《Restless Ballet (OHSHC)》Chapter Twenty-One:


Asuna's POV

"Princess, you're home." I heard a warm male voice, my eyes flutter open and a yawn escapes my lips. I see Sano smiling at me.

He helped me out the carriage and all on the stairs were maids and butlers.

"Welcome home princess."

"Great to be home everyone." I smile walking up the stairs.

As soon as I walked through the door with my crutches. My mother was talking to Lilac.

"Hey Mom, Hey Lilac." I smile they both look at me standing up.

"You're alright!" Lila chimes, running and hugging me. I hug back.

"Of course I am. Just a little accident. I'll be honest, it was reckless of me to run in the street without looking." I laugh

"What.." Lilac mumbles I give her a questionable look "Nothing. I'm glad you are okay. I missed you."

"I missed you too." I smile soon hugging my mom

"Sweetie, I will be going on a trip. Queen business, I have to meet other royals. I'll be leaving in a few minutes. Watch over the kingdom?"

"Of course!" I smile "We'll I'll be going to my room."

"I'll see you later Asu. I'm going to go to me kingdom for a few days." Lilac hugs me bye.

She left and my mom went to her room. I was in the kingdom alone. Besides with all the maids and butlers, and body guards. This is going to be a long boring few days.

And holy shit was I right.


Four day has passed, I have never been so bored. I roamed everywhere in this castle. And yet none of them seem to interest me. Well besides the dancing room, but I can't dance. Stupid car. Though I can walk on it a little now. I still have to wrap it and not put a lot of pressure on it, so I limp everywhere.


I ended up straightening my hair out of boredom. It was but length maybe a little longer. I was in my room laying on me bed. I recently got this cute dress outfit thing that the kingdoms designer made for me. I am not much for dresses but he makes the best dresses. I'm turning into a girly girl, worst nightmare NOO!!!

(Her outfit is in media.)

I stood from my bed. Walking out my room. Looking around every corner. I finally reached the front door. Opening it quietly. I exit the castle and begin walking in the town.

"Excuse me ma'am. Where is the childrens' school?" I asked a lady her eyes went wide

"Oh your highness. It's down the road. Would you like me to ask my husband to give you a ride?"

"Oh no that's alright, I can walk. " I gave her a smile and a small bow and begin walking seeing her bow in the corner of my eye.

I began looking at all of the shops. And people working. Some would notice me, and would begin to whisper. I soon reached the school. Seeing the kids playing outside. I walked passed the white fence.

"Princess Asuna!" a few kids chime running to me.

"Hello." I wave to all of them

"I'm Violet!" A little girl with a flower crown on her head. All the girls had one. The boys had paper crowns cute!!

"Nice to meet you Violet. I love your flower crown girls." I smile at them

"Do you want one! We can teach you how to make one!" another girl chimes taking my hand and another grabbing the other. The girls start dragging me to a small area with flowers and art supplies.

They all began helping my learn how to make a flower crown, once I finished I put it on my head.


"No fair! You girls are hogging the princess!" a few boys yelled having fake swords.


"I can give you boys a kiss on the cheek if you'd like." I say smiling a closed eye smile

"Yay we get a kiss from a princess."

??'s POV

I walked out the school with Axel. Seeing the boys and girls picking more flowers, and the boys either running around or getting a kiss on the cheek from this female.

"No fair! I want a kiss from the princess!" Axel says holding his toy sword up

"Than go up to her and ask." I laugh shoving him a little towards her, I see her stand up dusting of her outfit.

Who the hell is that.

She turned around once Axel tugged on her skirt.

"May I have a kiss?" He asked she gave a kind smile and pecked his cheek.

"I'm Axel!"

"I'm Asuna!"

She is the Princess. Why is she here.

"Princess Asuna, May I ask why you are here?" I bowed to her she smiles at me and bowed back?

"I won't answer any questions until you tell me your name, it'd be fair since you know mine." She smirks taking a few steps so she's in front of me.

"Well I am Prince Hiroto." I say giving a playful smirk

"And what exactly is a Prince doing here?" She asked me

"I asked first." I crossed my arms

"I suppose you did. I wanted to see the children. And castles are boring when it's just me. So now tell me your reason Prince Hiroto."

"Well Princess same reason as you." I took her and kissed it, she gave a small chuckle

"Asuna! Are you crazy! I was looking everywhere for you! Yuriko is going nuts trying to find you!" I turn my head seeing a male in a tux run to Asuna.

"Oh, Im sorry Sano. I got bored and wanted to visit the children." She looked at me "Bye Prince Hiroto. Bye children."

"BYE PRINCESS!" The children yell waving bye as she leaves with her butler I assume.

"Bye Princess.." I mumble

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