《Crossing Seventies With Space》501-510


Chapter 501 Everyone knows it

Feeling Jiang Lin's gaze, Ye Yuxuan looked, "Comrade Jiang Lin, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Jiang Lin shook his head.

Ye Yuxuan rolled her eyes in her heart out of anger, can you please stop looking at me when I'm fine, think I'm blind!

Seeing that Ye Yuxuan was unhappy, Jiang Lin smiled apologetically and said, "Does Director Ye want to know how to catch frogs?"

He saw that others were curious, but she lacked interest and seemed not interested in this at all.

No, it seems that, on this journey, she washed her hands by the stream when she stopped for a rest, and caught a few fish while watching the scenery. At other times, she didn't seem to be interested in anything.

Of course, Ye Yuxuan was polite and polite to everyone, but Jiang Lin observed carefully and naturally found that Ye Yuxuan's smile was just an expression, and most of the smiles didn't reach the bottom of the eyes.

At that time, she would catch fish. It seems that she and a few comrades went to the stream to wash their hands, and then someone exclaimed that there were fish, and some of the fish were startled and ran up. Ye Yuxuan and Comrade Li were upstream, and they used the lunch box spoon in their hands. Can even spoon out fish.

Everyone knew that Ye Yuxuan was lucky, and only those who had been with Ye Yuxuan in the desert knew what was going on.

However, Comrade Li and the others didn't say anything. It was just that when other people who didn't know them praised Ye Yuxuan's good luck, they laughed and didn't say a word.

At the riverside, after a delay of more than half an hour, I caught about twenty fish, the smallest of which were the size of a palm, but it was enough for everyone to eat.

"I don't want to!"

"It seems that catching frogs is more fun than catching fish."

Ye Yuxuan shrugged, "Then Comrade Jiang Lin is going to participate, I have something else to do."

After the conversation between the two, Jean was about to leave. The steps of the two educated youths slowed down, and surprise crossed their faces. It seemed that Ye Yuxuan was still an office worker at such a young age.

Moreover, seeing that Ye Yuxuan was in the team, her weight was not low. She was in charge of the equipment and organized the materials. In the inspection team, regardless of whether they were gay or lesbian, they were all polite when talking to her.

Before leaving the tent, one of the taller educated youths glanced at Ye Yuxuan, and something flashed in his eyes.

"Is Director Ye afraid of the dark?" Jiang Lin thought of something and asked with a smile.

Ye Yuxuan didn't seem to feel the scrutinizing gaze, so she said confidently, "I'm lazy." After

Lu Ran listened, she lowered her head and smiled, but said nothing.

Ye Yuxuan called herself lazy from the moment she joined the group, but she kept up with what she was supposed to do. Sometimes she stayed up late to write materials and instructions, and she would take care of comrades who were not acclimatized along the way. I was lazy, and everyone was used to it. No one took it seriously, and they all laughed.

Jiang Lin's cheeks twitched, Fu Zimo, I've never seen a lesbian talk about laziness every day and shout so naturally, your daughter-in-law is too different from others, right? !


Even if you say a word, it's fine if it's dark, afraid of the dark, and afraid of slippery roads.

Ye Yuxuan seemed to be afraid of not being able to get angry with Jiang Lin, and said seriously: "It's true, I'm lazy, everyone knows it."

The people on the side laughed and nodded in agreement, "Yes, yes, Director Ye is lazy. , we are also quite lazy, we only ate and slept in the past two days, then slept and ate."

Lu Ran also smiled and echoed: "It's true, I'm also very lazy..."

After that, everyone laughed together again. stand up.

Everyone was joking, and soon they talked about eating bighorn sheep in the desert. At that time, they thought that the meat of bighorn sheep was too good, but when I went back, I couldn't eat it, so I couldn't stop thinking about it.

In fact, there were about ten people in the team. Because of Fu Zimo's relationship, Jiang Lin felt that Ye Yuxuan was hypocritical, but he would take care of her a little bit. It could even be said that if there was danger, he would definitely take Ye Yuxuan with him.

