《Crossing Seventies With Space》471-480


Chapter 471

Don't look at this mashed potato Ye Yuxuan took a few bites, but she was going to eat it for Fu Zimo, so she scooped out a few spoonfuls to eat, and the rest of the bowl was clean.

However, the behavior of the two who didn't mind sharing the food made Lu Ran feel uncomfortable. When the wine balls came up, although the taste of wine was strong, he didn't think about it.

Don't look at the fact that the wine tastes stronger because of the appearance of the wine balls on the table, but what really fills the wine taste is Lu Ran's bowl of wine balls.

Xiaoyi was afraid that Ye Yuxuan would not be at ease, so after distributing the wine balls to everyone, before sitting down, while Lu Ran was not paying attention, he nodded to Ye Yuxuan.

Xiao Tong took a sip of the wine balls, and said with a satisfied smile, "This wine balls are delicious, Uncle Lu, you can eat them too. My sister likes them very much."

Hearing that Ye Yuxuan liked them, Lu Of course it won't be left.

Complimented again and again, Ye Yuxuan would have wanted to take the opportunity to let Xiaoyi give Lu Ran another bowl if it wasn't for the size of the bowl.

After eating this meal for more than an hour, thanks to Ye Yuxuan getting the wine balls out, Lu Ran obviously raised a glass to Fu Zimo to persuade him to drink a lot less after eating the wine balls.

After all, although it is one person and one bowl of wine-filled balls, the bowls at this time are not too small. Lu Ran's bowl of wine-filled balls is so high, plus he has already drank some wine before, he wants to raise his glass more often. Not an easy task.

Lu Ran's drinking is not bad, of course, Fu Zimo is not bad either.

With Ye Yuxuan's divine assist, Lu Ran naturally couldn't bring down Fu Zimo, but his goal was also achieved.

When Fu Zimo was so hurt, he drank five bottles of wine with Lu Ran. Even if Lu Ran didn't get Fu Zimo drunk, it was enough for Fu Zimo to suffer.

Lu Ran left Ye Yuxuan's house in a vain step. Originally, Ye Yuxuan wanted Xiaoyi to give Lu Ran a gift, but Lu Ran refused, patted his chest and said that he was fine, so Ye Yuxuan just gave a few words of concern and gave up.

The door was closed, Ye Yuxuan turned her head under Xiao Tong's soft call, and saw Fu Zimo, who was still smiling just now, standing to see Lu Ran as usual, leaning against the wall staggeringly.

"Help him back to the room."

Xiaoyi quickly stepped forward, took Fu Zimo's arm on his shoulder, and quickly brought the tall and tall Fu Zimo back to the room with half support and half hug.

At this time, Fu Zimo's face was pale, and his forehead was constantly sweating.

Ye Yuxuan frowned and scolded in a low voice: "Fu Zimo, you are really capable, you are so good at acting, why don't you become an actor."

Xiaoyi stood aside and apologized in a low voice, "Sister Ye, it's me who doesn't. Well, I..."

"Of course you have a problem, but you still want to help him hide it from me."

Xiao Yi lowered his head even lower.

Ye Yuxuan's chest heaved a few times, and then she suppressed her anger and asked, "How did Lu Ran know that he was injured?"


"I went out today, and when I came back, I happened to meet my eldest brother when he was crossing the road. The cyclist collided and the wound was torn, so..."

Ye Yuxuan frowned even more after hearing this.

"Lu Ran saw the injury on his body?"


" Xiaoyi shook his head hurriedly : "It should be because he suspects that the eldest brother has an injury." "Yes." Ye Yuxuan nodded, if Lu Ran saw the injury on Fu Zimo's body, then It's not like bringing chickens to the door to drink and test.

"I was skeptical before, but Lu Ran probably knew that Fu Zimo was injured, otherwise he wouldn't have been drinking, but he didn't know how Fu Zimo's injury came about."

If Fu Zimo directly said that he was injured , I'm not good at drinking, so Lu Ran must be concerned to ask how he was injured, how he was injured, and whether he had seen a doctor.

There is a record of seeing a doctor, and Lu Ran can figure out what's going on with just a little investigation.

If the injury is not serious, how could the injury on the body not be serious.

This is also the reason why Ye Yuxuan did not refuse Fu Zimo's drinking very strongly.

Hearing this, Xiao Tong thought for a while, and immediately knew what was going on.

"Xuanxuan, I'm fine." Fu Zimo was still trying to comfort Ye Yuxuan. Xiaoyi

also said, "Sister Ye, I'm sorry, but I didn't take good care of eldest brother."

