《Ballet》You know you're a ballerina when........


You find yourself in random ballet positions.

Your leg muscles randomly cramp.

You find yourself dancing when bored. (Especially turns for me)

When you have a sudden urge to put on your pointe shoes.

You have a hard time keeping your feet parallel when walking.

You find yourself in first position during a presentation.

You wear out your shoes quickly.

You randomly practice arm positions.

You dislike the chairs at school, the backs of them aren't straight enough.

Your legs start cramping, the day after a hard class.

You find yourself pointing your toes quite often.

You have gone to a physical therapist and/or the doctor about a ballet related injury.

You find yourself randomly in releve

You find yourself using random things as a barre.

You find yourself counting in eight counts.

You find yourself choreographing something.

You find yourself whistling Nutcracker music, during the summer.

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