《Restless Ballet (OHSHC)》ABOUT AUTHOR


Hiya! So the author has never any of the readers about her self. So that is what I am here to do!

and me too! First the appearance by the devil twins!

Author has short hair, she recently cut it, two-three years ago to donate to kids with cancer. Her hair was mid thigh length.

y: I remember that!


It was eighth grade and authors school was having a cancer walk, and doing activities to raise money. The principal of her school called each student one by one on stage a total of 7 students. Author was to last one to come out. Her friends were all cheering her name and some yelling "cut that hair ill cut you" reason was because of how long her hair was and how thick it was. She had the longest hair then anyone on stage. One by one hair stylist began cutting the hair, it was soon authors turn. But instead of scissors the used a razor. And made her hair like this....

Some friends cried. She then walked of stage and everyone went home. Her dick of a step dad was pissed she went behind his back.


so her dick of a step dad, had fourth stage of diabetes, and was very sick. He would constantly abuse her physically and mentally. But she stayed strong even though she self harmed, wouldn't eat, and tried suicide many times. Until the last fight her and her step dad got into. Her step father was choking her with his arm and she bit layers into his skin, he needed stitches. And the last thing she said to him was that she hoped he died. A week later he over dosed while she was at a sleepover.

: that's sad

that's not it, shes also the eldest of 15 siblings. But her mom was in jail or prison half the time, two of her brothers she raised. But when her step dad killed himself she stayed with his parents until they kicked her out in winter she walked across the whole town! Then cops found her and brought her to her best friends house and that family took her in. Shes been trying to better with everything else and shes doing great.


I feel bad for her..

-of course there is more but I cant say everything. But that is a little bit of information about the author. Ill do a part two later on. Since people keep interrupting!!!

Host: Sorry! (Besides the ones who stay​ed quiet)

All: BYE!!!!

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