《Crossing Seventies With Space》411-420


Chapter 411 Can't Be Delusional

Seeing that his sister still didn't speak, Xiao Chen's face became impatient, and his voice became more serious.

"Zhuzhu, you don't understand anything, don't think about it blindly, Fu Tuan is not as good as you think, he, anyway, you listen to eldest brother, eldest brother will not harm you, Fu Tuan is not what you think. people."

In order to keep his sister from thinking about it, Xiao Chen even said Fu Zimo's bad things, but he couldn't say anything bad, but he knew in his heart that no matter if Fu Tuan was good or not, he would never have a relationship with his sister. What an intersection.

Although these words were said by my elder brother, they are not serious, and no one else will know about them, but Chen Zhu only felt that her face was hot, and tears could not help falling from her eyes, one drop, two drops, three drops. , splashed a few wet streaks on the ground.

"Zhuzhu." Xiao Chen frowned, this little girl really became more thoughtful the bigger she was, and she didn't look like she was obedient when she was a child.

Just when Xiao Chen wanted to cruelly say that the girl's family must be self-respecting, have a sense of shame, and have self-knowledge, Chen Zhu raised her head, glanced at Xiao Chen, and ran back to her room with tears in her eyes.

"..." Xiao Chen breathed a sigh of relief when he looked at the door that his sister closed with force, thinking to himself, it's better for me to say that you are my own family than you let others say.

In the evening, when the Chen family had dinner, Chen Zhu didn't come out. Chen's mother and Chen's father were puzzled, but Xiao Chen didn't explain, just asked her mother to leave some food for her sister.

Chen Zhu was a little girl after all. She was embarrassed and angry when her elder brother said that. She avoided Xiao Chen for several days.

Xiao Chen didn't know that his sister was angry and awkward, but he felt that it was good to tell the truth, and she couldn't let her have wishful thinking.

Fu Zimo didn't know about these, and even if he knew, he wouldn't take it to heart.

Xiaoyi got off work a little late today. When he saw Fu Zimo on the way, he was stunned for a moment.

Fu Zimo was not polite at all. Seeing Xiaoyi, he just glanced at him and continued to walk forward.

Xiaoyi: "..." Although he didn't want to think about it, he somehow felt that Fu Zimo was either on the way or heading home.

As for what Fu Zimo was going to do there, you don't have to think about it to know that it must be for Sister Ye.

Xiaoyi is a little speechless, it is estimated that Xiao Tong knows and will be worried again.

The two were one after the other, without a word along the way.

Today is Sunday, Ye Yuxuan took Xiao Tong to buy all kinds of food at the grain station, the non-staple food store, and the supply and marketing cooperative.

If it wasn't for Ye Yuxuan's good physical strength, she would have been exhausted by now.

Seeing that Xiao Tong seemed to be exhausted, Ye Yuxuan asked him to rest at home, but Xiao Tong refused to go out with Ye Yuxuan, so she did not refuse.

It was also fortunate that there was Xiao Tong, others were small, and Ye Yuxuan could not squeeze in in some places, but he could squeeze in flexibly to buy things.


Sometimes, when there are too many things to buy, Xiao Tong will guard the things, while Ye Yuxuan will continue to buy them.

"I don't know how your brother bought all these things when he was alone." Ye Yuxuan was a little emotional, but she saw someone who was careless and had something stolen, although it was not too valuable coarse grains or a few cabbage, But when it comes to eating supplies, it can also save a family from having to tighten their belts for a few days.

Xiao Tong heard the words and said with a smile: "sister, sometimes I also follow my brother to buy things." He just knew that it was not easy, so he didn't let his sister come out to buy things alone.

"It's just, sister, why do we have to buy all the supplies all at once? We can't eat so much at once."

Not to mention vegetables such as cabbage and potatoes. This fish is three pieces when bought, and the meat is also cut five kilograms. There are others, it's summer, and it won't be long.

Also, my sister did not buy coarse grains, but kept the food stamps, saying that she wanted to buy refined grains.

Xiao Tong knows that the supply of refined grains depends on the situation, and everyone counts the one or two catties. Although my sister has a little more supply of refined grains, it still depends on the supply.

If you don't buy coarse grains, just those fine grains, how can three people eat enough!

