《Restless Ballet (OHSHC)》Chapter Five:


Asuna's POV

He believes me. He believes I am is little sister. For the first time in a long time I felt truly happy. I walked down the hallway, my face still serious. But I was happy. I made my way to the cafeteria. Seeing the host members and the chairman aka my father.

"Asu-chan!" The tiny blonde cheers making direct eye contact with me. My father looked towards me. His eyes went wide, quickly I was tackled in a hug by my father and my big brother.

"My precious Daughter/Baby sister!~" They say in unison rubbing their cheek on mine.

"This is weird. Can you guys let me go." I asked trying to wiggle out of their embrace

"Why doesn't want my baby sister want my love!" Tamaki yells ruffling my hair. I growl.

"Tamaki-senpai has a sister?" I started hearing whispers

I sighed "Onii..I wouldn't mind but I want to apologize to Haruhi."

I begin to walk to her sitting on the table next to her.

"Haruhi, I want to apologize for yesterday. I was rude to yell at you when you were just trying to help." I bowed my head a little

"It's alright, friends?" she asked putting her hand out I took it

"Friends. So why are dressed as a boy?" I asked which caused shock to the host club members, I felt a hand over my mouth and I am being dragged out and then BAM I'm in the flower smelling club room.

"Haruhi here has to pay a dept. and Her gender is secret to everyone out of the Host Club." one of the twins say

"Oh well, alright. Secret safe with me. I don't see why they just didn't have their first hostess if it was such a big deal.. She'd still have normal female guest, because it can get annoying with just hanging with romantic boys who have way to much time on their hands. And she could have had male costumers. It'd help with all types of budgets. Whoever is suppose to be the brains of this pointless club isn't doing a great job."


"That's be me Ms.Suoh." I looked over seeing the nerd glaring at me "Do you think you can do a better job then me?"

"Watch it nerd, you have no clue who you are talking to." I smirk I see a smirk place on his lips

"Alright if you can beat me, I'll pay half of Haruhi's dept and.." He says but I interrupt

"I want to be the manger of this club and you are my assistant. Which means you do ever thing I say." I walk up to him standing in front of him

"Alright but if I win. You have to pay half of Haruhi's dept and you're my assistant, which means I get to pick your attire. got it shorty." He puts his hand out I growl taking his hand

"Deal, if that means I can pick your attire if I win. Got it Nerd." I smirked

"Deal short stuff." he shook

"A game?" The twins question in unison

"kinda, to see who is worthy to be the host manger. And why not have each host give us a trial." I say and the tall nerd nods pushing his glasses up.


"First trial, whoever can get the most people to come to the club." honey says sitting on Mori's shoulders they were partners, the twins and then Haruhi and Tamaki,

"Alright." I smirk leaving I walk to my dads office. I walk in going straight into my dads office.

"ma'am you can't just walk in there!" his assistants says time to act

"Daddy!~" I chime running to my dad? pops? You know what I'm working on it.

"Asuna? what is it my sunflower." He asked

"Daddy, I made a bet with Onii's friend with glasses. And if I win he can be my assistant. I think his name is Kyoya Ootori. And I was hoping that you can help me with an idea."

"I'm listening." he says folding his hands


"Well I was thinking maybe an assembly. And I can dance for everyone."

"But how will that help you?" he asked

"well after performance. Students will most likely come up to me. And that's how I can win. Trust me. Just say a gift from the Host Club."

"Fine. I'll announce it. Go get ready."

I nod walking out, I go to the drama room looking through all the costuming. I pick black sweatpants, I take my shirt off exposing my lady bug print sports bra. I had black high tops on. I put on a red zip up jacket on walking to the auditorium.

"Student's of Ouran, I am the chairman. Please make your way to the auditorium at this time."

I reached there just in time grabbing my phone, I hook it up to speakers. I heard the crowd talk as the curtains close.

Shit why'd I do this. No Asuna stay calm I got this.

Kyoya's POV

I watched at all students made their way to the auditorium, I'm curious on what is going to happen. As all students began to sit down the lights dimmed, I was sitting up front next to entire host club. Shortly the chairman walks out.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen. This is a gift from the Host club. Enjoy." wait the host club?

"Kyoya do you know anything about this?" Tamaki whispers but I shake my head no.

Soon the curtains open exposing just blackness, classical music began to play. A spot light hit dead in center, exposing Asuna.

She began to dance, it was elegant, but not a lot of students here are interested in ballet. She walked up towards the end of the stage, as the music stops and the lights dimmed. Asuna looks at me and smirks, she has something up her sleeve.

Soon hip hop music began to play. She took off her jacket tossing it as a few girls squeal fighting over it, (a/n Play video, just imagine solo). She began to dance.

My eyes couldn't move away from her body. The message she was telling was she already has an easy win. That she knows that this is war. Between a Suoh and an Ootori. I was hypnotized. And I already knew she won this round. She just took the slice of cake. It was that easy.

I'm not losing to a Suoh. A Suoh who is hypnotizing as she dances. Soon it was over. And she was breathing heavily. Sweat coming from her body. She bowed. Everyone broke in cheers.

"Thank you all for the short notice assembly. It was fun to perform for you all, if you would like to ever talk to me come to the host club! Boys are included." She then walks off the stage.

--sorry lazy time skip-

The next challenge. Ended up being finding vacation places, which Kyoya won. I suck at destinations. But the last challenge was who can do the accounting faster and have it right. Which I won. I finished first and had them right.

"Well Nerd. A deal is a deal. You pay half of Haruhi's dept. And starting tomorrow you'll be my assistant, oh and I'll have your uniform for tomorrow."

"As you wish.." I glared at him "ma'am."

"Thats more like it! We'll see you all later. I'm heading home." I didn't look at them, I just put a peace sign up walking out. I see Sano waiting for me.

"How was school?" He asked opening the door.

"Very pleasant. I had fun." I have a small smile

"Woah Asuna had fun and have a smile. Are you sure your feeling alright?" He smiles putting his hand on my forehead "no fever."

"Ha ha very funny." I chuckle as he does so, closing the door making his way to the driver seat.

Once I reached home, I fell into my soft bed and fell asleep.

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