《Ballet Shoes》Chapter 12


When Lilleth stepped up to face her boggart – the last person in the class – she had honestly expected it to be something to do with the Dursleys, or maybe even Sirius Black stepping towards her. Maybe a snake, or just anything that would be considered normal to be afraid of.

But instead, everyone around her disappeared. The entire classroom disappeared as well, she was on her own in a space that didn't even seem to exist. It was just a white light. But slowly, a scene began to appear around her, a dark alleyway just off a muggle street, full of dustbins and rubbish skips. A woman with dark hair tied in a bun was walking out of the alley, and she disappeared around the corner.

Lilleth didn't have a clue what was happening. Why would her worst fear be some dark, dingy alleyway?

But suddenly, noise came to the scene, and she was interrupted by the loud cry of a baby, echoing from behind a skip. Lilleth managed to find her feet and walked forward. Wrapped in a thin blanket that didn't even look like it could wrap up a potato, was a baby. A baby girl, with dark hair, no more than a week old. She had a loud cry, piercing and shrill, and Lilleth began to panic, wondering why no one was coming to pick up this baby. She was just an innocent child, she didn't even know why she was there. She was a baby.

Was this her biggest fear? A baby in an alley behind a skip? She couldn't understand it.

She didn't have time to wonder long. Before long, the scene around her began fading again, different parts of it disappearing at a time. First the dumpsters began to leave, like they had never even been there, and soon, all Lilleth could see was the baby, still wailing and waving her little fists in the air.

Someone shouted out behind her, and she whirled around just as the alleyway faded into the bright white light again.

"Sirius!" the person shouted.

Lilleth jerked forward, as if to go find the person, but she suddenly couldn't see anything anymore.

Instead of fading back to the classroom she thought she was still standing in though, she found herself standing in an entirely new place.


The first thing she felt was a soft carpet under her feet. Dark red with different colours embroidered on it. It smelled of home, a home which soon emerged around her. Glowing lights on the walls above her, laughter coming from a room next to her. There was a table up against the wall, on top of which was a small baby basket filled with blankets.

"He wants his toy!"

Lilleth jumped as she heard someone exclaim from the next room.

"He wants his Paddy teddy!" the person exclaimed again. "I'll get it!"

Before she knew what was happening, the door to the room where the laughter was coming from opened, and a small boy of about three burst out, a wide grin on his face.

He had black hair that stuck up on his head, and appeared to have something orange on his fingers, although Lilleth couldn't tell what. He didn't even notice her standing there, and ran over to the stairs, clambering up them one at a time. There was something familiar about the small child, but Lilleth couldn't quite place her finger on it. She couldn't think where she remembered him from.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang that echoed out around the entire house, and Lilleth shook where she stood. Someone screamed from in the room the boy had come from, a woman, and a man let out a yell as well. Two people ran out, and Lilleth gasped. She clapped a hand to her mouth and almost fainted where she stood in shock.

They were Lily and James Potter. Lily's bright red hair and the green eyes that she had passed down to Harry were unmistakable, and James looked exactly like the small boy who had just run past. Not to mention it was the same face that Lilleth had lived with for the past twelve years. She didn't even need to know what Harry looked like to know that it was them – they were completely unmistakeable. Lily was holding a baby boy with the same spiky black hair as the other young boy, but he was much younger. Perhaps a year old. And James was holding a baby as well, but this one... this one was a girl. She was dressed in a pink baby outfit with little blue flowers on it, a pacifier in her mouth. She was awake, but didn't make a sound, her big blue eyes just staring up at the world around her, waiting for something to happen.


They both stared at the front door, their faces pale. Neither of them had noticed Lilleth standing in the middle of the hallway. She turned around to see what they were looking at.

A shadow was approaching the front door outside, wearing a dark hood that reminded Lilleth of the dementors.

But this was no dementor.

"Lily, it's him!" James exclaimed in horror. "Go! Take Harry, take Edward, just go! I'll hold him off!"

He grabbed his wife's arm and pulled her towards the stairs. He seemed to have momentarily forgotten about the baby girl he was holding in his arms, but by the time he remembered, Lily had disappeared upstairs. A small tear appeared in his face as the hooded figure got closer to the door, and – now desperate – he kissed her on the forehead, allowing the small tear to fall onto her face, and then carefully tucked her in the basket on the table. With shaking hands, he lifted it up and placed it under the table, hoping to keep her hidden from sight.

Still, the baby made no noise. She just stared at him.

Lilleth watched in horror. She wanted to leave, to not see this, to cast a spell and be done. But there was nothing on earth that could make what she was seeing funny. Nothing at all.

The door burst open. The hooded figure entered, and James, who wasn't even holding his wand, stood up to face him. Lilleth hoped the person who had come in couldn't see him shaking in fear.

"Leave our house." said James, moving to block the stairs. "You won't hurt my children or my wife. I won't let you."

"Good thing you won't be here to stop me then." said the figure in a high, cold voice.

Time seemed to freeze as the hooded shadow raised his wand. Lilleth held her hands to her mouth, shaking, tears running down her face.

She knew what was about to happen. No matter how much she wanted to stop it, she couldn't. She could only stand there and watch the scene unfold.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Lilleth let out an involuntary scream as an explosion of green magic erupted from the stranger's wand. James didn't stand a chance, especially without his wand. His body crumpled to the floor as his life evaporated from him. His glasses fell askew on his face, his hazel eyes open and still, staring at the wall.

Every inch of Lilleth's body shook from shock and fear and anger as the hooded figure let out a high, cold laugh to match his voice, and stepped over James' dead body towards the stairs.

Once again, the scene around her began to fade away, but now, Lilleth didn't want it to. She wanted to run up the stairs, to tell Lily to leave, to stop what she knew was going to happen. Her feet were rooted to the spot, and tears spilled out of her eyes as she just stared at James, knowing everything that he had left behind, everything that he could have done.

"No!" she cried, making a sound for the first time since stepping up to face her boggart. "No! Please! Just stop this! Don't make me see any more! I – I can't!"

She broke down into sobs, collapsing to her knees and sobbing into her hands. There was another scream and a flash of green light appeared at the top of the stairs before they slowly faded away as well.

James disappeared next, and Lilleth couldn't help her cries of pain. She hadn't even known them, she didn't understand why she was stood there, she – she couldn't understand it. Yet she was now sobbing in anguish, and she didn't understand why.

The carpet disappeared, leaving her on what felt like stone ground, the same as the classroom she had originally come from. Then the table went. Soon, she was left in the same white space that had started it all with just the little baby girl, who had begun to cry in her basket.

Then she disappeared too, and Lilleth was alone.

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