《Restless Ballet (OHSHC)》Chapter Nine:


Asuna's POV

"You know you're a really pretty ballerina Asuna." A redhaired boy smiles his goofy grin

"Thanks you goof. When I grow up I want to be a famous ballerina." I did a small spin as the redhead laughs

"I know you can do it!" He wraps his arm around my shoulder "But Asu.."

"What?" I asked looking dead into his eyes.

"I-I'm moving to Australia..But don't forget me, I promise I'll come back." He pecked my cheek and walked off the distance between us getting larger and larger, Right there is when my whole world crumbled to pieces.


I shot up feeling my head spin.

"Wow Asuna. Be careful." I looked up seeing Ritsu, looking around realizing that we were in the nurses office.

"How long have I been out?" I questioned as he hands me a cup of water

"The entire school day. It's club hours now."

I choked on my water, "I'm late for the Host Club! Thank you Ritsuu for saving me again."

I bowed standing up, almost stumbling. But was caught by Ritsu.

"I'll walk you there." He carefully raised my arm around his shoulder and we started walking to the club room.

Once we reached we heard laughing. Ritsu opened the door walking me in.

"Kyoya is in a maids dress!!" The twins laugh taking photos

"That's because your sister made me wear this shit all day!" Kyoya yelled at Tamaki

"Hey guys sorry I'm late for the meeting." I awkwardly laugh

"Yeah where the hell were you?" Glasses growl then his gaze goes to Ritsu glaring at him

"Asuna fainted during second period passing time and I asked if she was alright and she well fainted and I brought her to the nurse, she just woke up." Ritsu explains


"Why are you still here?" The twins questioned

"Boys be nice, I was still dizzy walking so he walked me here, because he's a gentlemen. More then you two." I glared daggers at them the eeped? "Well Ritsu thank you again. I'll be fine here."

"Alright. See ya later." He slowly takes my arm off his shoulder and left

"Honey-senpai is at his nap time." Haruhi says as I nod

"Alright well I suppose Takashi can tell him the plan." I looked over at Mori as he nods "So this meeting is about a ball. A Halloween Ball. More like a dance where you can wear costumes. I've already found a place to have it and it's for all Ouran students. I've already have Sano picking up the supplies and dropping them off at the palace. The ball will be at the end of the week next week. So it gives everyone enough time to figure costumes and such."

"And how will be telling the entire school about this shorty?" Glasses asked smirking

"Last night I hacked into the school system of the entire school. I emailed the invitation to everyone, since we will be having a few transfer students arriving sometime this week. And I hooked up on my tablet the guest list, so each student has a bar code and it'll have to be scanned in order for them to enter. For the safety of the students."

"Woah Asu-chan you are really smart.Possibly smarter then Kyoya-senpai." Haruhi says and I smirk

"I know. Anyway, I have already hired security, chefs and a dj. I've also hired the best decors. So all you guys have to do is find a costume and be host.And additional information will be given to all of you later, probably sent by text or email. Now Nerd, lets go. Sano is picking us up so we can shop for clothes for you."

"Can I change out of this first?"

"Yeah, I don't know why you wore it all day." I smirked walking out as I heard him mumbling and growling.

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