《Restless Ballet (OHSHC)》Chapter Six:


Asuna's POV

I woke up to a beautiful rainy day. I'm going to tell you this I love rain when its warm, it's peaceful and relaxing.

I walked to my closet looking at my many clothes. I grabbed a pair of leggings, with a white cute v-neck t-shirt. Grabbing a cute grey pullover sweatshirt. I put on blue socks, and my steal toe tan waterproof boots. I grab my umbrella . I put my earbuds in my ears playing my Rihanna mix. She is queen!

I begin to walk out grabbing the shopping bag that was by my door. I asked Sano yesterday to go to the store to pick out a few of Kyoya's uniforms, it'll last him a few days. Until we go shopping together.

I opened my umbrella as I stepped outside, I begin to walk to school. Singing to the songs.


Once I reached the school, I see Kyoya walking to class, I run up to him pushing him and I in one of the abandoned rooms.

"Change into this Geek." I smirk he sighs grabbing the bag he walks to a different area.

"Can't believe I lost.." He mumbles as I hear him change his clothes

"Yep and since you are my assistant you'll be moving in with me, understood Ootori." I say

"That is understandable a deal is a deal." He says a few moments of silence "I look absurd."

I turn around seeing him wearing dark blue jeans, with matching steal toe boots. His shirt was a grey short sleeve shirt. He had a few buttons undone. Once I looked at his face, I realized he was now wearing contacts, because he wasn't wearing his glasses. My heart skipped a beat seeing his full appearance.

I walked up to him fixing his hair a bit, making it less tamed. I t was sexy messy, though I am not calling him sexy..

"You look good." I turn my head "Now lets get to class. You're next door to my class."

We walked out, as we were walking down the hallway we gained many stares and whispers.


"see you after class, shorty." I shoot a glare at Kyoya seeing him he leaned closer to my face, he pecked my cheek.



Kyoya's POV

When I was changing there was a note from a someone named Sano. It said wear the contacts, and have a few buttons undone. And when I drop her off at her class kiss her cheek, because it will cause her off guard.

And it couldn't been anymore true. It was funny seeing her flustered. I walk next door going into my class, gaining everyone's attention. I sit in my seat.

"I'm sorry but my friend Kyoya sits there." Tamaki says sitting next to me

"Idiot I am Kyoya. Your little sister made me wear these horrid clothing." I sigh resting my chin on my hand

"My sister has amazing taste! You look so different!" Tamaki yells with shinning eyes.

The whole class was boring. During breaks Asuna would come over and hang with her brother, and sit on my desk. It's when I realized she's actually pretty short. Once it was club hours, she would do work and I had to go on a run for Jarritos. (I love that drink I am sorry.) From distance I'd watch her type extremely fast with one hand, placing the glass bottle to her lips taking a sip of the pineapple flavored soda.

She stopped for a second looking at me, my heart skipped a beat. I quickly turn my head ignoring the fact we made eye contact.

"Hey Nerd, my butler went to your house and packed your things, and they are setting up your room now."

"Alright Shorty." I hear her growl and go back to typing. I couldn't help but smirk. She was so focused on working, the rest of the club hours she didn't bother me.

"We were really busy today." the twins say leaning back on a chair soon the rest of the members were talking


I glance over as I see Asuna asleep on the laptop. I walk over to her, trying to wake her by lightly shaking her. She made a slight grunt snuggling closer to herself. Cute. I mean she's not cute but what she did was cute. Ugh this is annoying.

I dump some water on her head after moving everything away from her, she shoots up.

"What the hell you ass!" She yells growling

"It's time to go princess." I grab my bag

I hear her packing her things, soon feeling a hard object hit my head. I turn seeing a book on the ground. I growl looking at her.

She walked right passed me rolling her eyes, even though I can only see her silver eye. I follow behind, as we walk out a silver limo was parked in front of the school with a male standing soon opening the door.

"Hello Asuna, how was school." He asked

"same o same o. I'm just tired." She says stepping in the car

"Well dinner is finished once you arrive at home."

"I'm not hungry." She says as I step in he shuts the door I watch him take a deep breath sighing


Once we arrived I ate dinner, alone. Music was all I could hear as I ate sushi. After I ate, I was escorted around the mansion I will now be staying at. I was showed my room, and down the hallway with double doors was off limits, Sano had told me that the room was Asuna's escape place. I was confused on what he meant. BUt he showed me a secret way to get in and watch.

"She's very good. I always loved watching her dance." He says in awe

"You two are close?" I asked

"Indeed we are, I raised her since her mother was always sick. She's always felt alone. Her and I are close but I never know what goes through her head. But her dance I feel a little closer to her even if I can't read the emotion she is throwing out to the world."

We sat there watching her spin, her hair spinning around her body. She did a bridge, her body flexible, she flings her legs over and doing the splits. Soon she was just laying on the ground, I watch her chest move up and down.

"We should be going now. But Asuna's room is directly across from your room."

I nod walking to my room seeing a room similar to my one at my actual home.

After a few moments of me taking out my contacts, taking a shower and changing in nightwear. I laid on my bed it was definitely more comfortable than my old one. I relaxed on my bed, hearing commotion in the hallway.

I stand up walking out, I see Asuna talking to one of the maids, she wore a black sports bra and black mid-high shorts. Her hair was damped and thrown up in a messy bun. No hair covering her eye., but black nerd frames on her face. She has glasses..

"Oh dweeb. Sorry if I woke you up." She says looking at me then back at the maid "So December month I want all maids and butlers to take a that whole month off and if you need money for presents and tickets for transportation, I need all names and where they are going so I can give you all money for safe traveling. November thanksgiving off, as well as the last week of October. You know just mark off every holiday as automatically vacation day for everyone. If anything changes I will inform all of you. Now get going home and get some rest."

"Yes ma'am." I watched the maid runoff, Asuna sighing she turns to me

"Sorry for the noise. I'll be off to bed."

"Umm yeah night shorts stuff." I ruffle her hair and go to my room before I closed the door, another book hit my head, I turned and growled at her she smirks giving a small chuckle as she walks to her room.

As I laid in bed my mind went blank until I fell asleep.

And I ended up having a dream of a short ballerina.

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