《Restless Ballet (OHSHC)》Chapter Seven:


Asuna's POV

I ended up not going to sleep at all last night, I was working on club activities and school work. It's going to be a little easier now since I am ahead of the class by a week. And for the host club I found cheaper snacks, coffee coupons, then I realized Halloween is in about 2 weeks. I was thinking of having a Halloween Ball. Where you dress up in costumes and stuff.

I decided since I have an hour until school, to take a hot shower. After the shower, I dried my hair, put it in its normal ponytail, until it snaps. Problems of being a girl, I go into the small chest. Seeing I have no more hair ties.


I blow dry my hair and put my contacts in. Then walk to my closet looking through the clothes.

"Asuna, your Kyoya friend had went to school already. He is wearing the right attire." I hear Sano say

"Alright." I reply I put on a maroon mid thigh length skirt and a black long sleeve shirt, with black a little above the knee socks and my black vans. I grab my bag, and walk to the limo.

I was driven to school, walking on campus I see the host club in front of my class. Seeing the geek wearing similar clothing. Wearing black jeans with a maroon button up, and black dress shoes.

I growl at this action. How the hell did we end up matching clothing.

"Asu-chan!" Honey cheers hugging my leg. I pat his head not noticing I earned the gaze of the Host members.

"What?" I questioned I watch them look back and forth from the nerd and I.

"We didn't plan this. I'd never purposely dress to match my assistant." I scoff yawning


"Your hair is super long it almost reaches the floor." Kaoru says

"I didn't have anymore hair ties and my last on broke." I sigh

"Hear come here." Hikaru says as we walk in the class he forces me to sit, and I feel him starting to do something with my hair.

Shorty I was able to stand up. I felt my hair feeling a french braid. But my bangs were also in the masterpiece. It's not covering my eye.

"Now let me see." Hikaru stands in front of me, he just stares at me soon it was all of the Host club, even Tamaki and the nerd which is weird because they both know about my eye color.

"You weren't blind in that eye..it's just multi-color..it's really..pretty." Haruhi says as they keep staring

"Stop staring..go to class you nerds!" I roll my eyes going to my desk I sit down and stare out the window.

I heard the bell ring but that was it the entire class I might have, no I did fall asleep.

"Miss.Suoh!" I heard my name yelled in my ear, I sit up stretching. Opening my eyes seeing the teacher glaring at me, but her expression changed as soon as I was with eye contact with her.

"Yes?" I question feeling now many more stares

"Umm, t-try to stay awake." She says walking back the board. I shrug and watch for the next five minutes of class. And now lunch.

I stand up, more stares. What is there something on my face, like damn.

"Hey dweeb." I see the tall nerd talking to Haruhi.

"Oh its you. What do you want?" he says with a blank face

"Watch your tone boy. Remember your my assistant, and I pick every single piece of clothing for a uniform don't test me buttercup." I popped the p "I'll be leaving early. You get taxes and information on the guest list, and once you arrive home. I want those papers in my hand."


"Of course you royal pain."

"oh and I'll have your uniform for tomorrow to give you, and this weekend we will be going shopping." I begin to walk out the school seeing Sano already awaiting for me. Driving me to the meeting I have to attend to.


After the meeting I headed home and went through the clothes, I usually give to guest who forgot something. I put the perfect outfit inside a bag, putting it by my door. I begin to plan for the Halloween Ball, and where it should be.

Hearing a knock on my door.

"Come in." I call out writing down number prices.

"Sano said to bring you down for dinner, and hear is the papers." I look up seeing glasses walking towards me he places the papers on the table.

"Tell Sano I'm not hungry. oh and you uniform for tomorrow is in the blue bag by the door. Also tell everyone in the house to not bother me for the rest of the night."

"Since I've been hear you haven't ate breakfast..lunch..or dinner. Are you eating?"

Kyoya's POV

Sano told me to try to get her to come down and eat, because she hasn't been eating a lot, which is unhealthy.

As I stood there waiting for the answer, I see her wearing leggings and a sweater. She had her glasses on, and her hair still in a french braid.

I sigh picking her up.

"What the hell are you doing Ootori!" She yells trying to get out of my grip, I threw her over my shoulders and began to walk to the dinning room.

"You are eating dinner." I say, as I reach the table. I force her to sit. She was about to stand up but not thinking I sat on her lap. "I guess I'll be feeding you."

She pushes me off her lap.

"I can eat by myself." She scoffs rolling her eyes

"Prove it." I blankly say smirking on the inside

"Fine!" I watch her as she starts to eat. I sit in my seat and began to eat.

Sano's POV

I walked out the kitchen seeing the whole scene between Asuna and that boy. He got her to eat. He is definitely a good one.

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