《Crossing Seventies With Space》381-390


Chapter 381

"Fu (regiment) leader?"

Fu Zimo quickly returned to his senses and replied lightly: "Oh, I see, no need to take it, I have it."

After that, Fu Zimo turned and left, leaving the little white guide with a face full of faces. Doubt, what's the situation?

What did Miss Ye say to Fu (regiment) commander just now, how come it was so good to see him smiling?

Unable to understand, Xiaobai looked at the camel next to him, touched it, and resumed his busy work.

Fu Zimo came back late, and when he came back, he saw Ye Yuxuan returning to the tent.

"..." Are you angry and ignoring him?

Everyone in this camp knew that Ye Yuxuan was Fu Zimo's target, so Fu Zimo was not afraid of what people would say when he asked Ye Yuxuan.

It's not that he didn't feel Xiao Chen's secret observation, but Fu Zimo just glanced at Xiao Chen, and Xiao Chen was so frightened that he looked at his nose and nose and looked at his heart, as if he was wiping the equipment seriously.

"Xuanxuan, what are you doing?"

Ye Yuxuan was eating ice cream in the tent. To Fu Zimo, who was asking across the tent, she snorted softly and said, " Going to bed."

"Then are you asleep?"

"Asleep. ."

Hearing her cute and awkward words, Fu Zimo couldn't help feeling amused and laughed.

"Xuanxuan, I want to chat with you."

"I'm asleep!"

Fu Zimo heard the words and looked around, seeing that no one was nearby or paying attention, he whispered aggrieved: "Xuanxuan, are you born? I'm angry, don't you want to ignore me?"

Ye Yuxuan: "...No."

She stopped digging for the ice cream, and glanced at the shadow cast by the sun on her tent, a look of confusion flashed across Ye Yuxuan's eyes.

She didn't know what was wrong. She saw that Wang Yuanyuan didn't know what to say to Fu Zimo this morning. Although it was only a matter of two or three minutes, she felt uneasy.

It's not that there are no other lesbians in this team, but Ye Yuxuan felt awkward about Wang Yuanyuan. It had nothing to do with Wang Yuanyuan or Fu Zimo going to her before. It was probably because Wang Yuanyuan liked Fu Zimo very much, right? !

"Then tell me, why are you unhappy?" Fu Zimo's voice was low and low, softly coaxing: "Don't make the heroine mad, if I make you unhappy, just tell me, I It must be changed."

Although I didn't think Ye Yuxuan would be so stingy, after all, he just said a few words to Wang Yuanyuan in the morning, but if it wasn't for this, it seemed that there would be nothing else.

If Ye Yuxuan really cares about this, he will just be a little further away from Wang Yuanyuan, and he and Wang Yuanyuan will just get to know each other and say hello.

In fact, up to now, Fu Zimo was still frustrated with Wang Yuanyuan's previous attempts to prevent him from going to Ye Yuxuan. If he wasn't in the same team, he wouldn't even want to say a word to Wang Yuanyuan.

Perhaps, Ye Yuxuan knew that Wang Yuanyuan had stopped him before, so she felt uncomfortable?

Whether it was or not, Fu Zimo had already reflected on his own behavior, but he still felt uncomfortable when he saw Ye Yuxuan talking to other gay men, even if he knew that the two of them were okay.


"No, you're fine, there's nothing to change."

Although she said that, Fu Zimo wouldn't believe it. It wasn't that he didn't know Ye Yuxuan's petty temperament. ignore him.


Ye Yuxuan had already finished the ice cream three or two times. After wiping her lips to make sure nothing was left, she opened the tent, looked up at the tall man outside, and said helplessly, "I really am. It's okay, don't stand here, go and rest."

In the past few days, although she opened a small stove for Fu Zimo from time to time, when she thought of his life-threatening practice of using himself as a blood bank for her, she felt that it was not enough, and she let him rest whenever she got the chance.

Ye Yuxuan unzipped the tent, and the sweet smell inside overflowed.

It was the cold plum scent on her body mixed with the sweet sweetness, and Fu Zimo couldn't tell what it was, but he felt that it tasted like the mango pancake she had eaten for him before.

"Xuanxuan, you didn't

wipe your mouth." When Fu Zimo finished speaking, he saw Ye Yuxuan subconsciously reaching out and wiping the corners of his mouth, and said, "Nonsense, I wiped it..." When he couldn't touch anything, he saw the smile in Fu Zimo's eyes. , Ye Yuxuan immediately knew that she had been brushed.