Ye Yuxuan didn't say anything, just kept her face calm and asked Xiaoyi and Xiaotong to prepare things.

Warm water, hot towels, disinfectant wipes...

Although he drank a lot of wine, Fu Zimo couldn't spit it out. Forcing it would hurt his stomach, and it would tear his abdominal wound, so he had to give up.

After Xiaoyi wiped Fu Zimo's face with a wet towel, he silently stepped aside. He knew that Ye Yuxuan would be exposed in a while, but he didn't dare to hide.

Under the action of thick gauze and bandages, the blood did not seep out, but after taking off the vest, it was possible to see that the wound was not in good condition.

Fu Zimo was already weak, but after Lu Ran left, he completely relaxed, and was forced to support him. He was weak and drank a lot of alcohol, so he could only look at Ye Yuxuan with a pitiful and innocent face.

"XuanXuan, do not be angry, I know that was wrong."

It's back to God, then let Ye Yuxuan, white at him, Ye Yuxuan hand:. "Scissors bring it to me, I gave him dressing"

Xiao Yi a password for an action , honestly.

The gauze was lifted, and Ye Yuxuan took a deep breath when she saw Fu Zimo's wound slowly seeping blood.

Xiao Tong watched from the side, pouted, and worried her sister again, which was really troublesome.

"Xuanxuan, I..."

"Shut up." Ye Yuxuan raised her eyes and glared at Fu Zimo: "I don't want to hear your words now, not even a word!"

Xu Shi drank a lot, Fu Zimo felt less pain, Ye Yuxuan dealt with it this time. After putting the medicine down, he didn't even hum, but looked at Ye Yuxuan without blinking.

He opened his mouth several times to speak, but he opened his mouth and was stunned by Ye Yuxuan's glaring eyes.

If it weren't for the situation at the moment, Xiaoyi and Xiaotong would both want to laugh when they saw this scene.


Ye Yuxuan took the hot towel prepared by Xiao Tong and wiped her hands. She gave Fu Zimo a flattering smile and rolled her eyes angrily.

"Fu Zimo, you have had a good rest recently. Leave here early."

"What?" The smile on Fu Zimo's face stuck.

"Xuanxuan? Are you going to drive me away?"

Xiaoyi and Xiaotong glanced at each other, silently daring to speak.

Ye Yuxuan: "I asked you to go back to the unit early for your own good."

"I'm not leaving!" Fu Zimo shook his head.

He even wanted to sit up in a hurry, but Ye Yuxuan quickly pinned him down.

Ye Yuxuan said angrily, "Lie down for me, and then toss, I'll be welcome."

"Then I won't leave." Fu Zimo took the opportunity to speak: "Xuanxuan, don't be angry, I promise, there will be no next time. OK?"

Chapter 472

Fu Zimo knew that Ye Yuxuan would be angry, but he didn't know that Ye Yuxuan would drive him away angrily.

At this moment, Fu Zimo's statement that he was not panic was a lie.

Even if he knew that by recuperating, he could rely on him, but Ye Yuxuan would be unhappy, and he would feel uncomfortable.

"Xuanxuan, I didn't expect such a mistake."

Fu Zimo didn't care about his weakness, and was still trying to explain.

Ye Yuxuan looked at him but said nothing, but said to Xiaoyi, "You look at him tonight, I'm tired."

Xiaoyi nodded, indicating that she would pay attention, so Ye Yuxuan ignored Fu Zimo and pulled Xiao Tong by herself. left.

Fu Zimo opened his mouth to stop Ye Yuxuan, but when he saw how angry she was, he remained silent.

After a long time, Fu Zimo said in a hoarse voice, "Am I causing her troubles?"

Xiaoyi was stunned for a while, then thought about it, and replied, "I knew Sister Ye would be very angry."

Nonsense! Fu Zimo gave Xiaoyi an angry look, doesn't he have eyes to see yet?

Xiaoyi continued: "So, you should take good care of your injuries at this time, don't move around any more, and try to perform better, maybe Sister Ye will be relieved soon."

Fu Zimo: "..." Saying it means not saying it.

Seeming to know what he meant, Xiao Yi said faintly: "It's because we are overdoing it. It's normal for Sister Ye to be angry." When the

words fell, Xiao Yi didn't wait for Fu Zimo's expression, so he packed up the medicine box, and then replaced the new one. Gauze, bloody bandages, etc., were thrown into the tin stove and destroyed.

"Sister, don't be angry, Xiao Tong will always listen to you." The

implication is that they are not obedient, but I am obedient.

