《Ballet Shoes》Chapter 5


They made their way up to the front entrance of the castle, all still shivering in the rain, and Hagrid knocked on the big oak door loudly with one giant fist. A tiny wizard, whom Lilleth instantly knew was Professor Flitwick from the stories that Harry had told her, greeted them, and ushered them quickly into the Entrance Hall. It was so enormous that it could fit the Dursleys' house inside it four times and still have room for more.

"My goodness, just look at you all." Flitwick squeaked.

"These four fell in, Professor Flitwick." said Hagrid, indicating Lilleth, Blake, Piper and Dennis.

"Oh yes, I can tell, it certainly shows." said Flitwick, shaking his head and sighing. "Well, we can't have that now, can't we?"

With a flick of his wand, a wave of hot air flew over the group of shivering first years, drying them all off immediately and making them feel quite cosy in the process. Lilleth pulled her hair out of her plait, which had been completely ruined by the whole experience – hot air can't fix messy hair – and simply allowed it to hang loose around her shoulders. She didn't have the energy anymore to redo her plait, as it always took so long to do the whole thing. So instead, it dangled down her back, ending just above her waist.

"Now then, let's get you all sorted." said Flitwick in his squeaky voice. "Please, follow me."

He led them into the enormous Great Hall, through the great oak double doors. They were greeted by hundreds and hundreds of staring faces of the older students, the glittering candles that didn't seem to be hanging from anything, and the night sky, far above them: it was still raining, although the water stopped just above their heads.


At the front of the hall, a three-legged stool and an old hat were brought out. The hat began to sing a strange song about all the of the four different houses, but Lilleth tuned it out, not really paying attention. She was busy staring at the hall around her, taking it all in, trying to learn everything she could with her eyes.

But the song didn't last long enough for her to properly find anything out, and before she knew it, Flitwick was pulling out a scroll of paper that – when rolled out to its full length – was at least the height of the tiny teacher himself.

Her last name being what it was, Lilleth had expected to be early in the Sorting Ceremony, but she hadn't expected to be first.

"Black-Lupin, Lilleth." called out Flitwick.

She took a deep breath, then walked up the small steps to the platform, and sat down on the small stool, smoothing out her skirts nervously. The hat was placed over her head, and the hundreds of eyes staring at her vanished into the pitch-black of the inside of the hat.

"Well, well, let's see now." spoke out a voice in her head, making her jump slightly. "My goodness, we have a tricky one. I don't believe I ever sat on the heads of your parents, yet you certainly have magical history. Perhaps you should find out about that."

"What about my house?" Lilleth thought.

"I'm getting there, I'm getting there. Let me see. You have many different qualities. You are very brave, you've stood up for people who you feel deserve it from bullies. Very brave indeed. But I feel that shows something else about you. And your loyalty to Harry is very special, as is your hard work at your dance... yes, I feel this is a very easy decision."



Lilleth jolted in fright as the hat suddenly shouted out her house name, and she let out a small sigh of happiness. The hat was removed from her head, and she stood up from the stool and walked down the steps to the yellow table, which had gone wild. One of the older students moved up to make room for her at the end of the bench, and she slipped in awkwardly.

Dennis was sorted next, and he went into Gryffindor, and he shrugged sadly at Lilleth, who still clapped and cheered him with the others.

Near to the end of the sorting ceremony, Blake was sorted into Gryffindor along with Dennis, followed by Piper joining Lilleth in Hufflepuff, to both of their delights, and then at last, the ceremony ended.

Just as Flitwick carried away the hat and stool, the doors opened again and Harry and Hermione walked in as quietly as they could to the Gryffindor table, taking a seat either side of Ron, followed by two teachers that Lilleth didn't know. But she was distracted from them by the headmaster, Professor Dumbledore, stepping up to the podium, his long, silver beard shimmering in the candlelight.

"Welcome!" he said loudly, bringing silence to the chattering students. "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! I have a few things to say to you all, and as one of them is very serious, I think it best to get it out of the way before you become befuddled by our excellent feast."

Dumbledore cleared his throat and continued.

"As you will all be aware after their search of the Hogwarts Express, our school is presently playing host to some of the dementors of Azkaban, who are here on Ministry of Magic business."

He paused, and Lilleth remembered what the prefect on the train had said about them being there to catch Sirius Black.

"They are stationed at every entrance to the grounds." Dumbledore continued. "And, while they are with us, I must make it plain that nobody is to leave school without permission. Dementors are not to be fooled by tricks or disguises – or even, invisibility cloaks."

Lilleth knew exactly who that was aimed at. She had seen Harry's invisibility cloak for herself, and thought it was rather marvellous.

"It is not in the nature of a dementor to understand pleading or excuses. I therefore warn each and every one of you to give them no reason to harm you. I look to the prefects, and our new Head Boy and Girl, to make sure that no student runs afoul of the Dementors."

Lilleth shuddered slightly. She did not fancy running into one of them again.

"On a happier note." said Dumbledore, a bouncier note suddenly appearing in his voice. "I am pleased to welcome two new teachers to our ranks this year. Firstly, Professor Lupin -"

Lilleth's head snapped up.

"- who has kindly consented to fill the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher."

There was some scattered, rather unenthusiastic, applause for the exhausted-looking man that stood up and smiled politely around at them all. Lilleth stared at him, trying to work out if she could be related to him, but then her mind was drawn back to what the hat had said.

Had her parents really not come to Hogwarts? Would she ever meet them? Did she even really want to?

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