Glancing at the naughty and joking man angrily, he hurriedly chased him away.

"Fu Zimo, go to rest, don't stand with me." He was standing here, someone else would definitely see it. After a long time, someone would inevitably pay attention. Ye Yuxuan didn't want to be teased later.

"Then don't be mad at me!" Fu Zimo took the opportunity to demand.

Ye Yuxuan didn't answer, she snorted and retracted her head into the tent, the zipper snapped and closed.

The next second, the zipper opened again.

"Come here!" Ye Yuxuan hooked at Fu Zimo.

Her fair fingers were hooked mischievously, and she had a mysterious expression on her face. This cute appearance made Fu Zimo's heart soften and soften, and the smile on her face could not be hidden.

Fu Zimo squatted down and moved his head towards him.

Before he could ask, Ye Yuxuan put something in his hand and waved, "Be careful, don't get caught."

After speaking, the zipper was closed again. This time, Fu Zimo clearly heard Ye Yuxuan lying down. the sound of.

Looking down at the thing in his hand, it was a slap-sized, slap-long beef and spinach roll. He had eaten such a big roll every few days. It was either chicken or duck, and bacon and tuna, all of them were Ye Yuxuan. Quietly stuffed it to him.

Fu Zimo quickly looked around and saw that no one was there, so he reluctantly said to the people in the tent, "Xuanxuan, it's not long since lunch was over." Moreover, during lunch, Ye Yuxuan also took a few pieces of her own. All the meat was eaten by him.

She moves fast, throw the meat to find Comrade Li go, let Fuzi ink and silent and helpless, but did not dare to go to catch up, because Ye Yuxuan also threatened to stay the sentence:. "I had to help."

This was two Before he could order, she gave him something to eat.

This kind of meat rolls, when Ye Yuxuan gave it at the beginning, it was still packaged, and when she gave it later, it was unpackaged, so Fu Zimo couldn't keep it if she wanted to.


This will be too.

Ye Yuxuan's voice rang out from the tent: "Don't talk nonsense, go and solve it for me."

When she didn't know the appetite of people at this time, the food in the camp could only fill her stomach, as for the taste There is no way to look forward to it.

Ye Yuxuan felt that she should give Fu Zimo something to eat, otherwise, how would she make up for the blood that was used up.

Hearing the sound of yawning coming from the tent, Fu Zimo had to get up obediently.

Chapter 382

Before leaving immediately, Fu Zimo said to the people inside: "Xuanxuan, then you sleep for a while, I won't go out, don't walk around when you get up, come to me if you have anything." Even though he knew that Ye Yuxuan was capable, Fu Zimo still wanted to. Subconsciously, she was afraid that she would be too far away from the camp and encounter any danger.

In the desert, there are many dangers that are not easy to detect. He still looked at her and felt more at ease.

"Yeah." Ye Yuxuan said in a vague voice.

Fu Zimo continued: "If you have nothing to do, find me too." These

words brought Ye Yuxuan's silence, but Fu Zimo seemed to feel that she was disgusting him for being long-winded.

Fu Zimo smiled helplessly. He didn't know what was wrong with him. He had endless things to say when he met her. Irrelevant crap.

Ye Yuxuan was lying on her stomach, her eyes were half-squinted, and she was really complaining about Fu Zimo's talkativeness. He seemed to be a solemn person, but he was such a long-winded person.

If Xiao Chen knew about Ye Yuxuan's slander, he would definitely recall it seriously and say, "Sister-in-law, you're wrong, Fu Tuan really doesn't talk much. Who in the group doesn't know that Fu Tuan cherishes words like gold, both in work and life. A vigorous person.

But well...

Xiao Chen is also strange, and he doesn't understand why Fu Tuan is like a different person when he meets his sister-in-law, as if he wants to make up for what he didn't say before.

The beef and spinach rolls were eaten by Fu Zimo.

He knew that once Ye Yuxuan gave him food, he would not be allowed to refuse. Of course, he also knew that she was distressing him.

Eating the beef and spinach rolls, Fu Zimo felt warm and sweet in his heart, so much so that when he came back, there was still a smile on the corner of his mouth, which aroused the surprise of others.

When Xiao Chen saw it, he understood in his heart, yes, seeing Fu Tuan so happy must be the credit of his sister-in-law.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

Knowing that there are tombs below, but still went in, but due to geological problems, the progress of the work has reached a deadlock. Professor Zhang and others can be described as depressed and worried.

