《Fallen ✔️》.33*


i was running

running so fast

because i called you

but you weren't

answering my call

call me clingy

call me paranoid

but i was so scared

that what happened

to me

happened to you

and what i did

maybe also be

what you will do

i know you are strong

but you mean

too much to me

to take chances

so i ran

my heavy legs

screaming for relief

my breath coming

out in ragged pants

when your house

came into view

relief surged into me

and i ran faster

reaching the door and

ringing the bell impatiently

greeting your mom

when she opened the door

and running up the stairs

without any explanation

up and up and up

unable to breathe

because of my heavy body

in my hurry i tripped

on the last step

crashing into the floor

i could already

feel the bruises forming

getting up was

a pathetic process

so i didn't

i began crawling

to your room

as horrific images

filled my head

please be okay

i whimpered to myself

and almost cried

in relief when i

reached your door

pushing myself up

i opened the door

expecting the worse

and i fell

onto my knees

the sobs returning

to me in strong waves

mingling with relief

when i saw you

lying on your bed


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