was a problem. There were only two trucks, there were too many cultural relics, and each car had to have several people to escort the car, so it couldn't hold too many things at all. Not to mention gear and tents.

Besides, there were more than a dozen people in Professor Zhang's group, and the other half of Xiao Chen's platoon who followed into the city to guard the cultural relics.

Even if there are a few more people to escort the car, there are still people and equipment that cannot be transported out.

In the end, I can only let the car go out first, then come in tomorrow, and then I have a few boxes of five baht money for the equipment and the rest of the people.

Professor Zhang originally wanted to stay, but was persuaded by everyone to get into the car. The archaeological team also left two lesbians and two gays. The rest of the people stayed here for one night without any problem.


The tent that was taken down was put up again after a while, even if it was only for one night, it still had to live in it.

If Ye Yuxuan stayed, Lu Ran would of course stay, and Professor Zhang was driving the car, and Jiang Lin also stayed to look at the equipment. Xiao Chen was also there, so Ye Yuxuan would not suffer.

Originally, Professor Zhang and the others wanted to ask Ye Yuxuan to leave first, but Ye Yuxuan refused.

If something really happened, she wouldn't have any problem dealing with it, but not everyone else, so she asked Comrade Li to go first and take good care of Professor Zhang.

Professor Zhang is not young and has gray hair. For the sake of archaeology, it is not easy to enter the desert and travel deep into the mountains and forests.

"Secretary Ye, be careful and pay attention to safety."

"We will, Professor Zhang, don't worry."

"Professor Zhang, you all pay attention to safety, don't worry..." The time is urgent, and there is not much for everyone. Time to say goodbye, after a few quick words, the truck pulled Professor Zhang's group and the cultural relics and staggered away.

After the loud explosions, at night, there was no movement, or there was movement, but it was too far away to be heard here.

Everyone was absent-minded about what they ate for dinner. The people on Xiao Chen's side were okay. After all, they had gone through life and death and battles.

On the archaeological team's side, some people are okay with dead objects, but it is impossible for them not to panic or fear when they encounter such a situation for the first time.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, as long as I'm here, I won't let you have an accident." Otherwise, Fu Tuan would have ripped off my skin.

Ye Yuxuan smiled: "If something can happen, it will be fine."

This is a secluded mountain and wild forest. The nearest village is a few kilometers away. If there is anything, there are not many of them, so it is not difficult to hide. , Besides, she didn't feel that the front would not hold.

When Xiao Chen heard it, he also smiled and echoed: "It will be alright."

"You don't need to go back and have a look?"

"Ah? No." Xiao Chen reacted and shook his head: "I took the order, here is the My mission, I want to assist the archaeological team to complete this rescue and excavation mission, and the rest, don't need to worry about it."

Xiao Chen couldn't sit still, he also wanted to go back to the station to have a look, but under the current situation, he went back It's useless, after all, the logistics station is in the rear, and it's not just in the battle circle.

After receiving the order, he must complete the task, and he cannot run around.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, everything will be fine."

Ye Yuxuan heard the meaning of Xiao Chen's words, and he told her that Fu Zimo would be fine.

Nodding her head, Ye Yuxuan didn't say anything, she just stood up, walked around the camp, and walked up the hill again without restraint.

Just as Ye Yuxuan and his party were sitting in front of the fire, waiting for the car to come in the next day to get their equipment, and when they pulled them out by the way, Fu Zimo and his party were rushing through the deep forest.

"Quick, pay attention to concealment and deal with the chasing soldiers behind."


"Fu Tuan, Xiao Li is injured."

Xiao Li glanced at his leg and shouted to Fu Zimo, "Fu Tuan, take your brothers away, I Come and break."

"After breaking the fart, hurry up, come with two people, support him, and move on for me."

"Brothers, we are about to reach the border point, someone will help you, you must hold on."

" Fu Tuan..."

Xiao Li wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Fu Zimo's impatience.

"Don't talk nonsense to me, save your energy. When you have an operation later, you won't need anesthesia, just because you have the strength."

At this time, not to mention other people, even Fu Zimo was full of embarrassment and panting. , It seems that a little slack is about to fall, everyone is clenching their teeth, and no one is willing to give up any of the brothers around.

Chapter 512

Since we came together, we have to go back together no matter what.

They had been in ambush for nearly a month this time before they had a chance to attack. Although they were successful, they chased after them all the way. If it wasn't for the fact that they were almost familiar with the road conditions in the deep forest this month, they had arranged a retreat route early. The booby-trapped mines that were set up to intercept were already intercepted.