"I can eat it, but I don't have a lot of fish. I just bought it when there was a supply. Otherwise, there might not be a supply tomorrow or the day after."

Hearing this, Xiao Tong remembered that the second month after Ye Yuxuan's business trip, there was indeed an entire city of Pingyang. There was no meat and fish in the month, and even vegetables were poor.

When I went to the grain station, I bought fine grains. Ye Yuxuan had six kilograms, Xiaotong one kilogram, and Xiaoyi two kilograms. The total was nine kilograms. Ye Yuxuan didn't ask the price of coarse grains.

After paying the money, taking out the ticket, and picking up the weighed rice bag, Ye Yuxuan greeted Xiao Tong to go home.

Xiao Tong was surprised.

"Sister, isn't it bad not to buy coarse grains? You can't eat fine grains all at once, otherwise, if my sister wants to eat them in the future, she may not have them." Xiao Tong only said that he and his brother eat coarse grains, and let Ye Yuxuan eat fine grains.

Of course, Xiao Tong also knew that even if he said it, Ye Yuxuan would not agree.

Regarding Xiao Tong's doubts, Ye Yuxuan just rubbed his head in a funny way: "Don't worry about this, in short, I won't let you starve."

"When will I let you eat coarse grains? I will find a way, you don't have to worry." No wonder she was away for half a year, and there was still some refined grain left, and the two of them bought coarse grains every month, so they were afraid that they would run out of refined grains and go hungry?

Xiao Tong shook his head: "Sister, I'm not afraid of being hungry, I'm afraid that my sister won't be able to eat coarse grains."

Ye Yuxuan was silent for a while after hearing this. It's the truth, but she wouldn't fall to this point.

If it wasn't for thinking that the rice at this time was not bad, it would be a waste not to buy it, and people would pay more attention to it after a long time. Ye Yuxuan didn't plan to buy these few kilograms of refined grains at all.


She has to rely on the supply of six catties of refined grains this month, so she would have starved to death a long time ago.

"Go home, I'm tired."

As soon as Ye Yuxuan said that, Xiao Tong stopped talking.

He helped carry a few pieces of cabbage, and thought to himself, just as my sister was eating at work at noon, he and his eldest brother should eat coarse grains at home at noon, so that we can have some food left.

However, how did Xiao Tong know that Ye Yuxuan was already thinking about finding a chance to get 50 to 60 kilograms of rice and put it in the rice jar.

Actually, on the third day after Ye Yuxuan came back, she found an opportunity to take out twenty kilograms of rice and ten kilograms of white flour, but this would see Xiao Tong's worried appearance. He was always worried that he would run out of food.

On the way back, Ye Yuxuan saw the sign of the department store from a distance. She thought that she had a lot of cloth tickets. It seemed that she could buy some cloth and ask the tailor to make clothes, so she said, "Xiao Tong, my sister will pull a piece of cloth for you to make. clothes, right?"

Chapter 412 Long Strange

"I'll make it for you this time, and I'll make it for Xiaoyi next time." The cloth ticket will expire if you do n't use it. Ye Yuxuan can't be bothered to exchange it with someone. Since she has enough, she can use it. Otherwise, how can we increase demand and increase production? .

Just after she finished speaking , Xiao Tong shook her head without thinking: "No, sister, I have a lot of clothes, enough to wear. Sister, buy them for yourself." "Is it enough?" Ye Yuxuan was a little uncertain: "But I see you..."

Knowing what she was going to say, Xiao Tong explained seriously: "Sister, I cherish clothes."

He was wearing old clothes with a lot of patches at home. Although there were a lot of patches, they were all It's washed clean. He just felt that if he didn't go out, there was no need to wear the clothes his sister bought.

"I just sweep the floor at home, wash the dishes, write, and don't do anything. It's just right to wear the old clothes."

"Sister, big brother doesn't want them either. We have enough clothes to wear, so we don't need to do any more. "

Ye Yuxuan nodded after hearing this, but didn't say anything.

She knew that Xiaotong and Xiaoyi were frugal, but she dressed them herself, but the two of them wore patches at home all day long, and Ye Yuxuan couldn't see it.

It would be fine if it wasn't, it was obviously not bad, Ye Yuxuan felt that there was no need to save so much.