Needless to say, Lu Ran was in charge of the security of the camp, but he would care and take care of Ye Yuxuan, both public and private.

Comrade Li and Professor Chen and his group of six had business affairs with Ye Yuxuan in the desert before. They had been with Ye Yuxuan for half a year, and they had been very happy.

Others, two people were with Jiang Lin. According to Jiang Lin's intentions, Ye Yuxuan did not offend the rest of the people. She was also an officer, and she still held a very important position in the team. A few important positions. The person who is in the relationship has a good relationship with Ye Yuxuan, as long as he is not stupid, he will not have trouble with Ye Yuxuan.

It's just that Ye Yuxuan was in the camp most of the time, and rarely went to the scene. The people who were recruited to work, including the two educated youths, had only heard of Director Ye, but they didn't know if they were male or female, and how old they were.

These two educated youths, like other people who saw Ye Yuxuan for the first time, only thought that she was good-looking, but it was not easy to keep staring at her in front of so many people. Occasionally Ye Yuxuan passed by, or asked Professor Chen to discuss something, they Will also take the opportunity to sneak a few glances.

It just didn't occur to them that Ye Yuxuan was the manager Ye they had heard many times.

The two left the camp, and on the way back, they suddenly said, "I didn't expect that the clerk would be so young." The

tall educated youth nodded: "I have no idea, but I heard that he was a college student and came back from overseas, so he could be a clerk. It's not surprising."

"Also, it's not like us, we went to the countryside after graduating from junior high school, and I don't know if we have a chance..."

Although they didn't say the latter words, they both knew what it meant.

Looking at each other, the two sighed in unison, and then changed the subject.

In the evening, the two educated youths came as scheduled, and the archaeological team had five male comrades to follow. After all, I was watching the rain in the camp for the past two days, and it was really boring. I had this opportunity to say that I was catching frogs. Just go to play, the city baby has never caught a frog, it is very novel, of course I will not miss it.


I don't know if it's because there are too many frogs or it's too good to catch, but within two hours, a few people returned with a full load, and the net pockets they brought were actually full.

When these people came back, the attracted sleepless people came out of the tent and exclaimed and praised, but Ye Yuxuan was eating cherries in the dark in her tent.

What she likes most is eating fruit and nibbling snacks in the tent at night. The rain outside is not small, it hits the tent, and she tore the packaging bag to cover up the sound.

Although the five members of the archaeological team had a lot of mud on their bodies, some of them even splashed a lot of mud on their faces because of the frogs, but they were so happy that they caught so many frogs, and they all praised the two rudely. The educated youth teach well.

The two of them laughed shyly. They kept saying that everyone was eager to learn and that they were happy to be surrounded. However, when Ye Yuxuan was not seen in the crowd, the tall educated youth was a little surprised. Isn't the clerk so young that you don't like fun so much?

Chapter 502 The Price of Freedom

During the time he took people to catch frogs, the tall educated youth was very attentive and found some news with his colleagues.

You may not be able to ask other questions, but when you ask about lesbians, all of them are gays. They catch frogs together, and they get excited, so they say a little bit. Anyway, these are not things that need to be kept secret.

The tall educated youth knew which lesbians in the project team were still single, and when he heard that Ye Yuxuan was not married, he felt a little happy, but he knew it and felt a little regretful.

However, when he heard that Ye Yuxuan was young, the tall educated youth thought of something, and his heart moved slightly. It's good to be young. It's easy to be impulsive when you're young. If this lesbian likes someone, she won't No matter what the other person is like.

Before he went to the countryside to jump the queue, his neighbor's sister just fell in love with someone, shouted for freedom of marriage and love, and refused to study any more.

Also, in the village he lives in now, there are girls in their teens and twenties who like people from the village next door to the production team. Even if the family doesn't want to, she won't marry.

When they first went to the countryside, there were also many girls in the village who had a good impression of their educated youth. At that time, they didn't think about it that much, but those girls didn't like it, so they boldly confessed, giving sweet potatoes, corn, etc. is the norm.