But even so, it was extremely difficult for them to evacuate, after all, they had penetrated deep into the enemy area.

Just as the chasing soldiers were getting closer and closer, and just when Fu Zimo was about to despair, the person who came to respond after hearing the news arrived.

"Fu Tuan, we are here."

"Brothers, we are here."

"Brothers, our people are here, let's hold on."

"Brothers, everyone has worked hard, let the birdmen on the opposite side taste ours. Amazing..."

Missiles kept flying, flesh and blood kept flying, and people kept falling down... The

big truck arrived the next morning, and only at this time did the two educated youths who came to find out about the evacuation of the archaeological team.

They were all busy when they were evacuating, and no one was bothered to chat with them too much, except for a lesbian and a tall man who had gotten to know each other well over a period of time and had a good relationship, so we chatted for a while.

Ye Yuxuan inadvertently listened to a few words and seemed to be leaving a mailing address.

Seeing Comrade Xiao Zhou smiling and saying that he would definitely write a letter to the tall educated youth, and seeing the tall educated youth looking at Comrade Xiao Zhou with a smile, his eyes were full of joy and anticipation, Ye Yuxuan understood and wondered, what are these two? When did you hook up?

Could it be that she has been too busy recently to ignore such gossip?

But will there be obstacles to communication between the two?

In recent years, the frequent correspondence between gays and lesbians seems to be an interesting explanation for each other.

During this period, if lesbians have talked about their partners and broke up, they will find a partner later. If people know that they have talked to other gays before, they will have some trouble. Of course, it is also divided into places. Big cities will be more than small ones. The place is more open.

The two large trucks were reluctantly loaded with equipment and other items, and a few people were escorted into the trucks. The rest of the people either went out or waited for the trucks to come in in the afternoon.

However, the road is not easy to walk. It takes several hours for trucks to go in and out. If the car comes in in the afternoon, it can't go out again, and it has to wait for the next day to dawn.

When the archaeological team gathered up, they said that they and others walked outside slowly, and it was estimated that they would be able to reach the town at night. Besides, even if they could not reach the town, they could still be picked up by the returning truck halfway.

The people in the archaeological team have said so, and the people from Xiao Chen's side have no opinion.

Everyone packed their bags and started the final evacuation.

I thought the big truck was long gone, but not long after the meal, I saw the big truck on the road.

There were Xiao Chen, Jiang Lin and others in the car, while Ye Yuxuan and Lu Ran took some people on foot, and of course, there were people from Xiao Chen's class.

As soon as the two sides met, I realized that the road ahead had collapsed, making it impossible for cars to pass through, and when people were sent to investigate and found out, it was also difficult for people to pass.

It had rained heavily before, and there was drizzle afterward. It is not impossible for the soil here to collapse.

Being blocked on the road, I was in a dilemma, seeing that the sky was getting darker and darker, so I could only change the route to Xiao Chen and the others.

Although it was farther to go there than to go back to the town, that was the only way to go.

The vehicle is still the first, but the danger of being almost collapsed and buried before passing by, and the road section is not good, the vehicle travels more slowly, only a little faster than the pedestrians, anyway, the vehicle is swaying in the front, and everyone behind the pace. Also relatively comfortable.

The escort in the car was dizzy and uncomfortable because of the shaking car, but it was not easy to abandon the car and walk with everyone, so they could only endure.

Lu Ran thought that working together would give Ye Yuxuan enough opportunities to get to know each other. How could he know that Ye Yuxuan was busy with something, and he was also busy. When he came out to eat and rest, he could say a few words, but he was usually busy and couldn't see him. .

And Xiao Chen's arrival made Lu Ran even run out of opportunities to talk to Ye Yuxuan.

Just kidding, their Fu group is not there, it doesn't mean that @@ group is gone, how can you be close to our sister-in-law and behave blindly.

"Yuxuan, why don't you put your bag in the car? There is still a place to put a bag." Lu Ran suggested as he walked.

"No, I'll just carry it on my back." Just kidding, she's lazy, but it's better to bring some things with her. If there's something, or someone finds out, there's no way to explain it.

Lu Ran: "You've been reciting all the way. You're tired. Otherwise, I'll help you recite it for a while."

"No, I'll do it myself."

Ye Yuxuan's refusal made Lu Ran a little disappointed, and he said: " Yuxuan, I thought we were friends."

Looking at Lu Ran, Ye Yuxuan looked strange: "We are friends, when did I say we are not friends anymore?"

"Then why are you meeting me?"

