《Fallen ✔️》.29*


"zi. . .zion?"

he looked up, slightly in fear. he knew that voice very well. it was the voice that would haunt him in his sleep. looking at her, he saw her fidgeting with her bag's strap, looking as nervous and confused as hell. there was also a emotion in her eyes that he knew all too well.


burying his head into his hands, he groaned. "go away."


maybe she's gone. a part of him was happy that she needn't see his vulnerable side, while another was sad that she left without caring. his chest heaved as another sob tore its way through his chest.

the bench beside him creaked.

"no." her voice was shaking, though she sounded determined. her arms snaked around his waist and hung limply, unsure of what to do. he suddenly threw himself at her, burying his head into the crook of her neck.

and the water works started.

"shh. . .its okay. whatever it is, we will over come it."

as their roles reversed, he felt grateful for the sweet nothings she murmured and the vanilla scent that filled his nostrils. he was leaving snot and tears all over her, but she didn't seem to care. just like he never did.

"but if you are here. . ."

he could hear her say to herself, and began to cry harder.

"hey. hey. look at me. into my eyes."

lifting his head with both of palms, she held it delicately and made him face her. as he stared into her green orbs, he thought of how lucky he was to have her even after all the pain he caused her. he knew she would never admit it, but he also knew he hurt her.

surprising him, she boldly leaned forward and kissed his forehead. "whatever it is, I am sure we will manage."


they just sat there for god knows how long, her palms holding his head in place, staring into each other's eyes. until he nodded.

satisfied, she smiled, and pulled him in for a hug. all he wanted to do was kiss her square on the lips, take her by the hand, and scream to the world that he loved her.

but he didn't.

he didn't deserve an angel like her.

he was the epitome of chaos, and she defined peace.

if only he knew that from chaos came peace, and from peace came chaos. it was impossible for them to exist without each other.

"but if you are here, who is natalie with?"

at that, he felt his whole world fell apart. he loved the girl in front of him, but he did care for her sister. so it hurt.

"natalie. . .she's with her boyfriend."

her eyes went wide, then her entire face screwed up with confusion.

"but the thing between you guys. . ."

fresh tears swimming in his eyes with trembling lips, he replied shaking his head.

"its over."


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