But it would see that Xiao Tong didn't want to make clothes, so Ye Yuxuan didn't force it. She thought that she should just look through two sets of clothes in the space and come out. As for the cloth ticket, ask Li Qingmiao when she goes to work. Just sell it.

At this time, it was common for cloth tickets to be given as gifts, but Ye Yuxuan didn't have anyone to give, so she might as well sell them for money, lest they expire.

In fact, after living with Xiao Tong and Xiao Yi, Ye Yuxuan has already saved a lot.

You see, the things for Lu Ran and Gu Yanzhe are all from the space, and they don't cost a cent. The rice and noodles eaten at home are also in her space, and some things that are not available in the non-staple food store are also produced by the space. , but it saves money.

Not to mention clothes, not only Ye Yuxuan, Xiaoyi and Xiaotong's clothes, she didn't spend any money, they were all found in the space, not to mention fruits and snacks.

Xiao Tong and Xiao Yi only felt that Ye Yuxuan had spent a lot for them, and told themselves that they must save, but they didn't know that for Ye Yuxuan, these were just things that were distracted and rummaging in the space.

At this moment, Ye Yuxuan took the time to take a look at her space again. She was filled with supplies that made her every time she was glad that she stored things so desperately at that time, otherwise, there would be no enjoyment now.

Back at home, Ye Yuxuan and Xiao Tong started to organize the things they bought.

Halfway through, Ye Yuxuan went out by herself while Xiao Tong was boiling water, and then came back, holding rice in one hand and white noodles in the other.

After Xiao Tong saw the contents in the bag of rice noodles, he raised his head to look at Ye Yuxuan and wanted to say something, but seeing Ye Yuxuan drinking water, he obediently put the rice noodles away.

"Sister, this is thirty-five dollars."

Ye Yuxuan looked at the neat stacks of money in Xiao Tong's hand , there were parts and pieces , and even the corners were flattened, and nodded: "Well, that's great. "

Don't look at the thirty-five dollars Ye Yuxuan doesn't care about, but she also knows that this is the salary of many people alone, and it is not easy for Xiao Tong to save so much money.

Therefore, she did not hesitate to give Xiao Tong encouragement.

"For my sister."

"For me?" Ye Yuxuan was surprised: "What are you doing for me?"

Xiao Tong's face was full of seriousness: "For my sister, she must have spent a lot of money to buy rice noodles. For my sister."

Ye Yuxuan's heart was warmed by this scene of the little kid who gave her the money he had saved so much for him.

This little brat just can't make people not like him, not hurt him!

"Fool, you keep your money, elder sister doesn't need it."

Xiao Tong shook his head: "sister, take it, this money is also given to me by elder sister, I have never spent it indiscriminately, elder sister holds it just fine for household use. "

Actually, Xiao Tong is also a little embarrassed. He means borrowing flowers to offer Buddha. Big brother earns his own wages, but his sister gave him the money he saved and gave to his sister.

Thinking of this, Xiao Tong raised her eyes, her eyes full of determination, and said, "Sister, I will definitely earn a lot of money in the future to buy my sister delicious food and beautiful clothes."

Ye Yuxuan smiled when she heard the words: "Okay. "

Sister, I'm serious, I swear!" As if afraid that Ye Yuxuan wouldn't believe it, Xiao Tong repeated anxiously.

"I did not believe in." Ye Yuxuan smile, but also seriously said: "You eat well, learn from it, then I may count on you."

Small Tong heard this, grin happy laugh: "! Ah"

in the small Tong Persistence, Ye Yuxuan had to accept his thirty-five dollars, although she did not intend to use it.

The two of them were almost done packing. Xiao Tong washed his hands and changed his clothes and came back. Seeing that Ye Yuxuan took out two strange things with thorns on their skins from his bag, he was a little stunned.

There were still two cantaloupes at home, but Ye Yuxuan didn't want to eat them, so while Xiao Tong was washing her hands and changing her clothes, she pulled out two pineapples from the space.

"Sister, what is this?"

"This is a pineapple." Ye Yuxuan said, and instructed, "Little Tong, go get the fruit knife."

Ye Yuxuan is very particular. The knives and cutting boards for cooked food and raw food should be separated. This time, a fruit knife must be used for the fruit, so Xiao Tong and Xiao Yi are used to it.

What pineapple? And pears like this? !