Ye Yuxuan said helplessly, "Lu Ran, I didn't meet you, I didn't let you carry me because I wasn't tired at all, and I didn't have anything at all. Besides, you've already been very busy helping Comrade Wang to take care of others, and that's all. Don't bother you anymore." If you

don't ask him to help, you will see the outside world, what are you talking about.

Lu Ran still wanted to say something, but it was obvious that Ye Yuxuan had walked such a long way, her face was not blushing or she was out of breath.

Just in time, another archaeological team member slowed down a bit. Lu Ran hurried over, and after asking if there was nothing wrong, he helped the person and continued to walk slowly.

The sky is already dark, and if you dawdle again, it will be night time.

Walking at night in an unfamiliar place with a cliff next to it is extremely dangerous.

But even so, the group walked in the dark for two hours before arriving at the station.

After filling out the form, showing the work permit, and the supporting materials, it took about an hour to enter the station after a series of acquisitions.

In addition to what Professor Zhang took away, there are still sixteen people left in the archaeological team. With Jiang Lin's arrangement, Ye Yuxuan was very happy.

There are only five lesbians left, and four people live in one room here. Ye Yuxuan was left like that. She only stayed for about one night, and it was better for her to live alone.

Actually, this was arranged by Xiao Chen. The sister-in-law of their @@ regiment has arrived in @@ regiment, and she is confined to one area and can't walk around. You can't live in a small room with people.

Along the way, Xiao Chen was actually quite afraid that Ye Yuxuan would ask about Fu Zimo, but Ye Yuxuan had not asked about it until now, as if he had forgotten about it.

After entering the station, Xiao Chen was busy, but more, he still had a guilty conscience. He was even more afraid that Ye Yuxuan would pull him and ask this question. Fortunately, Ye Yuxuan was quiet and did not ask a question with the archaeological team. .

Chapter 513 Return

Ye Yuxuan's refusal made Lu Ran a little disappointed, he said, "Yuxuan, I thought we were friends."

Looking at Lu Ran, Ye Yuxuan looked strange: "We are friends, when did I say we are not friends anymore? "

Then why are you meeting me?"

Ye Yuxuan was helpless: "Lu Ran, I didn't see you, I wouldn't let you back me, I'm not tired at all, and I didn't have anything. Besides, you helped Wang Comrade is already very busy taking care of other people, so there is no need to trouble you with this matter." If you don't ask

him to help, you will be outside, what is this?

Lu Ran still wanted to say something, but it was obvious that Ye Yuxuan had walked such a long way, her face was not blushing or she was out of breath.

Just in time, another archaeological team member slowed down a bit. Lu Ran hurried over, and after asking if there was nothing wrong, he helped the person and continued to walk slowly.

The sky is already dark, and if you dawdle again, it will be night time.

Walking at night in an unfamiliar place with a cliff next to it is extremely dangerous.

But even so, the group walked in the dark for two hours before arriving at the station.

After filling out the form, showing the work permit, and supporting materials, it took about an hour to enter the station after a series of acquisitions.

In addition to what Professor Zhang had taken away before, there were 16 people left in the archaeological team. With Jiang Lin leading the team, Ye Yuxuan was very happy.

There were only five lesbians left, and four people lived in one room here. Ye Yuxuan was left just like that. She only stayed for about one night, and it was better for her to live alone.

Actually, this was arranged by Xiao Chen. The sister-in-law of their @@ regiment has arrived in @@ regiment, and she is confined to one area and can't walk around. You can't live in a small room with people.

Along the way, Xiao Chen was actually quite afraid that Ye Yuxuan would ask about Fu Zimo, but Ye Yuxuan had not asked about it until now, as if he had forgotten about it.

After entering the station, Xiao Chen was busy, but more, he still had a guilty conscience. He was even more afraid that Ye Yuxuan would pull him and ask this question. Fortunately, Ye Yuxuan was quiet and did not ask a question with the archaeological team. .

Xiao Chen breathed a sigh of relief, but felt frightened at the same time, as if there was a calm feeling before the storm.

He secretly paid attention to Ye Yuxuan's expression. Seeing her calm expression, he didn't even seem to be curious about the situation along the way. He didn't even glance at the camps passing by, as if nothing could change her mood. Same.

The colder and calmer Ye Yuxuan was, the more empty Chen felt.

It's not that Ye Yuxuan didn't notice Xiao Chen's guilt and avoidance, and it wasn't that she didn't really pay attention to the surrounding environment. She seemed tired and didn't have any superfluous expressions, but she was actually using her abilities to observe the situation around her.

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