Ye Yuxuan was still the same as before, she didn't care about anything, didn't ask any questions, she would go to the top if she needed her help, and if she didn't, she would just go around the camp by herself, and for more, just rest in the tent.

Even if they knew that Ye Yuxuan was Fu Zimo's target, there were still male comrades who were paying attention to Ye Yuxuan subconsciously, but they restrained themselves and would not show any action, which made Fu Zimo feel somewhat more comfortable.

During this period, Xiao Chen took the two of them and Dabai's guide to fetch water. On the way back, he also caught three big horn sheep. He added a good meal to the camp that night.

To be honest, this big horn sheep is naturally not as delicious as Ye Yuxuan's space. After all, there are not many green plants in the desert, and the meat is naturally more woody.

But there happened to be bighorn sheep, so she took the opportunity to take out a piece of fresh mutton and let Fu Zimo roast it.

It's all mutton, in the big night, who can care whether her mutton is bighorn mutton or not.

Her mutton was marinated, and it was fragrant when roasted, but it made people's eyes look like the roast mutton in Fu Zimo's hands.

In front of a few fires, everyone was laughing and chatting while grilling meat. There were also three large pots of mutton bone soup. The broth and barbecue flavors were mixed together. Exhausted, smiling happily.

"Fu Tuan, your craftsmanship is also very good." Xiao Chen sniffed and said, "It's so fragrant."

Comrade Li smiled: "Fu (Tuan) Master's craftsmanship, I'm not worried that Director Ye will not be able to eat it. Alright."

Ye Yuxuan was on the side, hearing this, she smiled embarrassedly, turned on the kettle, and took two sips of specially packed fruit tea.

It's not that no one wants to let Fu Zimo help with the roasting, but they have already agreed to do it by themselves, so why are they embarrassed to speak.

What's more, who would dare to ask Fu Zimo a (regiment) leader to roast meat for them.

Not to mention, so many people rely on Fu Zimo to bake, and it may not be over until dawn. Anyway, it's good to have meat to eat, and no one has any objection when you bake and eat by yourself.

As for Ye Yuxuan's failure to do anything, firstly, everyone knew that her actions were simply wasting food, and secondly, with Fu Zimo there, where did Ye Yuxuan need to do it herself.

Ye Yuxuan took a lot of meat, about three kilograms or more. After Fu Zimo baked it, she only ate one kilogram, and the remaining two kilograms of meat went into Fu Zimo's stomach.

Xiao Chen licked his face and wanted to share a piece, but before he opened his mouth, Fu Zimo seemed to know, gave him a fluttering glance, and asked, "Xiao Chen, do you want to eat my roast?"

Although he asked, but Fu Zimo's expression was like saying, you can nod and try if you have the guts.

"No, no, of course Fu Tuan's roasted meat is for his sister-in-law." Xiao Chen shook his head like a rattle and said, "I'll just do it myself, and I roast it pretty well, just want to learn. It's just better to bake it."

Fu Zimo didn't know whether the meat was different from Chen's food at first, so he had to make sure that Ye Yuxuan was full before talking about it.

But when he ate it, he immediately realized something was wrong. At first, he thought it might be because Ye Yuxuan had marinated it with some seasoning, but the more he ate it, the more he realized that it wasn't the same thing. It wasn't the meat of bighorn sheep at all.

The meat is delicious and tender, even people who don't pay attention to eating can eat it.

Now, Fu Zimo is even less likely to eat it for others, not even Xiao Chen.

Ye Yuxuan knew that Fu Zimo had found it by looking at Fu Zimo's thoughtful demeanor. In fact, it was not difficult to find out. The meat of bighorn sheep was of good quality, while the mutton she took out was moderately fat and tender, with marinated and delicious seasonings. It tastes full of flavor.

But she just smiled slightly, drinking fruit tea while looking at Fu Zimo without speaking.

She did it on purpose. He wanted to know how Fu Zimo would react. Didn't he think she was a ghost, and he didn't know if she would be scared.

Fu Zimo quickly finished the mutton, took another piece of meat less than a pound and roasted it, then ate half of it himself, and gave the remaining half to Xiao Chen.

After eating, Fu Zimo motioned Ye Yuxuan to go out with him.

Ye Yuxuan smiled and did not refuse.

