《Restless Ballet (OHSHC)》Chapter Twenty-Four:


Asuna'S POV

Everyone and I talked to each other by my thrown. Besides the male with glasses and longish hair. He might look cuter with his glasses off. Without realizing it I had walked up to him and removed his glasses, not noticing the blush that spread across our cheeks. His eyes that seemed to shine.


"You should stay hydrated." I look up seeing a boy with glasses he wore a police officer uniform holding a water bottle in front of me, I took it and looked at the ground. "You danced like you wanted to tell everyone a story of your pain."

I looked at him my eyes going wide, and a soft breeze blew my hair out of my face exposing my eyes at him.


"U-Umm I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me." I gave him his glasses back, and started walking backwards. "I'm to going a drink get.. I mean i'm going to a drink..going to get a drink..that's it."

I kept walking forgetting there is a step and falling i hit the cold ground.

"Hey are you alright?" I looked up seeing Hiroto.

"Hiroto, umm yeah, I'm fine." He helped me to my feet and gave me a smile which I returned

"So the kids at the school want to know when you'll be coming back to visit." His voice made me forget about the host club or anyone was around us.

"umm. Do you think we can walk and talk, I need some air." I ask and he nods holding his arm out, I link my arm with his. We began walking out the double doors, to the back of the castle. We walked under the sky.

"So when will you come back?"


"To be honest Hiroto, I might not be able to. As much as i would love to. I'm Queen now and I have to follow the rules."

"Why?" he asked I looked at him confused

"Why what?" We sit on a bench near the flower garden

"Why follow the rules, when you can do something else. Queen Asuna." Hiroto kissed my hand and left.

What the hell is that suppose to mean?! Why follow the rules?! Duh because I have to I'm Queen. Why'd he even call me Queen Asuna. He calls me Asuna..nothing more. This boy is so fucking confusing!

Why follow the rules...I can't do something else. Yuriko told me to follow the rules and everything will be a peace of cake. Which is already bullshit..but I have to keep following. And I can't do anything about it. and if I could do something else what am I suppose to do! Jeez shitz balls!

For real I wonder what he meant by that.


That night when the ceremony ended, my Japan friends and that glasses boy spent the night here in the castle. Lilac was no where to be seen. Hiroto I couldn't find him at all after that talk. But what he said kept replying in my head over and over again. And more questions consumed my brain. I stayed up roaming my room in my night gown, trying to figure everything out.

I screamed in my pillow as I sat on my bed, angry and annoyed because I feel like an idiot. Give me a hint please god! I chucked my pillow at my book case, as a book falls from it. I growl pushing myself off my bedd, picking up the book.

Oh yeah, it's that stupid heavy book that Yuriko gave me and said I have to remember all the rules. I guess I should probably read the book, and not say that I did. I opened the book


Rule 1: Posture..blah blah blah.


Hiroto's POV

Two days passed since Asuna became Queen. Please tell me she isn't an idiot. She should already have figured out what I meant. If she doesn't I'm gonna throw a book at her. Though she has pretty eyes. two different colors silver and the blue-purple. I'm curious on what she looked like before she found out she was a royal.

Hmm curiosity..it's gonna kill me isn't it?


Sano's POV

Asuna said the Host Club could stay for a few weeks if they'd like. Which was great, I bet she missed them. Though I found out she doesn't remember Kyoya. It's upsetting. All yesterday we didn't see her. And it's lunch time now, everyone at the table eating and she comes walking in in her normal royal dress.. (media). And her head in a book.

She began eating and reading, it was awkward silence. Everyone jumped a little hearing her snap the book shut, we all looked at her seeing a smirk across her face.

"Yuriko..you said I have to follow the rules right?" We all looked at Yuriko as he looks at her

"That's correct."

"Well there is a rule that says a princess can not change any rules. But never said anything about a Queen being able to make her own rules."

"Asuna. Your mother followed the rules of the book, and so did your grandparents and great grandparents.."

"Well. I'm different from them. I'm the heir to the thrown now. And I'm running my kingdom my way!" She stood up smiling "So I'll be going out without a body guard! And without a stupid dress. Though these dresses are growing on me."

She runs upstairs and 10 minutes later she runs back down in blue ripped skinny jeans. Her hair french braided. And a crop top sweater that says Dance All Night. Black and white high top converse. She wore ring and necklaces. You could see headphones around her neck connecting to her phone.

"Asuna! Follow the rules in the book!" Yuriko yelled I chuckled as she waves bye

"Bye everyone see you all later!" She blew a kiss and ran out. Yuriko was about to chase her but I grabbed his wrist.

"Let her do her. She is Queen after all, we follow her orders, isn't that right Yuriko. Rule 89: All workers/guards follow Queen's orders." I smirked he growled sitting back down.

"Why do I feel like something weird is going to happen?" Haruhi questioned the twins shrugged

"Hey! Asu!! Where are you!!" A voice echoed through the castle. We all walked to the main entrance seeing Lilac.

"Sano! Yurik--oh um you guys are here.." Lilac says awkwardly looking at Asuna's friends.

"Asuna isn't here at the moment. but why don't you join this group and walk around the kingdom. You might be able to find Asuna." I smiled she gave a weird smile but nodded they all walked out with a weird aura.

Hehe this might end up good.

"You're planning something.." Yuriko says sighing I chuckled

"No I'm not.." I say looking at him

"Yes you are butler." he laughs and I give him a smile.

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