Hearing what Xiao Tong meant, and looking at his worried eyes again, Ye Yuxuan's heart was relieved. She reached out and rubbed the broken hair on his head, and pinched his soft face.

"I'm fine." Ye Yuxuan: "By the way, I haven't given you the pocket money this month."

"Sister, I don't need..."

Before Xiao Tong finished her words, Ye Yuxuan had already taken out five yuan and put it away. In his hands: "I don't know how much I buy exercise books for studying now. Also, don't save too much money. Buy whatever you want to eat on the way to school."

Children like to jump around and consume Ye Yuxuan didn't want Xiao Tong to be too hungry when she was growing up again.

If it wasn't for Xiao Tong's dislike of taking home snacks out, she wouldn't have given him so much money.

Ye Yuxuan felt that five yuan a month of pocket money was not much, but it could be put in someone else's home. Who would give five yuan a month to a child who was still in elementary school, and he would have to think twice about giving two cents.

But others are different from Ye Yuxuan. Ye Yuxuan is not bad for money. The money she made in the black market at the time is less than 2,000 yuan. The rest of the food and drink are all from the space.

Besides, here, if you want to spend money, there is nowhere to spend it.

Seeing that Xiao Tong still wanted to shake her head, Ye Yuxuan lowered her face and pretended to be unhappy: "You said to be obedient just now." As

soon as these words came out, Xiao Tong immediately compromised: "Sister, I'll take it, but I'm not confused. It's a mess."

"It's yours to use it for you. As long as you spend it normally and don't waste it, I won't bother."

Xiao Tong accompanied Ye Yuxuan for a while, seeing that she was not so angry, so she went to sleep obediently go with.

After Ye Yuxuan took a shower, she put on her pajamas and lay on the bed. After listening to Fu Zimo's movement, she felt a little more satisfied when she saw that he was relatively stable.

She didn't want to chase him, but Fu Zimo was so close to her, it was really unfortunate.

If Fu Zimo had left earlier, she would have been able to deal with anything she encountered in Xiaoyanglou, so she didn't need to worry too much.

In fact, Ye Yuxuan's heart softened when she saw the panic and grievance in Fu Zimo's eyes just now, but she still tried hard and didn't give him the answer he wanted.

When Fu Zimo fell asleep, Ye Yuxuan also stopped turning over and slowly closed her eyes.

Ye Yuxuan didn't even know that in the family's courtyard, Gu Yanzhe was waiting for her to let Xiaoyi or Xiao Tong come over. After all, from his professional point of view, the strong bloody smell on Fu Zimo's body in the afternoon was clearly a photo of the wound tearing and bleeding. completed.

However, Gu Yanzhe waited and waited, but no one came.

Looking up at the wall clock on the wall, it was past ten o'clock.

"Could it be that I made a mistake?" Gu Yanzhe shook his head as soon as he finished speaking.

Other things, he may be wrong, but this, not.

Time passed little by little, and seeing twelve o'clock approaching, Gu Yanzhe leaned on the sofa and laughed softly.

I don't know if I'm laughing at Ye Yuxuan who Fu Zimo managed to hide, or laughing at myself for thinking too much.

The knock on the door sounded, and the depression on Gu Yanzhe's face was swept away. He stood up abruptly. After two big strides, he stopped again, took a deep breath, and waited for three or four seconds. When the second knock sounded again, he took a step forward and opened the door.

"Uh... Xiao Zhao, what happened?" It was not Xiao Tong, nor Xiao Yi, nor Ye Yuxuan outside the door.

Gu Yanzhe was obviously stunned when he saw the person.

He was stunned, and the people who came to him didn't find it strange, and he spoke with embarrassment on his face.

"Director Gu, I'm sorry to bother you so late. There is a patient in the inpatient department in front of you. The doctor in the emergency department is already dealing with it, but I think you need to go and take a look."

The person who was recruited was a hospital nurse.

"Okay, you go first, I'll be there soon." It's not strange to have such a sudden situation, Gu Yanzhe quickly adjusted his mood.

"Okay!" Nurse Zhao responded, and before turning around, she secretly glanced at the half-open door, thinking to herself, Director Gu's house is really spacious and tidy, just like himself, it looks clean , makes people feel at ease.

Gu Yanzhe returned to his room and quickly changed his clothes, glanced at the time on the wall again, grabbed the key, and quickly went to the inpatient department ahead.

When he arrived at the inpatient department, Gu Yanzhe put on a white coat and started to get busy.

