《Restless Ballet (OHSHC)》Chapter Four:



-same day-

Tamaki's POV

I went home annoyed and angry. How dare some strange girl claim to be my little sister. And say my mothets last name is hers.

"Son your home early. How was school. " I look up seeing my father on the top of tbr stairs.

I can ask him.

"Father..today was good until the end. Some new girl named Asuna, a famous ballerina claimed to be my little sister. "

Once I said that my fathers eyes were wide. And he sighed.

"Son come to my office, we need to talk." he began to walk toward his office I followed confused.

As soon as we arrived. He went to a book shelf and pulled a book. It had a T and an A in cursive on the cover. He sat down patting the seat next fo him, I sit and watch him open the book showing. A baby version of me and a girl with lighter blonde hair and one silver eyes and one purple-blue eye. A little younger then me.

"Tamaki..this is your little sister Asuna.When you two were younger. We separated you. You came with me when you were 3 to well here. And Asuna stayed with yiur mother she was 2. Her birthday is Febuary 14th."

He closed the book and gave it to me.

"If she is your sister. She'll have mitch match eyes..purple- blue mixed."

I nod going to my room. I ended up staying up all night looking at the photos over and over again.

I ended up falling asleep holding the picture book.


I woke up, happy. I can go to school and apologize to Asuna. And give her a chance to prove that she is who she claims to be, my little sister.


With the birthday and the eye color. Then ill believe her. I feel so horrible for what I said. I need to see if its her. I change into my uniform grabbing the photo book, I began going to school.

I reached school grounds. Seeing my host members, my friends waiting for me, Haruhi was really upset. I really screwed up.

"Haruhi, I am so sorry. About yesterday. You might be right, she might be my little sister."

We all walked to A-1, seeing her with her head down. Her head facing the window.

I walked to her. Once I stood in front of her, I became nervous but excited.

"Asuna, I want to apologize for yesterday, I was very disrespectful of me and I understand if you hate me. But please.. I'll be happy to have you as a sister if you get these two questions right. If not we can be friends." She looked at me with bags under her eyes and her eyes red and puffy.

"What are the questions?" She asked

"Well when's your birthday." I asked she looked at me confused.

"February 14th." She replies one correct

"Can I see your eye?" I step​ closer she flinched once I was inches from her face. I moved her bangs away from her eye. Seeing a light crystally blue that went into a purple. It's her. Though she had a scar near the corner of her eye and cheek bone.

"You are my little sister!" I hug her long soon she wrapped her arms around me cuddling her head in my stomach.

I played with her hair, until I had class.

"See you at lunch." I say leaving

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