Once this girl likes her, no one can stop her. If she gets married, the future will be good or bad, and she will have to suffer.

Of course, the tall young man is not stupid. He just thought about it. Compared with Ye Yuxuan, who seemed to be difficult to approach at a young age, he felt that the other three single lesbians were also pretty good. Although they were not as good as Ye Yuxuan, they were also clean and delicate. .

Not to mention Ye Yuxuan's appearance, she was being held in the team, and looking at her clothes, her family background would not be bad. Such a girl is also very arrogant, arrogant, and she should not be small.

And although he used to have an urban hukou, his family is only a working-class family, and now he is still an educated youth in the countryside, earning work points to live, and it is very difficult to pursue.

Compared with the more difficult Ye Yuxuan, he still pursues a relatively plain appearance. Lesbians from ordinary backgrounds have a good chance of coming. However, if he dares not chase anyone, he will not show it stupidly, otherwise, he will be rejected to work here. , but no chance.

In the bottom of my heart, the tall educated youth was still a little unwilling to give up on Ye Yuxuan. Maybe she would just be cold on the surface?

If you catch him in two or three times, how many people will be envied by such a beautiful person who will wash and cook for him, and have children to serve him.

This archaeology is not something that can be completed in a short time. It is said that the drizzle moistens things silently, and the dripping water penetrates the stone. As long as you can come here to work, there will always be a chance.

The two also caught a lot of frogs, but they didn't take them all, just a few, and the rest were given to the archaeological team.

Of course, the archaeological team declined, but they could not bear the enthusiasm of the two, so they accepted it.

When the people outside were polite and polite for the frog's departure, Ye Yuxuan had already wiped her hands and lay down to sleep.

The frogs were kept in net pockets and croaked all night long.

Although Ye Yuxuan felt noisy, she wouldn't have trouble getting along with the frog to be slaughtered. Besides, compared to listening to the roar of the mutant beast, the frog's croaking was not bad, at least it meant that the world she was in was safe.

Others, even if they think frogs are noisy, they will not have any objection. If they can eat frog meat tomorrow, who will have a hard time with meat.

Early the next morning.

After Ye Yuxuan got up, she was pulled by a lesbian to look at the frog.

"Mr. Ye, look, this frog is really not small."

"Yeah." Ye Yuxuan nodded.

"Mr. Ye, I didn't expect that this frog is so easy to catch. There are quite a few." The words were from a lesbian who had gone to bed early yesterday and returned triumphantly after missing out to catch the frog.

"No, I heard yesterday that this frog is just a flashlight, and then..." This is what the lesbian who excitedly described the process to everyone after hearing the frog and returning home yesterday.

Looking at the frog squeezed in the net pocket, Ye Yuxuan looked at the excited lesbian again, the corners of her mouth twitched, what's so good about frogs, she looked so excited.

For lunch, the frog was honored to be used.

Onion, ginger, garlic, green peppers, hemp peppers and dry peppers are stir-fried, then poured in soy sauce, sprinkled with salt and stir-fry, and the fragrance will soon rise.

Although it was raining, work could not be started, but everyone was happy to be able to eat frog meat. Seeing that eating frogs was cruel before, and a lesbian who harmed beneficial insects was also happily eating frog meat, Ye Yuxuan only felt amused.

Lu Ran Ye Yuxuan sitting on the side, see Ye Yuxuan did not play Warou, he asked: "Comrade Ye, how do you eat Warou?"

"Do not eat."

Lu Ran thought Ye Yuxuan not eaten, tried to persuade: "The taste Not bad, do you want to try it?"

He handed the bowl to Ye Yuxuan and motioned her to pick up a pair of chopsticks and try it, after all, it's too difficult to eat meat in this secluded deep mountain and wild forest. There is no meat in the team, a little canned meat, one meal, one person will not be divided into two pieces.

However, to see the landing bowl Warou, Ye Yuxuan shook his head: "I do not, I do not want to eat."

She Hunxing not missing, she does not eat, they can eat a few.

