《Fallen ✔️》.34*


my loud sobs

that escaped

even though

i covered my mouth

woke you up

from your sleep

you were confused

for a minute

as you stared at me

with bloodshot eyes

and your midnight hair

sticking up

in all directions

you looked so sad

until realization

hit you like a brick

you cursed

and shoved away

the covers

revealing your

shirtless torso

as you came to me

and knelt in front

of me

catching my hands

my sobs got louder

and i buried my face

into your chest

glad that you were

we stayed on the

floor like that

for a long time

you hugging me

as i cried out all

my fears and problems

it wasn't soon

before you joined me

a few minutes later

or maybe few hours

the tears subdued

you pulled me up

and we walked

towards your bed

where you hugged

me from behind

and buried

your head

in the crook

of my neck

if we weren't

in such a

melancholic mood

i would be blushing

i never want you to go away

i was so scared when you didn't answer your phone

i know zion, but-



a tear traced its way

down my cheek

as i thought

of the many times

i danced with my

own shadow

because you

weren't there


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