《Restless Ballet (OHSHC)》Chapter Twenty:


Kyoya's POV

We rushed to my family hospital. We ended up all calling in from school that day. And we had to call Sano and Yuriko. And explain what happen.

"You kissed me daughter/Sister!!" Sano and Tamaki yelled

"Yea." I look away crossing my arms

"I'm going to have to tell the Queen of the situation here..so I'll be back." Yuriko left taking out his phone

"It's my fault..I shouldn't have ran with out looking.." Lilac mumbles sniffing..she's been the one crying the most surprisingly. Tamaki is more worried then sad.

"Asuna Suoh." Her name was called Sano quickly stood up and walked to the doctor

"Is she alright?" Sano asked worried I noticed her was fiddling with his pocket watch.

"She is stabled at the moment. She has a few sprained and fractured bones, her right ankle is broken. She has a bad concussion. And is in a coma. We don't know when she might wake up and there may be a chance where she might not even remember a few things." The doctor says

"May we see her?" Tamaki asked standing next to Sano

"Of course follow me." We all stood up following him down the hallway.

We all one by one walked inside. There laying on the bed with her eyes shut. Her blonde hair on the pillow. Her hooked up to machines. Her body wrapped in bandages.

"Asuna.." Lilac walked up to her holding her hand

"I'm sorry for kissing your girlfriend.." I say looking at the two

"She isn't even my girlfriend..It was all an act. But I do love her." Lilac looked at me she sighed

Yuriko soon walked in, and the twins, Honey, Mori, Haruhi and Tamaki left. It was only Sano,Yuriko, Lilac, and me.


"Lilac..the Queen said she wants you to come home to attend your duties as a princess. And as soon as Asuna wakes she'll be going back as well. So say your goodbyes and pack, you'll leave as soon as possible. Sano you'll be staying her with Asuna."


"What? Why?! I don't want to leave!"

"I'm sorry Lilac it's Queen Winter's commands and you must follow them." Yuriko sat in the chair in the far corner. Sano sat next to him. Lilac was on the side of her. I was at the end of her bed.

She can't leave we just got her back.

"Goodbye Asuna. I'll see you soon. I'm sorry." With that Yuriko and Lilac left.


Days began to pass, Asuna was still in a coma. I stayed on the side of her bed each day. Holding her hand, talking to her. Sano asked me to watch her while he does a few things.

I had no problem staying at her side. I didn't want to leave it. Soon the days became into weeks. the Host Club group would come visit her every other day. Asuna's dad even stopped by a few times.

The weeks became a month then two months...

"Asuna..come on..please wake up. it's been two months..everyone is scared you aren't going to wake up. I'm..scared you won't wake up. Even though when you wake up your time with us will be shorten since you'll be going back to your princess duties. Just please wake up."

I felt a slight squeeze on my hand. I looked up at Asuna, I see her eyes begin to slowly open.

Asuna's POV

I begin to open my eyes though they feel heavy. And I haven't opened them in days. I finally opened them. Seeing a boy with messy black hair and nerd glasses. Hey I have nerd glasses.


"You're awake!" he yells hugging me "I'll be right back! I have to get the nurses and call a couple people." he runs out

I was alone and confused, who is that boy.

Shortly nurses and doctors rush in and take my vitals. And asking me questions.

"Do your remember your name?" The doctor asked shinning a light in my eye

"Asuna Suoh." I say my voice is all groggy gross

"Your birthday?"

"Valentines Day. Feb, 14th. I'm 16."

"Do you remember what happened? Do you know how long you've been out?"

"No I don't."

"You got hit by a car saving a girl. And you've been in a coma for 2 months now. You sure are popular you have a lot of visitors..Well it seems no other problems. I'll get one of the nurses to bring you something to eat."

"Alright thank you doctor!" I smile sitting up

I waited 30 minutes and the nurse came in with food. I began eating soon having a group of people come in.

"my little Asu!" I look at my butler chuckling

"Hi Sano! Where is Lilac and Yuriko?" I asked

"Your mom wanted them to go back home to attend duties. When you are able to leave the hospital you will be going back as well."

"Oh..alright." I wouldn't mind going back home, I don't really know why I even came back.

"Hey baby sis." Tamaki says hugging me I laugh and hug him back

"Hello Hikaru, Kaoru, Haruhi."

"Welcome back to life." the twins say with their signature smile

"Asu-chan! You're okay!!" Honey jumped on my lap hugging me I hug him back and then Mori picks him up.

"Hello Mori." I smile

Then my gaze came across to the black messy hair.

"glad to have you back shrimp." he says pushing up his glasses

"I'm sorry but could you just call me Asuna. I think nicknames are unformal. But what's your name?" I asked everyones eyes were wide

"You don't remember me?" He asked I shook my head no "I'm Kyoya Ootori. We had a bet. I was your assistant for awhile! You made me dress in a maid uniform in High School."

"I'm sorry..I really don't remember who you are." I felt bad that I don't remember him he seems really hurt. I feel like a jerk now.

"Oh.." with that he left. Oh god I am a horrible person.. was he someone important to me? Was I important to him.


2 weeks later I was able to leave the hospital. Sano had already had my things go to the kingdom. I was at the air port. Saying bye to everyone and telling them I'll contact them soon. And then I was heading back home. The black haired boy wasn't here to say goodbye to me.

Maybe he wasn't important to me.

I soon closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep. Questioning on who this black hair boy might be. And why he was so upset when I didn't remember him.

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