《Restless Ballet (OHSHC)》Chapter Seventeen:


Asuna's POV

It's now been two years and a few months since I ever came here.

I had gotten use to dresses. Not heels though. I mean if I'm about to rule a kingdom might as well be comfortable.

But I'll be honest, I want to still be a ballerina. It helps me with my anxiety and thoughts that run through my body.

But the night of the ball, I never got to find out who that prince was.

"Asuna, Sano said you wanted to talk?" I saw my mom walk in

"Mom.. I know it's only been two year and a few months since my return. But I want to go back. I miss dad, and my brother, and all my friends. I mean I love it here. But I want to live my life before it's taken from royalty."

Haruhi's POV

Kyoya and Tamaki graduated two years ago. The twins and I graduated last year. We were all upset since we had a missing piece. But we can't do anything about it.

But with college..We ended up all going to the same one. It's interesting. Tamaki and I ended up being a thing, somehow.

Yato, ended up leaving in the middle of last year to travel with the band. I guess he thought Asuna would come back.

Everything here ended up going back to normal. We are all the same before Asuna ever came.

Though I've caught Tamaki watching videos of Asuna dancing.

Asuna's POV

"Please mom! I'll take Sano and Yuriko! Lilac said if I can go she can go to keep me in my Princess way."

"This is what you really want?" She looked at me I nod rapidly she sighs "fine."

"Yay! Thank you!!!!" I run to my room and begin packing.

I logged on my laptop, video calling Lilac.

"Hey Asu! What did your mom say!?"

"Pack you bags we are going to Japan!" We squealed.

We began talking and packing.

----time slip in Japan--

Lilac and I bought a mansion together. We unpacked everything. Our moms forcing to pack tiaras and such.

Sano had went clothes shopping for us. He never fails me with fashion.


And Sano already signed us up for a college thats a few blocks away.

Tomorrow will be the first day. I wonder where the host club nerds are..or how they've been.

"Lilac anime time!!" I yelled soon my door is kicked in and Lilac is in pjs with a lot of snacks.

So are night was pretty much binge watching SAO.

"Princess Asuna, Princess Lilac it's time for you to get ready for school." Yuriko says through the door

"Aye!" Lilac and I yell in unison we both stand up walking to our brand new clothes we got last night.

(Thats Lilac)

Lilac decided to wear black ripped skinny jeans with a pink dress shirt. And she wore casual black and white converse.

I wore something similar. White ripped skinny jeans. With a maroon of the shoulder shirt. And we twined on shoes.

We grab our bag and begin walking to school as Sano and Yuriko follow behind us.

"Alright girls have fun!!" Sano chimes taking Yuriko back to the house.

"5 bucks and a tiara that your body guard kills Sano within the time we are at school."

"Bet." We high fived walking inside the building.

"Man I'm tired." I groan leaning on Lilac "carry meee"

"Asuna!! Come on, I'm just as tired as you." I kept slouching on her as we are making laughs.

"A-Asuna?" I heard my name being called I stand up straight turning to see

"Tamaki!" I cry throwing my self into his arms.

He picks me up still hugging me. He put me down, his eyes went wide.

"You look..different. And you aren't covering your eye with your hair!"

"Tell me about it! It took forever to get her to stop having her hair in her face." Lilac says resting her arm on my shoulder

"Hello Princess, I am Tamaki Suoh, Asuna's older brother. And you may be whom?" Tamaki took her hand and placed a kiss on it

"How'd he know that I'm a princess?" Lilac whispered in my ear

"He doesn't." I reply whispering

"Oh. Well I am Lilac." Lilac smiles


"Glad I got to meet you. But Asuna I bet the others would love to see you again!"

"The others?" I question no way all of are here attending this school. Ouran University. Before I could continue talking Tamaki grabbed my hand and began running through the hallways.

"Hey you blonde give me back Asu!!" I heard Lilac yell running behind us.

Soon we were in a class, and in a corner is where they all sat talking and smiling. Tamaki looked at me. In the corner of my eye he seemed worried.

"Aye are you okay Asu?" Lilac says out of breath next to me

Haruhi's hair had grew a little taller and more feminine. Her hair is shoulder length. Hikaru and Kaoru still looking similar had grown and changed, they were muscular. Mori looked more of an adult then anyone. Honey was now taller then me for sure. His hair still the same. He looked more mature. Then seeing Kyoya...his hair grew and he became more muscular to the eye. And he wasn't wearing glasses.

"Asu, back to earth please." Lilac says snapping her fingers in my face


"It's okay calm down, lets go step outside." Lilac linked her fingers with mine and led me out of the class, we roamed the hallways that were filled with people, I felt my heart race more. I felt my body trembling. Everything begun to spin.

Suddenly I felt a calm breeze take over my body.

"Breath..in..Breath out.." I heard Lilac my vision that once went blurry went back to normal. My heart beat became normal slowly, as I took deep breaths.

"Thanks Lilac." I let out a breath of hair

"It's alright. We have free time our first period. So I'll leave things up to you, if you want to stay here or go to them."

Stay here...go to them...









"I'll go see them..you'll be there with me right?" I asked she nods still holding my hand she guides me back to the class they were in.

Once we reached the door Kyoya had pinned Tamaki on the wall. The entire class was shocked and stayed away from the two even the others.

"She is gone Tamaki! Get that through your head you idiot! Asuna is never coming back !"

I let go of Lilac's hand walking through the classmates. I put my hand on Kyoya's shoulder. I force him off my brother and I punch him in the eye.

"For your information you over grown baby! My brother wasn't lying." I growl glaring at him as he is holding his eye, sitting on a desk.

"Asu-chan!" I heard someone yell, I suppose it was Honey because he was the only one who ever called me that. I turn seeing the taller Honey with a deeper voice wrapping his arms around me.

"Hey.."I awkwardly say "great I'm the shortest.."

"Thats right! You're are kitten!" Hikaru and Kaoru say resting their arms on me "You look different."

"Bakas. She is tanner, hair not in her face. Has more of a perfect body now, her hair is a little shorter." Haruhi laughs

"Oi Shrimp." I turn to look at Kyoya

"what?" I growled I hovered over me the entire class went dead silent

"What type of shit are you on?! You left without saying goodbye to anyone! And then two laters you pop out of know where! Explain!"

"Woah woah, I know you aren't talking to my girl like that!!" Lilac came in between me and Kyoya she growled

"And who the hell are you?" Kyoya says his nose twitching

I wonder how shock people will be if I tell a little white lie.

"Lilac..she's my girlfriend." I smirked linking my hand in hers. Kyoya took a step back.

"Oh.."He says

"What?!" The others yelled

"Well we have to get to class. See everyone later." I walked out the classroom with Lilac next to me our hand still in linked

"Really?" she questions with a small giggle

"Yep!" I popped the p and we walked into our class sitting in the back together.

The rest of class we talked to each other and took notes, even though we already knew all of this information. After school, Sano and Yuriko were waiting outside. And we all walked home.

"How was school girls?" Sano asked

"Interesting." We say in unison following giggles.

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