Although Xiao Tong didn't understand, he still took the fruit knife and washed it, and brought it over.

While Ye Yuxuan was cutting the pineapple, Xiao Tong curiously reached out and poked the skin and the leaves on the top of the other pineapple.

When did my sister buy this thing, it doesn't seem to be a supply, right?

Did my sister buy it when she went to buy rice noodles? That should be a relationship!

"Sister, why is it called pineapple? It looks a bit strange." It was the first time he had seen a pear like this. Although the name sounded nice, it looked a little strange.

Ye Yuxuan paused, not knowing how to explain.

"Uh... it's a kind of fruit, also called pineapple, but everyone calls it pineapple. This name is more popular and more famous." Is this strange? Ye Yuxuan didn't find it strange because she was used to it.

"Don't look at it looks bad, but it tastes pretty good. You'll know after you eat it."

Xiao Tong nodded obediently and asked, "Then this pineapple is the same as other pears. Is it the fruit from the tree? Is the trunk the same as this peel, with rustling thorns?"

Chapter 413 small mind

Ye Yuxuan glanced at the skin of the pineapple, the skin was rusty, but there was no thorn as Xiao Tong said, right? But when she saw that Xiao Tong was curiously touching the lumpy lotus knot-like eyes, she understood what he meant by thorns.

Fortunately, I harvested the fruit in the orchard. I have seen how this pineapple grows. The owner of the orchard has also introduced it. Otherwise, I really can't answer.

"It's not a thorn, it's...that's just the skin of a pineapple. Also, pineapples aren't considered to grow on trees, it's just..." Ye Yuxuan was suddenly stuck, how to describe this.

Glancing at the tail with leaf buds that was cut off just now, Ye Yuxuan picked it up and fiddled with it, and began to popularize: "This is the seed of a pineapple."

Under Xiao Tong's astonished eyes, Ye Yuxuan explained in a few words: "That's right, I am now. The cut part can be planted in the soil."

"This is similar to the kind that is cultivated on the branches of some fruit trees. The soil is half covered, watered frequently, and it is kept in a humid environment for a long time. After germination, it will soon be able to grow. A pineapple grows. When a pineapple is mature, it is about half a meter high, including the fruit and the fruit tree, and one tree usually bears fruit once, and then the mother plant will die soon after."

To be honest, this thing is really bad Explanation, after all, she didn't see it with her own eyes. Others still felt a little dazed when they said it. Ye Yuxuan wanted to dig out the computer from the space to find it for Xiao Tong.

"Just take this seed?" Xiao Tong was even more surprised.


Ye Yuxuan glanced at her and continued to cut pineapples.

When the pineapple pieces were placed in the fruit plate, the fragrance also floated up.

Xiao Tong has quickly picked up what Ye Yuxuan cut out from the pineapple just now.

When Ye Yuxuan found out that Xiao Tong had planted the tail of the pineapple in the corner and watered it diligently, she laughed.

"Xiao Tong, you can't raise things and grow things in the city."

This is a dead rule. If you want to grow things and raise poultry, you have to be in the countryside.

Xiao Tong: "I know. Sister, I'm just trying. Besides, no one comes here. We just plant a flower and no one will take care of it ." Ye Yuxuan pointed at Xiao Tong with a smile when she heard this. , This little brat will take advantage of the loopholes. This kind of vegetables is not good for growing trees and chickens, but it is not surprising that each family has two pots of flowers. It is estimated that Xiao Tong also has the idea of ​​​​no one has seen pineapple plants and regards pineapples as flowers. Feed first.

Xiao Tong laughed, not hiding his own thoughts at all.

"Okay, then you can take good care of your flowers, I hope you can support." This thing, that is, knowing a way, as to whether you can live depends on luck.

Sometimes, Ye Yuxuan felt that she was about to be the same as a parent with a child facing hundreds of thousands of children, but she also knew that at this time, let alone children, many adults had never seen much, Xiao Tong. It is normal to not understand.

A pineapple weighs more than two kilograms. Ye Yuxuan and Xiao Tong ate it separately. Anyway, there is one more, and Xiao Yi can eat it when he comes back.

Because Xiaoyi gets off work late, today's dinner can only be cooked by Xiao Tong.

So after eating pineapple, Xiao Tong wiped his mouth, seeing that it was getting late, he started thinking about dinner.

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