Xiao Chen was eating the barbecue given by Fu Zimo with a moved face. When he saw the two of them going out again, his heart thumped and he opened his mouth to say something, but after thinking about it, he still didn't say anything.

He muttered in his heart that Fu Tuan and his sister-in-law just went out for a few steps, but they shouldn't go far.

However, Xiao Chen didn't speak, but Comrade Li saw it, and said, "Fu (regiment) leader, Secretary Ye, don't go too far, it's dark and it's dangerous outside."

Chapter 383

Comrade Li is older than both Ye Yuxuan and Fu Zimo, and she is a little closer to Ye Yuxuan in the team. When she said this, she wouldn't feel abrupt. Fu Zimo nodded, and Ye Yuxuan responded with a smile.

The two walked in a direction where no one was there, and when they left the camp, Ye Yuxuan quietly released the pressure of her supernatural power. Originally, there would be no wild beasts lingering around the camp.

The two walked outside side by side for a hundred meters before stopping.

Standing high on the sand dune, Ye Yuxuan took out an apple from her bag while Fu Zimo scanned the surroundings and handed it to Fu Zimo.

Fu Zimo saw an apple and

said without thinking, "Xuanxuan, eat it." "I've eaten it." Ye Yuxuan said, the apple shoved into his hand involuntarily, and said, "Hurry up and eat it."

She afternoon When I was in the tent, I ate almost two kilograms of big cherries by myself. Besides, if she wanted to eat, she could eat it whenever she could, but it was not easy for him.

It just so happened that no one was around, so Ye Yuxuan of course wanted to give him something to eat.

It can be said that Ye Yuxuan's behavior of stuffing Fu Zimo with things from time to time has become a habit.

When she saw him, the thought of him opening his hand to feed her blood would come to mind. She had seen the two wounds, and he started cleanly without any hesitation. Ye Yuxuan always felt that he owed him a lot.

Fu Zimo was not hypocritical at all, and he wiped out the apple with a few words.

Seeing that he carefully covered the core with sand, Ye Yuxuan smiled and looked up at the stars above her head.

"Xuanxuan, that mutton you just..."

"What's the matter?"

Ye Yuxuan tilted her head to look at Fu Zimo, and there seemed to be stars falling into her eyes, illuminating the smile in her eyes.

Fu Zimo knew that a lot of the food Ye Yuxuan brought into the desert was vacuum-packed, at least, many of them were in packs, which could last for a long time when stored properly.

It's just that those are not fresh ingredients. The mutton just now was fresh. If you really bring it, the temperature in the desert is so hot during the day, it will be broken long ago, how can you stay at this time.

But when he thought that the apple he just ate wasn't shriveled and fresh, Fu Zimo was confused again.

He actually knew that Ye Yuxuan brought a lot of food into the desert. She seemed to be paranoid about food. Fu Zimo even wanted to ask if she had brought in everything she could.

On second thought, if she didn't bring many things, he and she would have been starving for a while when he and she were out three times. In this way, Ye Yuxuan still has foresight.

But Fu Zimo felt distressed, obviously she should be carefree and should not have prepared so well, but she just did so much. If she hadn't experienced something and been hungry, how could she be so prepared.

Even though the food and equipment to enter the desert were prepared by the organization, she carried so much by herself, which shows that Ye Yuxuan felt uneasy.

What has she been through?

Fu Zimo didn't think that the second elder of the Ye family would be harsh on his daughter. Could it be that the servants who took care of her gave birth to a leopard's guts and bullied the master because of the inconvenience of the second elder of the Ye family?

It shouldn't be, Fu Zimo felt that the second elder of the Ye family would not hand Ye Yuxuan to a servant with a bad temperament and an unfaithful servant. Otherwise, Ye Yuxuan would not be able to live until now. After all, it would be too easy to kill a child without a relative to protect him .

After thinking about it, Fu Zimo suspected that Ye Yuxuan had been too difficult and had suffered too much on the way back to China.

She was originally Miss Jiao, but she had to suffer so much, starve and be wronged, and Fu Zimo felt sore and painful just thinking about it.

How did Fu Zimo know that what Ye Yuxuan had experienced was far more difficult and terrifying than he had imagined.

"It's nothing. Xuanxuan, with me here, I'll buy you a lot of delicious food in the future, so you can eat whatever you want." Fu Zimo's tone was filled with distress that could not be hidden.

Ye Yuxuan didn't expect Fu Zimo to say this, isn't it about mutton?

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