During this period, Gu Yanzhe was a little distracted, but fortunately he reacted quickly and no accident was caused.

In fact, when Ye Yuxuan saw Fu Zimo's wound, she didn't expect to ask Gu Yanzhe to help her stitch it up, but Fu Zimo seemed to know what she was thinking and said it long before she took off the gauze.

This obviously means not to ask Gu Yanzhe to suture the wound, it would be strange if Ye Yuxuan couldn't hear it.

After thinking about it, Fu Zimo said that before, it would be embarrassing to find Gu Yanzhe again, so Ye Yuxuan also followed Fu Zimo.

Looking at the torn wound, Ye Yuxuan finally went back to her room, and when she came back, she had a box of things in her hand.

Ye Yuxuan doesn't know how to sew needles, but she is still very comfortable using them.

Chapter 473

In the eyes of Xiaoyi and Xiaotong's curiosity turned into surprise, Ye Yuxuan carefully and quickly closed Fu Zimo's wound without needles.

This is the latest type of wound suture patch for later generations. This type of suture is similar to an ordinary Band-Aid, that is, the bottom adhesive strip is attached to both sides of the wound, and then the plastic clips on the wound closure are pulled tightly.

In this way, the wound can be closed, and the whole process does not require needle threading, and of course, the stitches do not need to be removed at the end.

Xiao Tong was on the side, seeing this scene, he couldn't help exclaiming in his heart, and his eyes also glowed with light.

Sister is amazing!

Xiao Yi was even more surprised. Is there such a thing in this world?

Fu Zimo was shocked: "Xuanxuan, this..."

"Shut up!"

"Oh, good!" The night passed quickly.

Today is Saturday.

Xiao Tong didn't go to class, and Ye Yuxuan didn't have to go to work either.

Although Xiaoyi woke up twice in the middle of the night, he was still young, and he didn't necessarily feel tired at all.

He would get up in the middle of the night because he was afraid that Fu Zimo might have a fever.

Make breakfast as usual, Xiaoyi packed up after eating and went to work.

Xiao Tong looked at Ye Yuxuan's closed door. After eating breakfast obediently, he warmed up the rest of the breakfast. Then he took the textbook and read aloud in the yard.

City (committee) compound.

Lu Ran is having breakfast in the cafeteria.

The skilled greeted the acquaintances. Lu Ran pressed his dizzy forehead, ordered a meal of multigrain porridge, bought a fried pancake, ordered a fried egg, and sat in a corner of the cafeteria, silently on the side. Eat breakfast while recalling yesterday's situation.

After thinking about the matter, Lu Ran sighed in his heart, he knew that Ye Yuxuan was helping Fu Zimo.

Although he could not prove that there was anything wrong with Fu Zimo's injury, Lu Ran's intuition told him that Fu Zimo's injury must be related to Ye Yuxuan.

And what's related to Ye Yuxuan is not a trivial matter. Could it be that Fu Zimo did things about Jia Min?

That's not right. It's been a long time since Jia Min's incident, and the bloody smell of Fu Zimo's wounds is obviously from yesterday, or in other words, fresh wounds in the past two days.

In the city of Pingyang, in the past two days, apart from the lost parts of the factory, whoever lost something was at most a quarrel with the neighbors. Some people in the factory were making trouble because they couldn't get a house. There was no such thing as a fight. is no more.

Lu Ran frowned, where did Fu Zimo get hurt? !

It could be seen that Ye Yuxuan was helping Fu Zimo, but Lu Ran was both depressed and helpless.

If you continue to investigate, it is very likely that Ye Yuxuan will be dragged into it. If you don't investigate...

Yuxuan shouldn't be so stupid. Besides, Fu Zimo is a (regiment) leader anyway.

Everyone knows that @@The group is upright, brave, organized, and disciplined. Thinking of this, Lu Ran doesn't seem to be so worried.

Lu Ran ate breakfast, went home and lay down, and fell asleep not long after.

Ye Yuxuan didn't get up until almost noon. At this time, Xiao Tong was ready to make lunch.

"Sister, are you awake? That elder sister is washing, I have been keeping my breakfast warm, elder sister will take a few bites at a time, and I am about to make lunch."

"Where's Xiaoyi?" Ye Yuxuan asked. Yi started working on vacation today.

"Forget it, don't worry about it." Ye Yuxuan stood under the eaves, looking at the rain falling from the tiles, and asked, "When did it rain?"

"It was almost ten o'clock. It's been half an hour." They all said that there was an autumn rain and a cold.

It was still hot yesterday, but it will rain and the cool wind blows, making it even cooler.

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