《Restless Ballet (OHSHC)》Chapter Eighteen:


Lilac's POV

Yesterday was my first day at a normal school, without princesses and princes. It was actually really fun. The best part of yesterday was when Asuna said i was her girlfriend. I mean i know it's just for a show. But over the two years I've been her friend I kinda grew a crush on her, she's my best friend and my crush. No I'm not lesbian but I am Bisexual well mostly on the girl side, even though I'm a princess I'm not aloud to have that type of sexuality because of it. But Asuna is just..woah. She's so interesting and amazing!

"Lilac, can you answer the door! Sano went to get food! And I asked Yuriko to make sure Sano gets there safetly." I heard my 'girlfriend' yell from the hallway.

"Alright!" I begin to walk to the entrance walking down the long hallways as the doorbell keeps ringing.

So I guess at the University we have every Tuesday and Friday off. Which is a plus. Never knew that could be an actual thing. I opened the door seeing the entire group of people yesterday that were all in the same club together.

"Hey Lilac, remember you owe me 5 bucks and a tiara, Yuriko didn't kill Sano." I turn to the stairs seeing Asuna she wore blue jeans and a nasa t-shirt with her fuzzy socks I got her a while back on valentines day..also her birthday! I got her a lot of things actually. But she was looking at her phone "I think the tiara that i want was the cute gold one with the blue gem stone."

"Oh hey babe, guess who is here. " She looked up almost dropping her phone

"O-oh umm hey, wait how the hell do you know where I live?" She glared


"We saw you enter yesterday after school."haruhi says

"oh.." Asuna put her phone in her back pocket

"Wait Sano is your butler we know that but who is Yuriko? And why does your girlfriend owe you a tiara of all things?"

"Haha have fun explaining babe." I smile pecking her cheek walking away but she grabs the back of my shirt.

"You are helping me explain too." She begins walking to the living area "Come on slow pokes."

We sit on the couch as they sit down.

"Tamaki, I am surprised you don't know. But I am your half sister. We have the same dad but different moms. Dad and my real mom met at a bar. Our dad drunk as heck because your mom was bed ill when you were like 1 ish ended up having sex with my mom. Then I was brought into the world. Dad and my mom made a contract for when i am 16 I have to go back to live with my mom to rule my kingdom. My mother is a Queen, Queen Winter to be exact. I went to a royalty school. I convinced my mom for me to come back, Sano signed us up for the university, even though we know everything already. But when my mom is ready to retire, I take over the thrown. Since I'm next in line. Then if I have children. And so on and so forth."

"You're a princess!" Haruhi's has dropped and so did many others.

"Asuna, Lilac we're home!" I heard Sano chime

"Living room!" I yell soon seeing then walk in

Yukiro quickly pulled his gun out of its holder pointing it to the twins.

"Woah Yuriko! These are friends!"

"I apologize." Yuriko put his weapon away and sat by the chair near the fireplace.

"Sano! Long time no see!" Tamaki chimes, they oddly act like each other..

"Please tell me all of you are spending the night!" Sano cheers

"NO!?YES!!" I said no the rest said yes besides Mori,Kyoya, and Lilac.

Kyoya and Lilac were glaring at each other. So I guess the Host Club is sleeping over.

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