Seeing that Ye Yuxuan really didn't want to eat it, Lu Ran didn't force it any more, but just said like a popular science: "Frog meat is edible."

"I know, it's raining and I just don't have a good appetite." Ye Yuxuan casually found a Excuse.

In fact, she just ate quick steak before dinner, so she didn't want to eat meat at all anymore.

Hearing this, Lu Ran thought that Ye Yuxuan didn't eat much these days, but she didn't see her hungry, so she cared a few words.

Jiang Lin saw this scene in his eyes, and said silently, Fu Zimo, if you knew that your daughter-in-law was coveted, I wonder if you would jump!

Most of the frogs I caught yesterday were done at noon, and there were some left, and they were gone at night.

The frog meat for lunch is delicate and delicious. Even if there are few seasonings, it has also received a lot of praise. Everyone thanked the gay men who went out to catch it yesterday.

The grateful male comrade laughed, and said that he would go out to catch it again at night. Anyway, this thing is available on rainy days. If you catch it, it will satisfy your cravings, and it will also make everyone have a good meal.

After dinner, she took advantage of the rain to stop and went to the hillside near the camp. She didn't hear the sound of shelling all day.

The camp on the hillside is only a hundred meters away, and you can still see the camp tents from here.

The camp smoke was curling up, and there were people walking around. If it wasn't in such a remote place, if the roads weren't muddy at this time, it would still be a little comfortable.

Chapter 503

Suddenly, Ye Yuxuan turned her head and shouted at the bushes, "Who, come out!"

Ye Yuxuan's voice was a little cold, and the people in the bushes were frightened and refused to come out for a long time. Ye Yuxuan frowned when she saw this, but also Too lazy to make a sound, he glanced at the grass and turned to leave the hillside.

In fact, even if that person didn't come out, Ye Yuxuan knew who it was, that tall educated youth, and didn't know what to do in hiding in the grass.

In the end, it didn't matter if Ye Yuxuan was alone, but there were quite a few people in the archaeological team. If something happened, let the people from this village join forces with other villages to come over and make trouble.

After Ye Yuxuan left the hillside, the grass swayed, and soon, a man emerged from the inside. He was wearing a leopard coat and holding a soaked pheasant with bound legs in his hand. He looked at Ye Yuxuan who was approaching the camp. The back was startled.

He never thought that this Director Ye was young, but his power was not small.

The voice was extremely cold just now, and he was immediately frightened. He only felt that with the cold shout, the icy and biting feeling hit his whole being, as if he would be stabbed if he did something wrong.

If, before, he thought that Ye Yuxuan was too young to be fooled, then at this time, the tall educated youth felt that such a person was too difficult.

Ye Yuxuan was wearing a black top and black trousers today, with a belt tied around her waist and her hair in a high ponytail. She swayed gently while walking, making her look even more neat.

Seemingly feeling the sight behind her, Ye Yuxuan looked back at the small hillside as she stepped over the half-meter-high small dirt wall piled up in the camp, causing the tall educated youth to squat down subconsciously, hurriedly looking for a tree. hide.

Even though Ye Yuxuan had returned to the tent, she still paid attention to the movements of the tall educated youth, and did not recover her abilities until he left with the chicken.

For two days in a row, these two educated youths came to take the people in the expedition to catch frogs. Five or six people went there at a time, and the harvest was very good. Ye Yuxuan couldn't help but sighed in her heart, the ecological environment here has not been destroyed, the state very good.

Thanks to the enthusiastic help of the two educated youths, everyone thanked them one after another, and some people brought them over. The cakes they were reluctant to eat along the way were divided into two pieces for the two of them to taste.

It is not easy to go out to the market here. Besides, cakes need food stamps. Where can they get them? Therefore, the two educated youths were very excited when they ate the cakes. Catch fish by the stream, go into the woods to catch pheasants or something.

As soon as they heard that they could catch fish and pheasants, some people in the team were curious and asked. The two educated youths did not hide it, and they answered all their questions.

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